News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 11-27-2020


Tishwash: Iraq is preparing a plan to join the World Trade Organization in early 2021

 Mubasher: The Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced today, Friday, the preparation of a plan to join the World Trade Organization, stressing that the accession will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities.

 The ministry told the Iraqi News Agency, "INA", today, that it has prepared a plan to join the World Trade Organization, represented by the restructuring of the national committee concerned with accession, as well as the sub-committees emanating from it, to complete the accession files, as well as to expedite the legislation of laws, and prepare draft laws related to the organization's agreements. .

She explained that the draft laws such as the National Product Protection Law, the Consumer Protection Law, the Competition and Monopoly Prevention Law, and the Customs Tariff Law.

She added, that joining the organization has positive repercussions in the long run, as Iraq may not directly reap its fruits, but there will be a strong, integrated Iraqi economy capable of competing with the economies of the member states of the organization in general, and the economies of neighboring countries in particular.

And she added, that accession will allow Iraq to enter into fair competition for goods and services with other member states.

She emphasized that this measure will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities for the unemployed, and thus there will be a noticeable increase in per capita income and total output.

She indicated that the Ministry is coordinating with all ministries and private sector entities to complete the files of accession, represented by the completion of the legislative implementation plan, which includes Iraqi laws and draft laws that affect directly and indirectly in economic activities, and a preliminary draft of this plan has been completed. . link

Courtesy Of Dinar Guru

Frank26   I'm happy.  I'm excited...I know I know we've been patient for years but when you see the shore line what's the sense of jumping out of the boat and swimming?  Why didn't you jump out of the boat when we were in the middle of the ocean and swim to shore?  Be patient.  We can see the shoreline.  We're about to dock...Iraq is about to enter the international world...

Delta   We don't have much left to find out...but all indications show Iraq is ready to go to the open market economy and go international, accept Article VIII...IOO all that does require a new rate, does require a recognizable tradable currency...very positive news.  Very positive information ...within 40 days we are going to see...more and more.  You haven't seen nothing yet!  We're going to have more and more information especially from the CBI and the progress of the international countries helping Iraq...

Pimpy   Article:  "Al-Darraji Demands The Central Bank to Adopt A real Rate of the Iraqi Dinar"  ...more dinar rate talk...this has been the cry of the Iraqi government for a while.  They want their rate restored at the $3.22 level...I understand what they're saying.  They do need a new rate.  IMO the rate change should be a pretty beefy one...we definitely need to keep an eye on it...


Fleming Friday Update

Fleming: Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources saying that as of today Thu 26 Nov:

(1) DoD security teams yesterday Wed 25 Nov were validating and verifying 1400 subpaymaster accounts as final payouts into those accounts were starting yesterday Wed 25 Nov to get them ready for the shotgun start when T4B exchanges start;

(2) bond payouts were released by DoD as of yesterday Wed 25 Nov, and bond payouts are in process as payouts are being completed into the final 1400 T3-4A sub-paymaster accounts globally, these payouts started yesterday Wed 25 Nov and are going on now to get ready for the shotgun start when paymasters will be "downstreaming" payouts to beneficiary (end-recipient) accounts in T3-4A at the same time that we in T4B (the T4 individuals) receive 800# notification emails and start our exchanges, now estimated to start either Sat 28 Nov or Mon-Tue 30 Nov - 1 Dec depending on security team progress with new security protocols to prevent Deep State interference and liquidity stealing;

(3) everyone behind the scenes is excited because the final 1400 paymaster account payouts are being completed right now to the last of these sub-paymaster accounts--everyone KNOWS this is EVIDENCE WE ARE AT THE END of the waiting AND WE ARE CERTAINLY >>NOT<< WAITING TILL MARCH-APRIL 2021 as some are falsely claiming;

 (4) There were some Deep State connected paymasters whose account payouts were halted yesterday Wed 25 Nov, when it was found out that the payout funds would be moved into Deep State front corporate accounts the moment the shotgun start happened, so these swamp rats were among the 17+ arrests that happened over the last 48 hours;(edited)

Gen. Michael T. Flynn was pardoned by POTUS last night Wed 25 Nov in order for Flynn to oversee the execution of high level arrests (Qanon said long ago Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried, i.e. has evidence on all Deep State crimes & criminals), Flynn will oversee multi-national military operations in the USA and overseas with Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick, and SOF Spec Op forces under their direction in this country and in coordination with the Alliance military leaders overseas to take down the higher level key Deep State criminals globally that still remain to be arrested and removed from power;

We the People WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS DEEP STATE GLOBALIST FRAUD, CORRUPTION, and INSANITY ANY MORE!!! It will be a very bad day for those who foisted the CCP China virus scamdemic and the related mail-in ballot election fraud on this nation in order to stop the MONEY, the POWER, and the CONTROL from going back to WE THE PEOPLE through the RV and NESARA / GESARA!

Al Darraji "Iraq CBI Must Adopt Real Rate of Dinar"

Currency365:  Nov 27, 2020

Kurds Announce Final Call For Erbil Agreement

Currency365:  Nov 27, 2020


Another Hallmark Of The Soviet Union: Separate Rules For The Peasants


KTFA Members "News and Views" Friday 11-27-2020