News, Rumors and Humor Saturday Night 5-16-2020


DELTA:   Two billion dinars from the United Nations to serve Al-Baghdadi in Anbar……UN GIVING IRAQ...... 2B DINARS ...NOT $$$......CAN WE SAY ARTICLE 8......

Saddlebred:  2 Billion Dinars @ 1190 program rate is only $1,680,672 (dollars).   Not gonna help much overall.Now 2 Billion Dinars @ 1:1     now that will make a difference.   It also says "giving" not loaning  --  why would you give that much at a program rate just before it RI's Things that make you go  hummm.

Tommy17:  I’ve never seen a loan to Iraq in dinars     2 billion in dinars is not a lot ‘unless it has the new rate calculated in it.

Don961:  Iraq imposes full curfew for eight days starting May 22 over COVID-19 Fears

Sunday، 17 May 2020 12:21 AM

On Saturday, the Iraqi authorities announced a total curfew that will imposed for eight days, starting Friday May 22 till Sunday May 30, including the Islamic Eid Al-Fitr holiday.

They added that the curfew comes as part of the stat's plan to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Iraq on Saturday reported 67 new coronavirus cases.

“The total number of confirmed cases in Iraq reached 3260 after recording 67 new infections in Baghdad, Basrah, Kirkuk, and Dhi Qar Governorates,” the ministry said in a statement.

“Baghdad has recorded four new deaths, bringing the death toll across the country to 121,” it explained.

“37  new cases have recovered so far, raising the total number of recovered cases to 2126,” the ministry concluded.

Several world countries have tightened restrictions on movement and travel, with the aim of curbing the spread of the Coronavirus, and some have pledged billions of dollars in economic stimulus programs to reduce the economic repercussions of the crisis.

It is worth mentioning that, more cases of the virus, which causes respiratory disease COVID-19, continue to emerge, with outbreaks in South Korea, Italy, and Iran.

People across the globe partake in self-isolation for 14 days as an effective precautionary measure to protect those around them and themselves from contracting COVID-19.

Transmission of virus between humans happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person’s secretions, such as droplets in a cough.

It can also be transmitted by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   what Kuwait and China syndrome means is that shortly before both Kuwait and China came out changing their rates...they publicly released information saying they have no intentions of changing our rate.  A few days later they actually changed the rate...Yesterday they [Iraq] put out an article saying yeah we're actually going to reduce our exchange rate and print and release new currency while reducing the exchange rate.  That has BS written all over it...they're trying to mislead you...last year they said they want to release coins and increase our exchange rate.  They are doing what they can to confuse and mislead you...

Footforward   [what odds would you give that the dong goes before the dinar? (percentage wise)]  50/50...China will be a big factor in that...But that's all my opinion...It's my opinion that could happen either way. But it seems that something has shifted with Vietnam...

Andy Schectman: The Fed Is Forcing Customers Into Gold

Arcadia Economics:   May 16, 2020

This week #FederalReserve chairman #JeromePowell said that he's concerned about the #economic outlook, and that he’s considering aggressive action. Which is stunning, because the Fed already announced unlimited #quantitativeeasing.

 And when that's the case, how do you step it up from there? As a result, investors are piling into physical gold and #silver. And given that the #Fed has offered no indication of slowing down anytime soon, or ever, the conditions are certainly in place to see the #preciousmetals rally continue. Fortunately Andy Schechtman of #MilesFranklin joined me on the show to explain what he's seeing with his customer order flow.

So to find out what's actually going on in the physical silver and gold markets, click to watch the interview now!

Humor while we wait

Sabickford:  Be the reason someone smiles today! Or the reason they drink. Whatever works

2020 in one sentence: A roll of Toilet paper is worth more than a barrel of Oil!

The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay Safe - Eat cake.

My Parents Spanked me as a Child. As a result I now suffer a psychological condition known as "Respect For Others".

Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution

Karma is like a rubber band. You can only stretch it so far before it comes back and SMACKS you in the face.

You're not drunk until you have to grab onto the grass to keep from falling off the earth.

"Stop eating out and cook at home, and you'll lose weight." Quarantine has determined that was a lie.

How many boxes of these Thin Mints do I have to eat before I start seeing results?

Nothing Says 'I HATE YOU" like giving someone's Kid a Drum Set

A State trooper was asked on a Exam "What would you do if you had to arrest your mother?" In the Blank he put "Call for Backup!!!"

I sometimes put a sticky note on someone's car saying "Sorry for the Damage" . It's kind of funny watching them look for the damage.

Wanna Freak out your neighbors? Name your WIFI "FBI Surveillance Van #7"

When people cut you down or talk behind your back remember, they took time out of their pathetic lives to think about you.

Note to my Brethren with pregnant women in their life: do not, Repeat , do NOT refer to their speed walk as a "Turbo Waddle". I am not a smart man

I’m not so sure about an inner child, but I have an inner idiot that surfaces from now and then.


Warren Buffett On How To Financially Survive COVID-19


X22 Report Spotlight, C365, and Pimpy Iraq News Saturday PM 5-16-2020