More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Night 8-19-2020


Don961:  Al-Kazemi meets Trump this evening

Thursday 20 August 2020

Baghdad / Al-Sabah / Muhannad Abdul-Wahhab

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will meet US President Donald Trump at the White House Thursday evening, while a busy schedule awaits him, including meetings with economic and industrial figures, as well as holding a new round of strategic dialogue.

The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, met at his residence in Washington, on Wednesday, the Director-General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, and her accompanying delegation, and during the meeting, aspects of cooperation between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund were discussed.

Al-Kazemi discussed, according to a statement by his media office, with Georgieva, the possibility of concluding an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, to support the Iraqi economy and reduce its dependence on oil, by rehabilitating other sectors and making them compete with the oil sector, in a way that can absorb unemployment in the country.

In addition, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced the launch of the second round of the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue in Washington, and Hussein said in a joint press conference with his counterpart Pompeo yesterday, Wednesday: “There are special memoranda of understanding in the fields of oil, electricity, health, culture and education, which will be signed during This visit ».

According to official sources, Thursday morning will witness a series of meetings that will focus on the economic side, including a meeting with a number of major companies and economic institutions regarding the reconstruction of Iraq. Officials in the delegation said: “Contracts will be signed regarding gas, oil and electricity.”  

Al-Kazemi will also hold a session with American economic institutions, and start the second round of the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States, the first of which took place via video conference on June 12, and a meeting will be held with a number of American research centers.   

During the visit, Al-Kazemi will meet with US officials to discuss strengthening relations and joint cooperation in several fields, in addition to discussing regional developments.

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Iraqi delegation received a reception that was described as "exceptional", as many streets in the American capital were closed, and American officials said: "US President Donald Trump requested a reception from the upper echelon at the security level.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...I was listening to the press conference with Mike Pompeo and the Minister of Finance Allawi.  They basically covered what we already knew...but Pomepo said something that caught my attention and you can take what you want from it.  He said, 'we look forward to the day when Iraq can help themselves.'  ...I'm not sure if that's a reflection of whether or not they get their sovereignty reinstate.  All I know is I was listening to it and...I was looking for hints, something that says that Iraq will indeed have their sovereignty reinstated.  I just didn't see anything really in that particular press conference...hopefully we'll get clarity when Al-Kazemi get here.  If they don't reinstate their sovereignty, I'm not saying they won't, but if they don't reinstate it, I hope at least we get a clear path, some type of checkoff list, something that tells us what we could watch for in order to see whether or not Iraq is anywhere near getting getting their sovereignty recognized...


Tishwash:  U.S. announces nearly $204 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Iraq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that the United States is providing nearly $204 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the people of Iraq, Iraqi refugees and communities hosting them.

“This assistance will provide critical shelter, essential healthcare, emergency food assistance, and water, sanitation, and hygiene services across Iraq. It will also improve access to civil documentation and legal services, the capacity of health care facilities and increase access to education and livelihoods opportunities,” Pompeo said in a statement  link


Tishwash: Urgent the most important Iraqi-American agreements signed 5 large investments

A source in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers revealed part of the memoranda of understanding signed by Iraq with the United States during the visit of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the government delegation to the American capital, Washington, which has continued since today, Baghdad time.

The source said in an interview with “The Eighth Day” (August 19, 2020) that “the signatures began with Minister of Finance Ali Allawi, who signed a memorandum of understanding with the American Finance and Development Corporation.”

He added that "the Minister of Oil signed 3 notes with each of: Chevron, Honeywell, and Baker Hughes."

"The Minister of Electricity also signed two memoranda of understanding with GE and Stellar," he added.

He concluded, "The previous notes were signed on the sidelines of a meeting between the Iraqi delegation and major companies, but they are part of what will be signed during the visit, and Iraq is likely to conclude more understandings during the ongoing visit."
And Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announced the start of the second round of the strategic dialogue between the two countries.

Hussein said, during a joint press conference with his American counterpart, that "a second round of strategic dialogue between the Iraqi delegation and the United States delegation began today."

He added that "the meeting was good and important with the Secretary of State of the United States of America, where a group of issues related to the Iraqi situation in general and other issues related to economic relations and how to combat K. and Rona were addressed."

In turn, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said that armed groups are still causing many problems in Iraq, expressing his hope that "Iraq will be free of corruption."

Pompeo added, "We are committed to helping Iraq prevent foreign interference and improve relations with neighbors, and this is what the Iraqi people want - a prosperous country."

He continued, "There are special investments in Iraq .. We wish an Iraq free of corruption," noting that "the energy file was discussed with the Iraqi delegation."  link


DonnaJeane:  200 federal crimes - 1000 arrested

Operation Legend: More than 200 charged with federal crimes, 1,000 arrested, AG Barr announces

At least 217 people have been charged with a federal crime, and more than 1,000 arrests have been made in major metropolitan cities since the Department of Justice launched Operation Legend in July, U.S. Attorney General William Barr announced on Wednesday.

Nearly 400 firearms have been seized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


WheresJoel:  this video around the 10min or 12min mark talks about the RV , i hope it's ok for me to post it here.

Charles Ward: 

8 Questions with the Twitter Sensation Chris Pomfret

Premiered 5 hours ago


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