News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 1-25-2020


Eccle519:  Just heard a good quote about another investment I'm in like the Dinar..."Patience is not the ability to wait but how you act while waiting" So true  ...Also, When Speculation turns to certainty, it's too late

KMan:  "No, No America" - Mass Protests Erupt In Baghdad Demanding U.S. Troops Withdraw "100’s of thousands protest in Baghdad, calling for all US troops to leave Iraq, close all bases & embassies, if they don’t they will be considered an occupying force."​pt-baghdad-demanding-us-troops-withdraw

Fuze:  That article is a lie... Sadr got less than 20,000....those photos are from the protest against corruption and Iranian influence.... Big time fake news!!! From sources who are on the ground in Baghdad!!! The least than 20,000 were paid $20.00 USD a piece…..The citizens know who Sadr is and represents now for certain... His influence met with miserable failure today!!! Two real story will continue through tomorrow... Joke

TidalWave:  Fuze who was paid $20?

Fuze:  The Sadr, protesters..!!! Just like the Iranian folk who were bussed from the rural areas in Iran for Solemanie funeral they got $35.00 USD!!   Of the less than 20,000 who showed up approximately 60% were militia members... When they tried to mix with the real original demonstrators in the square they were rejected and Sadr called off the demonstrations at that point.... Fake, Fake, News guys!!! We got the on the ground report around 3pm our time...

Briona:  FUZE, It doesn't surprise me that are trying to rig the news to their advantage. It makes no sense that the people want Iran out and then have a massive protest to get rid of the US.

Joe:  Sadr wanted a million man march, according to NBC new's tonight there were estimated to be less than 100,000. New's likes to sensationalize.

Roman4Freedom:  funny how certian people no matter the country use the media to brainwash the masses

Speedy:  Roman 92% of all media, print, radio, movie houses, TV, news is owned by 6 Corporations !!!  Most news comes from the Associated Press and Reuters !!!   Control what the people believe, control the people !!!

Scrappydog:  Real News is a thing of the past gone with real investigative reporters now we have opinion Hollywood news with dramatic reporter for fake news.

Rojo:  It is all coming to a head in favor of Iraq. Wonder what Iran will try next it might get ugly for a while they are in my opinion they are desparate.

RVAlready:  Sounds like the end for Iran in terms of the populist movement in Iraq.

Eccle519:  Tweet from Trump to Iraqi citizens: To those many millions of people in Iraq who want freedom and who don't want to be dominated and controlled by Iran, this is your time (awesome and prophetic!)

Tishwash:  State of Law: This week, a new Prime Minister will be appointed

Member of the State of Law coalition, Saad al-Muttalabi, confirmed that this week will see the appointment of a new prime minister.

Al-Muttalabi said that the prime minister who will be chosen will be non-controversial among all parties and will have the acceptance of most political blocs and sit-in squares, noting that the delay in resolving the prime minister's case has delayed dozens of reform files, especially launching appointments and public services and approving the budget.  link


Mobius:  BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces raided Baghdad’s main protest site at Tahrir Square on Saturday and tried to clear protesters in southern cities, firing tear gas and bullets that wounded more than 30 people, Reuters reporters and medical sources said.

The clashes took place after authorities began removing concrete barriers near Tahrir Square, where anti-government demonstrators have camped out for months, and across at least one main bridge over the Tigris River in the capital. Supporters of populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr had begun to leave protest camps overnight after he announced he would no longer be involved in the anti-government demonstrations.​-raid-protest-camps-after-sadr-supporters-withdraw-idUSKBN1ZO0AN?il=0


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    ...what have they told us with the 2020 budget?  They've told us that the large deficit within the 2020 budget is actually the reforms.  The reforms are post rate change.  The reforms are also one of the items that is most highly wanted items by the demonstrators.  The UN has recently stepped forth and told Iraq they need to hurry up and get the reforms implemented...the demonstrators are not gonna wait another 6 months...the last step we're currently waiting on is for them [GOI] to position the money for all of these post rate change items...

Bruce   ...  President Trump signed off on it... [Wednesday] evening...and gave the green light...after he got back from Davos – so we know its underway – we know the process is going...the redemption enter staff are all on a 45 min response now...once they get the call/text...they are to respond and be at their stations in the redemption centers ready to go in 45 minutes... So, that gives you some idea of just how ready everything is to could very well go...(Friday) – Saturday – Sunday - Monday - all the way up to Tuesday morning...I’m excited for all of us...

Keiser Report: The one good thing about the Fed (E1493)

Jan 25, 2020

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy watch in amazement at the epic historical bull run, as American heads into election 2020 with Trump’s stock market charging ahead like there is nothing that can stop it.

The price to sales ratio has hit an all-time high, suggesting that investors have zero concern about actual sales.

While earnings can be massaged with clever accounting, sales is what the company actually manages to sell and there is no disguising that, and every dollar of sales is now worth a whopping $2.4 in stock market cap.

They also discuss how Obamacare high deductible policies are wiping out rural hospitals across the US.

In the second half, Max continues his conversation with Chris Martenson of about the death of bug splatter, the rise of evil frog robots, and ‘the one good thing about the Fed.’


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan 25, 2020


IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 1-24-20