News, Rumors and Opinions Late Fri. PM/ Early Sat. AM


Tishwash:  An international report: The Iraqi economy experienced its worst downturn since 2003

A report by the Institute of International Finance revealed that last year Iraq went through the worst rate of contraction since 2003, reaching 11.2 percent, as the country dealt with two double shocks represented by the drop in oil prices and the spread of the Corona virus, but despite this, the output is expected to grow Oil GDP is 1.6% this year, and non-oil GDP is 3.1%.

The British newspaper, The National, quoted the Institute’s chief economist, Garbis Iradian, as saying in the report, which was translated by Al-Maaloumah Agency, that “the factors of low prices and the spread of the epidemic, along with the continuing political instability in the country, have led to the swelling of the Iraqi budget deficit to 15.6 percent of GDP. Total in 2020, and a sharp decline in its official reserves.

He added, "However, there is a slight recovery in oil prices, and the recent devaluation of the Iraqi dinar may put the country's finances on a more sustainable basis."

According to the Institute of Finance report, “There is an expectation that the deficit will shrink from 16 percent of GDP in 2020 to 8 percent in 2021 if the average oil price is 47 dollars a barrel and less than 1 percent if the average oil price is 57 dollars a barrel in a year. 2021 ″.

It is clear that “one of the indications of an improvement in the economy is an increase in the proportion of spending to 10 percent in 2021, driven by the recovery of capital spending, which decreased by half in the year 2020, indicating that“ more public investment is needed to reform the infrastructure destroyed by the war and strengthen The provision of basic public services, including the electricity sector.

The report stated that “current spending needs to be reoriented towards target sectors such as health, and to a lesser extent on wages and pensions, which represent 65% of total spending,” indicating that “in the context of long-running low oil prices, if spending remains on wages and pensions. "The fiscal deficit will remain large and the government will not be able to allocate additional resources necessary for spending on infrastructure and health.

The report stated that “rampant corruption, a weak regulatory framework, and a poor business environment still impede private sector development, job creation, and increased foreign direct investment flows, while the unfavorable classification of Iraq came to an equal extent in the Doing Business report issued by the World Bank. Iraq solution Ranked 171 out of 190 countries, it is also a problem and reflects "great difficulties for companies to obtain credit, access to electricity and trade, and to protect their rights in court."   link


Fleming Friday Night RV Update:

Our military intel contact said his info fits Isaac’s bankers’ timing for liquidity shotgun (& T4B) start next Mon-Tues 25-26 Jan;

He also said the 2 Baghdad suicide bombers who killed 32 Iraqis yesterday Thu 1/21 ( was Deep State Iranian/ISIS retaliation for the RV being pushed out now in Iraq & globally, said he’s praying mercy on those killed by the Deep State satanist psychopaths and families left behind . . ..

He also said there’s lots of activity today moving things forward toward too bond seller recipient accounts being made liquid over the weekend, DoD orders went out at 12:20 pm & 1:20 pm EST today Fri 22 Jan; he said those orders also are moving things forward toward arresting the swamp in DC too (he could not give more details for security);

He said hang in there, pray, and enjoy the show coming over the next several days as T4B exchanges start any time over next 5 days.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  Article:  "At the end of this year, debt ratios will be more than 100 trillion"   Quote:  "And recently, the government called on citizens to deposit their own money, which is estimated at 62 trillion dinars, in government banks, but this matter is the most expedient for observers to respond to,"  So they are apparently suggesting they need to expedite the deposits of chunky money into government banks...Telling them they need it in the banks expeditiously...  They are in the process of gathering the large notes off the street. The more they get the better it may be for supporting the new rate with less categories to issue.. Smaller note count, means to me more value. It is important to support the value going into the new issue... imo


RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 23 Jan. 2021

Compiled Sat. 23 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The RV/GCR release was happening. At 5:30 pm EST Thurs. 21 Jan a go was given to move forward with the bond seller account funds so as to be accessed Sat and Sun 23-24 Jan. Those bonds would provide part of the liquidity down-streamed to Tier 1-4A and Tier 4B by Mon.-Tues. 25-26 Jan. Tier 4B would likely start anytime from now through Tues. 26 Jan. Sometime over the next five days 1.4 million notification emails for Tier 4B would go out from Wells Fargo servers. The general public Tier 5 was scheduled to start exchanging after the RV became public on Wed. 27 Jan. – the date of the Global Currency Reset.

The D*eep State was trying hard to stop the RV/GCR transition to the QFS gold-backed system, as they have done historically. Attempts to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard was why the D*eep State murdered JFK in 1963, why Reagan was shot and almost murdered 31 March 1981 (there were several other assassination attempts against Reagan), and why the D*eep State on 9/11 killed 3,000+ innocent Americans in the Twin Towers NYC in the planes that crashed, and via the missile that struck the Pentagon on 9/11 as so executed by Pres. Bush Jr, VP Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Trump has led the way to reset the US Dollar to a gold standard and in the process has survived 13+ assassination attempts over the past four years.


Here is a schedule of events the New Republic has, from Charlie Ward: First and foremost; under the Insurrection Act there is no legal President.

In the next few weeks, we will witness the New Republic take center stage, and all corruption will really start to be revealed. This Republic is for the people and by the people! The sole purpose of a great government is to make all the citizens wealthy.

All people desire bliss and harmony. Hard to believe, just wait. Wealth is defined in many ways, like Med-Beds to make an older person healthy and young, that clearly is worth more than money. But we together will build a new “Star Trek” civilization where there will be more jobs than people, people will get paid more, no hunger worldwide, and no one without shelter.

We the people will not be held back anymore. The cat is out of the bag, as we say in slang! We should not have to worry ever about basic needs of medical care, food or shelter. Know that there will be no more wars, or no poverty too.

All good people will be the happiest ever once this corruption is revealed, fake MSM taken down, and everyone being treated fairly; worldwide. Humanity can do this; we have the Creator’s giving capacity and love in our souls. Just give us a decent truthful environment, no corruption, no restrictions in technology, and watch humanity soar to unbelievable heights!

Let's get on with the arrests and the new Golden Age of Gaia!

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Read full post here:


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 1-23-2021


More Iraqi News Late Friday PM 1-22-21