News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 3-26-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 26 March 2021

Compiled Fri. 26 March 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: A World Court lawsuit handled by the Chinese Elders recently announced their verdict. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would be notified and start exchanges at the same time as the large bond holders and before the end of March, with payouts no later than April 1.

Word was that the Shotgun Start would activate at midnight Fri. night 26 March.

We could get appointments on Sat. 27 March and be in full swing before the end of March on Wed. 31 March.

Redemption Center personnel would begin working Fri. 26 March, Sat. 27 March at 7:30 am.

NESARA/GESARA would start together at the first of April.

Thurs. April 1 was also the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note. On that date the General Public Tier 5 could begin exchanging gold/ asset-backed foreign currency at the new international rates.

Our Military Intel Contact said that a Red Alert about a US financial collapse would usher in the GCR. For some time the Stock Market has been falsely held up and sunk in deep red for the last seven days. In addition to the Stock Market and Suez Canal crises in international trade Cabal political elites have insured an insane level of fiat currency printing, a year-long global economic lockdown and passage of trillion dollar Stimulus Spending Bill to create the Perfect Storm for that financial collapse.

The Interim Military Govt. would initiate that Red Alert through their Project Odin National Alert System that would take down the Mossad Satanic satellites and activate the new Starlink communication system, thereby taking over all media outlets globally. Sixty Starlink satellites were launched last week and sixty more on Wed. 24 March:

Ten Days of Darkness was expected around that time – end of March – first part of April - when a government shutdown was believed to be scheduled. Be prepared with extra essentials such as food, water and emergency supplies.


Wed. 24 March 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

The phone system that we call in on will be different for Zim holders.

Six regional call centers

If you do not have Zim your appointment would be done mechanically as you go through the Secure Website.

If you are a Zim holder you will get connected to a live human being at the redemption center of the zip code where you want to do your appointment.

1.4 million will receive notification by email and go through the secure link website.

Iraq has reinstated their Dinar on par at a 1:1 with the US dollar. It may go up a little higher. They will come out with their rate on Sat. 27 at (4am EDT).

There was a lawsuit at the World Court years ago and handled through the Chinese Elders. The verdict came down so that Tier 4B would be notified and start exchanges at the same time as the large bond holders and before the end of March. Payouts would start no later than April 1.

Redemption Center personnel will begin Fri. 26 March and Sat. 27 March at 7:30 am.

NESARA/GESARA would start together at the first of April.

The St. Germaine Trust would be open and pay out at Easter to give debt forgiveness.

Home foreclosures would be paid out on the interest you paid on the house.

Shotgun Start would activate at midnight Fri. night 26 March.

We could get appointments on Sat. 27 March and begin before the end of March on Wed. 31 March.

Read Full Post Here:


Operation Disclosure Intelligence Alert (Full Report) for March 24, 2021


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

[Full Report]:

Two events are required to begin the implementation of GESARA.

An event that will render the current global financial system obsolete to force the implementation of the Quantum Financial System.

Quantum Financial System (QFS) described:

An event that will activate the US Military to begin the mass arrests of corrupt officials (the rest of the world will follow).

Once both of these events occur, the implementation of GESARA may begin.

However, these events cannot take place until the "Great Awakening" is complete.

The goal is to awaken the global population of the massive corruption and conglomerates of criminal syndicates composed of the global elite which has been called many nicknames in the past.

The most recent popular nicknames being the "Cabal" or "Deep State".

The more people awaken, the more progress is made toward the implementation of GESARA.

Meanwhile, the Earth Alliance is working behind the scenes to clear out what we don't see on the surface.

Once enough people awaken, the Earth Alliance will begin clearing operations on the surface.

This is 1776 worldwide.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   I just learned this this afternoon...You know forever that we’ve been talking about both emails and toll free numbers - right?  Well the emails are coming out from a secure website a secure link website – and the theory is and this is how it should happen - that you can respond back and set up your appointment through a return email that you get that you are able to create through the SecureLink you can respond back or go to the SecureLink website which ever it is...and essentially create the time based on the perimeters that they give you for available times etc etc  - ok – some of this stuff is new and I don’t really know exactly how it’s going to work but it will be something that we can do...In addition...I should get the 800 numbers and be able to put those have them available...


(3/26) Iraq Morning News

Mar 26, 2021





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