New Quantum(dot)gov Website

New Quantum(dot)gov Website

by Kat - 10.8.20

Lookee lookee here. A new website just popped up:
The Federal Source and Gateway to Quantum R&D Across the U.S. Government

Oh, here's an interesting October 7, 2020 article:
Quantum Frontiers
Report on Community Input to the Nation's Strategy for Quantum Information Science
Product of The White House National Quantum Coordination Office  October 2020

Under the Trump Administration, the United States has made American leadership in quantum information science (QIS) a critical priority for ensuring our Nation’s long-term economic prosperity and national security. Harnessing the novel properties of quantum physics has the potential to yield transformative new technologies, such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum networks.

The United States has taken significant action to strengthen Federal investments in QIS research and development (R&D) and prepare a quantum-ready workforce. In 2018, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released the National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science, the U.S. national strategy for leadership in QIS.

Following the strategy, President Trump signed the bipartisan National Quantum Initiative Act into law, which bolstered R&D spending and established the National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) to increase the coordination of quantum policy and investments across the Federal Government.

Building upon these efforts, the Quantum Frontiers Report on Community Input to the Nation’s Strategy for Quantum Information Science outlines eight frontiers that contain core problems with fundamental questions confronting QIS today:

  • Expanding Opportunities for Quantum Technologies to Benefit Society

  • Building the Discipline of Quantum Engineering

  • Targeting Materials Science for Quantum Technologies

  • Exploring Quantum Mechanics through Quantum Simulations

  • Harnessing Quantum Information Technology for Precision Measurements

  • Generating and Distributing Quantum Entanglement for New Applications

  • Characterizing and Mitigating Quantum Errors

  • Understanding the Universe through Quantum Information

These frontier areas, identified by the QIS research community, are priorities for the government, private sector, and academia to explore in order to drive breakthrough R&D.

As background for this report, Federal agencies on the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on QIS have engaged with the QIS research community through public requests for information (RFI) [1] and through a series of QIS workshops, roundtables, and technical studies led by experts and stakeholders in the QIS R&D community.

The NQCO analyzed the RFI responses and workshop readouts and found several recurring themes. This report summarizes and organizes the community input in order to focus the Nation’s QIS research, academic, private sector, and Federal Government leaders on frontiers where key questions must be answered to enable the full potential of QIS.

The Trump Administration remains committed to maintaining and strengthening America’s QIS leadership and unleashing the promise of this emerging field to improve the prosperity, security, and well-being of the American people.


1. Expanding Opportunities for Quantum Technologies to Benefit Society

1. Elucidating Fundamental Capabilities of Quantum Technologies
2. Engaging QIS Researchers with Domain Specialists and End-Users

2. Building the Discipline of Quantum Engineering

1. Integrating Quantum Hardware, Software, and Support Technology
2. Exploring System-level Architectures, Abstractions, and Testing
3. Enabling Modular Systems

3. Targeting Materials Science for Quantum Technologies

1. Using Materials Science to Improve Device Performance
2. Pursuing New Approaches to Materials Design, Fabrication, and Characterization

4. Exploring Quantum Mechanics through Quantum Simulations

1. Developing Quantum Simulation Applications
2. Implementing Algorithms on Available Devices and Exploring Their Performance

5. Harnessing Quantum Information Technology for Precision Measurements

1. Deploying Quantum Technology for Improved Accuracy and Precision
2. Creating New Modalities and Applications for Quantum Sensing In Situ and In Vivo
3. Using Entanglement and Quantum Computers to Improve Measurements

6. Generating and Distributing Quantum Entanglement for New Applications

1. Developing Foundational Components for Quantum Networks
2. Enabling Quantum State Transduction
3. Integrating Quantum Networking Systems
4. Exploring Quantum Networking Algorithms, Applications, Protocols, and Approaches

7. Characterizing and Mitigating Quantum Errors

1. Characterizing and Controlling Multi-qubit Systems
2. Approaching the Fault-tolerant Domain
3. Using Current Devices to Expand the Limits of Performance for Qubit Performance

8. Understanding the Universe through Quantum Information

1. Exploring Mathematical Foundations of Computation and Information
2. Expanding the Limits of Physical Theory
3. Testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics..........

How thrilling / exciting / super fantastic is this?!?!?
POTUS, Q and the mighty Alliance are on it. We have NOTHING to worry about.
They have a Plan and it's genius—They've dismantled the most ungodly horrific greedy bloo_dth_irsty depr_aved ev_il vomitus corrupt bla_ckest of the deepest darkest swamp-empire that has ever existed in all Creation and that will never ever ever exist again.

So far the mighty Alliance have been Quantum brilliant Tesla-Towering Multi-Dimensional Chess Mastering and Precise Military Victorious and I trust their Plan.


It's ALL coming in the perfect/Divine time. No mistakes this time. No tragedies. No chance of the loss of a beloved POTUS. No more 9-11's. This time it's done and dusted.

The RV, GCR, QFS, QVS, NESARA, GESARA, Health, Happiness, Abundance, Joy, Celebration, Freedom, Immortality, Creativity, Innovation, Miracles, Marvels, thrilling Technology, Instant Healing Modalities, Free Energy, Hover cars, Space and Time Travel, 5D+ for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity, Galaxy, Multi-verse, All. The Divine restoration of all that was stolen and withheld and far more than that.
And... World Peace... Home by Christmas... thank you, POTUS.


With blessings unceasing - We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,  xo, Kat


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