More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Night 10-14-2020


Samson:  Pompeo: We will continue to support the sovereignty of Iraq

14th October, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo affirmed, on Wednesday, that his country continues to support the sovereignty of Iraq.

"There are those trying to target Iraqis and American diplomats to stop this support," Pompeo said in a press conference that "Mawazine News" followed. "Nevertheless, we continue to support Iraq politically and economically and support its freedom, and the Iraqis know who are the good powers in the Middle East."

He added, "We are pleased with the Iraqi security measures to protect diplomatic missions," referring to "supporting the sovereignty of Iraq in the face of those who undermine security."   LINK

Samson:  Deputy Proposes To Turn The White Paper Into A Draft Law To Reform The Financial Situation

14th October, 2020

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Hoshyar Abdullah, suggested converting the articles of the white paper into a draft law bearing the name of the Financial Status Reform Law, indicating that it deserves support and support.

Abdullah said in two tweets, published today on his personal account on Twitter: “I read the white paper proposed by the government and the Federal Ministry of Finance to reform the financial situation. My country should support its implementation.”

He added: “I suggest that the government and the Ministry of Finance convert the articles of the white paper into a draft law bearing the name of the Financial Status Reform Law to give it a mandatory nature, and that the three presidencies should urgently coordinate to convert it into a draft law because these reforms cannot be delayed and deserve to be made more mature through a special law.”  LINK


Samson:  Kurdistan receives the 320 billion dinars sent from the federal government

14th October, 2020

A source from the Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Region announced, on Wednesday, the arrival of 320 billion Iraqi dinars to the Central Bank in the Kurdistan Region, and it is expected that salaries will be distributed tomorrow

The Kurdish network "Rudaw" quoted a source in the Ministry of Finance and Economy in the region, as saying that "the aforementioned amount arrived at the central bank, the regional branch, and salaries are expected to be distributed tomorrow, Thursday

An official letter of the federal government, signed by the Iraqi Minister of Finance Ali Allawi, on October 13, 2020, indicates that 320 billion dinars were sent to the Kurdistan Regional Government, and it stated that the amount is allocated to pay the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees for the month of September

And the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Sunday (October 11, 2020), that the Iraqi government had sent an amount of 320 billion dinars previously agreed upon to distribute the salaries of employees   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward   [...about Article 140...are they having meetings about gitting it done or did they get it done?]  It's my opinion article 140 was passed years ago and implemented about a week ago by the PM.  I'd dare to say that article 140 is more important then the white papers. Without article 140 we won't even have need for white papers because the Kurds would leave Iraq. Then there would be no RV.

Frank26   [Iraqi citizens]  They already told you the rate was going to be 1 to 1 on par with the American dollar.  You already know your rate.  When is this rate going to be given to these new small category notes...?   When you go into the banks and they show you the new small category notes they will also show you the new exchange rate with them...both of them will be showed to you at the same's exciting Iraqi citizens IMO of what's going on  in your country.  I'm excited for you...this is the next step.

Lynette Zang: Silver At $24 Is "Severely" Undervalued

Arcadia Economics:  Premiered Oct 12, 2020

After a volatile summer, #silver is now trading in the mid-$20’s. Some think the rally is over and that it’s time to sell. But #LynetteZang of ITM Trading still thinks silver is “severely” undervalued.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 10 14 20

When will we see the Global Currency Reset?  Will it be before the election? Or after the election? We are still in the sweet spot for things to happen.

Historically this is secret info for security. Globally there has been a lot of talk about currencies rising and falling.


Wednesday Night X22 Reports 10-14-2020


China Should Accelerate Rollout of Digital Yuan, Says Central Bank Official