News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 12-31-2021

RV Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 31 Dec. 2021

Compiled Fri. 31 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On the Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset side, that Constitutional Republic was about to be Restored, along with a GCR by Sat. 1 Jan. 2022, with Tier 4B notification (for us, the Internet Group) by Mon. 3 Jan. 2022.

Thurs. 30 Dec. The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Bond Holders can see funds in their accounts, though the funds were not available to them yet – they have been given dates that they will have access to funds.

In Reno and Miami Paymasters have been coming in at 8 flights an hour in Reno and 10 flights an hour in Miami.

The Bond activity has been ramping up.

The Constitutional Republic starts on Jan. 1 2022, while the US Inc. ends Dec. 31 2021.

We will have the new Starlight System EBS, NESARA/GESARA and USN on Jan. 1 2022.

We may not have Ten Days of Darkness.

When the EBS takes over it will affect Mainstream Media.

Tier 4B notification (us, the Internet Group) could come Fri. 31 Dec. 2021, Sat. 1 Jan. 2022 and/or Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 as Redemption Center Staff have been told.

Tier 4B would likely not start our exchanges until Mon. 3 Jan. or Tues. 4 Jan.

Thurs. 30 Dec. MarkZ: It looks like they are moving forward….the news this afternoon is the “mad scramble” to release another round of historic German bonds. It looks like they are going to go ahead and process all the historic bonds. People thought they had until Monday of next week…and now they are scrambling to get back into place.

They are being told that “funding is imminent” and they need to get back into place now. I do not know yet what it means to those of us on the currency side….but if they are moving that much money it could be at any moment. I have not gotten any tentative, speculation on timing yet…even from redemption folks…but they are still being told they will be working this weekend.

So buckle up…..hopefully we will know more by tomorrow now that I have more contacts that are scrambling to get back into place. I have had so many messages from people back and forth as they are rushing to get back into place News should really start flowing overnight and tomorrow. There are many confirmations that they are releasing all the funds on the historic bonds. This is fun….This is getting exciting again. I had really thought we were on “snooze” until next week…but looks like things are at “go” now.

It’s another tough day for air travel, with more than 1,100 U.S. cancellations. JetBlue and Alaska Airlines are among the hardest hit as weather and the latest Coronavirus wave continue to snarl operations.

Yesterday, flight tracking service FlightAware noted 2,874 cancelled flights globally ( Of those, 1,084 were within, into, or out of the United States. Today, those numbers have improved a bit on the global side (only 2,626 cancellations so far) but have gotten even worse domestically:

US airline cancellations piling up as over 1,000 flights canned on day before New Year’s Eve. Thousands of cancellations have been made by multiple airlines in the United States as Coronavirus cases take their toll on the industry and heavy snow hits the West. (Bloomberg). JetBlue canned 17% of its December 30 schedule, Allegiant scratched 18% of its service and United binned 8% of its flights, according to data from FlightAware-com.

Read full post here:


Courtesy pf Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY:  Kazemi talk on TV news...Iraq needed three major events to happen to ensure the success of the white papers and one of them was complete - The withdrawal of all American and all foreign troops from Iraqi soil.  Second...having Iraq free officially from Chapter VII...Last, we have to sit our government and that is about to be done...all we need is the official release of chapter VII then the reforms will soar...  FRANK:  ...Your parliament is going to be seated along with the rest of the cabinet members sometime between the 9th and the 15th.  It is at that time IMO that the government of Iraq will be presented the 2022 budget... with the white papers, with a rate of value.


Note From Dinar Recaps:

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We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.

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SILVER ALERT! BofA to Lose $800M for Every $1/oz Silver Rises!! (Bix Weir)

Dec 31, 2021

The data doesn't of September 30th Bank of America has officially LEASED over 800 Million ounces of Silver from JP Morgan and THAT is their justification for SHORTING massive amounts of silver on the COMEX to hold the price down.

 Now BofA has a problem. For every $1 silver rises it will cost them $800M in book losses on their silver position...hmmmm. What could go wrong here?!


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-30-21


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 12-31-21