News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 1-17-2020


Doc.K:  To promote international use of the yuan, China has signed currency swap agreements with more than 20 countries around the world, including SA.

A currency swap involves the exchange of money in one currency for the same in another currency, and companies doing business abroad often use it to get more favorable loan rates.


Samson:  Mr. Al-Sistani leaves the hospital after the approval of the medical team

14:35 - 01/17/2020

The supreme religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Imam Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, today, Friday, left the Kafeel Specialist Hospital in the holy Karbala governorate.

A medical source said in a statement to "Information", that "the supreme authority left the hospital after the approval of the medical team after being satisfied with his health and stability."

An official source in the office of the supreme authority announced yesterday morning, "Last night, Al-Sistani suffered a sprain in the left leg that led to a fractured thigh bone."

And surgery was performed for the supreme authority yesterday in Al-Kafil Hospital in Karbala after he was transferred from his home in Najaf.    LINK


Tishwash:  Advisor to Abdul-Mahdi: The China Agreement is the most important in the history of Iraq

The advisor to the Prime Minister for Economic Energy Affairs, Abdul Hussein Al-Hanin, Friday (January 17, 2020), considered that the Iraqi-Chinese agreement is the most important in the history .of Iraq, indicating that the recent events directly affected its implementation The official Iraqi News Agency "conscious" quoted Al-Hanin as saying that "Iraq required Chinese companies to implement projects with global American and European technology," noting that "the government will not accept second-class projects, but rather first-class projects and serve the ".community

He added, "There are 40 major Chinese companies ready with all capabilities, financially and technically guaranteed at the practical level, capable of carrying out major works in the field of roads, ".bridges and city building

Al-Hanin said, "Some people describe the agreement as pledging Iraqi oil, and this is not correct, because it is a guarantee for selling oil for a long time and is a major achievement," noting that "this agreement includes the implementation of projects on the principle of oil for construction and ." reconstruction

Al Hanin pointed out that "Iraq will pay 100 thousand barrels per day, equivalent to the price of the oil market, 6 million dollars per day, and by 180 million dollars per month," noting that "the " .agreement rate of oil is 10% of Iraqi oil exports to China, which reaches Million barrels per day And he added that "the recent events directly affected the implementation of the agreement," noting that "it was hoped that the China-Iraq Forum would take place in Baghdad on 11-17 of last year for a period of four days, but it was postponed and replaced by small workshops that will take place these days and in coordination with the Chamber Chinese trade, Chinese embassy, prime minister's office " .and other ministries

Al-Hanin went on to say that "the ministers had issued a book a few days ago requesting ministries and governorates, including the Kurdistan region, to update their previous data to prepare for the completion of projects related to infrastructure in all sectors", usually "the agreement with China that ".it is one of the most important agreements that occurred in the history of Iraq

The Adviser to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, the appearance of Mohamed Saleh, revealed Tuesday (January 15, 2020), new details on the most prominent offer of the agreement between Iraq . and China, indicating that the agreement will focus on the implementation of infrastructure projects

Saleh said in a press statement, "The agreement includes the exchange of oil revenues for the implementation of projects in Iraq," noting that "the Iraqi government opened a credit account in one of the sober Chinese banks to deposit oil revenues of 100,000 barrels per day within the Chinese

He added that "this account is spent on companies that implement projects," noting that "the agreement will focus on infrastructure projects such as schools, hospitals, roads, electricity and sanitation, to be determined through the Ministry of Planning and in coordination with the Council of ".Ministers

Saleh added that "the agreement will provide many job opportunities for the unemployed and give an opportunity to the Iraqi private sector companies, as well as relying on Iraqi products to implement projects such as cement, bricks, sand and others," noting that "this will create significant economic ".development in the country

And that "the age of the agreement reaches 20 years, stressing that this agreement will revive the ".infrastructure of Iraq, which has been destroyed for four decades   link


Ify:  Article: Zimbabwe Signs Currency Swap Deal With China --​2.html


Tishwash:  The US Treasury grants 90 days to end Iranian deals imposed on it with new sanctions

The US Treasury announced today, Thursday, a 90-day grace period to end deals in some sectors of the Iranian economy that were imposed new US sanctions last week.

 According to the Treasury website, the period ending on April 9 will allow deals to be closed in the construction, mining, manufacturing and textile sectors of Iran's economy that may fall under the sanctions , although new business will remain prohibited.

 And the United States imposed more sanctions on Iran on Friday, in retaliation for its missile attack on US forces in Iraq last week, and vowed to tighten economic restrictions if Tehran continues to carry out "terrorist" acts or seeks a nuclear bomb.

Sanctions target the manufacturing, mining and textile sectors, as well as senior Iranian officials , who Washington said were involved in the January 8 attack on military bases where US forces are present.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    ...Parliament is going to be implementing about a month and a half long recess so they'll probably resume somewhere around early March...IMO I feel that what that is telling us is that they are not or can not even start the approval process of the budget until after the rate has changed...everything within Iraq right now is waiting on the rate change.  The budget is waiting on the rate change now.  All of the demonstrators demands are waiting on the rate change.  Everything they did through the entire freaking year of '19 is waiting on the rate change.  Guys it does not get any better than that.  We're looking good...


Donald Trump Implying Iraqi Dinar RV During Fox Interview (1/11/20)

VitalBrad:  Jan 11, 2020

During an interview with Laura Ingraham, she asks him about getting paid back for all the cost incurred by the war in Iraq and Donald Trump talks about how we currently hold $35 Billion dollars worth of Iraqi Dinar and the interview ends right after that.



Markz and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 1-17-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 17, 2020