News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 10-26-2020


Wrider22:  My kids are going to think I've lost my mind after I told them last week "Get ready, this is it!"

Yada:  wrider22, and when it finally does get exposed and we can go to the banks, they will not believe us,,

Moneymerge:  everything looks really good?

Yada:  I still think it is moneymerge,,,,just because it didn't go YET doesnt mean the conditions for it to go changed,,they are still on a tight string ready for a release

Moneymerge:  yada, I'm afraid of the rioting, hope it doesn't disturb things

Yada:  turns out it is not rioting but demonstration,,big difference,,,they were acknowledging the deaths that took place at this last year when they did riot,,,,it would be similar to us acknowledging our 9-11 victems. Also believe the elements who would try to cause trouble have had their wings clipped do the likely hood has decreased,,,but still the GOI and the CBI know they are not out of the woods yet

Yada:  too many agreements are still on the table, too many countries who traded currency with Iraq are expecting an increase for their versions of stimulus, and our goverment will not allow them to drop the ball, especially since Iran, the main characters holding this up previously, are not coming to heel

GTCNote:  So many weeks... years of no change of rate.

Yada:  gtcnote,,yes, the rate has not changed but WE DINARANS have been sitting on the frontline and experiencing our version of "Birth of a Nation!

Yada:  The minute details we would necessary consider because of our paygrades and even a previous corrupt nation, has gotten it together,,,after the release we may never give them another thought but in the days to come when others say this never happened, we will be the witnessess that it did,,every day with 15% added to our accounts,,,LOL


Parliamentary Committee: The Anti-Corruption Council Person Has More Than 40,000 Files

26th October, 2020
The Government Program Follow-up Committee revealed the existence of 40,000 files of corruption diagnosed by the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption, while affirming its support for the government's reform orientations.

Committee member Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani said in a statement to the independent newspaper, Al-Sabah: “There are 40,000 files of corruption that were presented by the previous government that included a large amount of control measures, which are classified as clear corruption files and have been identified by the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption,” indicating that “There are two types of those involved in these files, individuals from well-known political parties, in addition to employees who are covered up by those parties for the services they provide.

Regarding the white paper, he explained that "global support is required for it, but the battle against corruption inside the country and reforms start from within the executive and legislative system, and we have the ability to diagnose cases of corruption, provided that there is a real will to overcome the financial crisis."

The White Paper is a comprehensive roadmap that aims to reform the Iraqi economy and address the serious challenges facing it, which have accumulated over the past years due to wrong policies, mismanagement, corruption and lack of planning in addition to the almost total dependence on oil as a primary source of state revenue.   LINK


Samson:  Pompeo arrives in India on his first stop on an Asian tour

26th October, 2020
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in India today, Monday, in the first leg of his five-day Asian tour aimed at strengthening strategic relations to counter Chinese influence in the region.

According to a media representative report, Pompeo was received by US Ambassador Kenneth Gaster at New Delhi airport. Pompeo is scheduled to meet his Indian counterpart, Subramaniam Jaishankar, Monday evening, before participating with US Defense Secretary Mark Esper in a summit meeting between Jaishankar and Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday.

Pompeo and Esper will also call Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, according to a draft of the visit's agenda published by the Indian Foreign Ministry. Analysts say the visit comes as part of Washington's recent efforts to support its allies in the face of the rising tide of China.

Pompeo is scheduled to travel to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, two Indian Ocean countries where China has funded and constructed numerous infrastructure projects, sparking fears from India and the United States. Pompeo concludes his Asian tour, which comes during the week before the US presidential elections, in Indonesia, which is one of several countries in Southeast Asia that have fears of increased Chinese activities in the disputed South China Sea.  LINK


Iraqi Dinar News 10/25/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 25, 2020

Iraqis Begin Demonstration & Demand Firing Speaker Halbousi

Currency365:  Oct 26, 2020

Kadhimi Orders Closure of Green Zone Protecting Puppets

Currency365:  Oct 26, 2020


The Atlantis Report, PIR and Pimpy Monday Afternoon 10-26-2020


"Coffee with MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 10-26-2020