More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Night 11-17-2020


Samson:  Parliamentary Finance: We need a high price of $ 60 a barrel to cover the 2021 salary deficit

14:36 ​​- 11/17/2020

The Parliamentary Finance Committee called, on Tuesday, to the Ministry of Oil to approach OPEC to return Iraqi oil exports by one million barrels or leave OPEC, indicating that Iraq needs to raise the price of a barrel of oil to $ 60 to cover the salary deficit.

A member of the Finance Committee, Abdul Hadi Saadawi, said to / the information / that "the current oil price is not equivalent to covering the salaries of employees in the 2021 budget, which requires a serious pause to reform the economy or enhance non-oil imports."

He added that "the price of oil needs to rise to $ 60 to cover only the salary deficit in the 2021 budget, in the event that reliance on oil remains only, excluding other expenditures."

Saadawi said, "The Ministry of Oil must act and inform OPEC of the need to return Iraqi oil exports to one million barrels," indicating that "if OPEC rejects the matter, Iraq must." The OPEC cave and not being restricted to it, like Qatar.”  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Delta    ...Kazemi did order the Financial Committee to submit the 2021 budget to the Council of Ministers by the end of November.  Here's the key here.  If this budget has the new rate, which they've told us it does...then sometime before that budget goes to the parliament IMO we might see the rate from the Central Bank of Iraq. 

Jeff   Review:  ...this year they had to get a new Prime Minister and they got him in.  His goal?  Achieve stability in the government and the country of Iraq.  He did that politically.  Got rid of people.  Got new people in.  Got a new Central Bank Governor and all that.  After he achieved stability, they traveled around putting international agreements in place between Europe, U.S., different countries and companies.  They were also taken off the "naughty list" between the U.S, Europe and the U.N.  ...once they had all those cogs in place they started to position the money... [Post 1 of 2]

Jeff   One of the steps in positioning the money is the rate change.  But they needed to know the cost of the reforms first so that's what they worked on through the Borrowing Law...The borrowing law is the last step before the rate change.  So far they've done all three readings of the borrowing law.  The next step we need to see is the President signing off on it.  He'll most likely do so this week by Saturday the 21st.  When they do that they can officially change the rate at any time...  [Post 2 of 2]



Tishwash:  Al-Kazemi: Great pressure prevents the prosecution of the corrupt

The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, confirmed that there is great pressure to prevent the prosecution of the corrupt, noting that there is no cancellation of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement.

Al-Kazemi said, "There is great pressure to prevent the prosecution of corrupt individuals and corruption whales.

 Al-Kazemi did not explain what kinds of pressures he is exposed to and what are the parties that put pressure on him.

He added that the country is available for investment to all countries in the world wishing to invest, and we reassure them of extortion, explaining, "The Minister of Finance authorized us to contract with international companies with customs automation."

He stressed that there is no cancellation of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement, and it is still valid   link


Tuesday Night X22 Reports:

Judy Shelton Blocked, The [CB] Worst Nightmare, Counter Measures in Place. Episode 2331a

The [CB]/[DS] are now patting themselves on the back, they have the people exactly where they want them, but do they really. The [CB] fell right into the trap, they accelerated their plan and blocked Judy Shelton. Countermeasures in place. The battle of all battles.


[DS] Fantasy Land, Who Holds The Power, We The People, Operators Active – Ep. 2330

The [DS]/[CB] propaganda has run its course, the evidence is overwhelming and the MSM/Social Media companies will move to the next phase.


This is Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle singing "to Dream the Impossible Dream"  it is incredible-Enjoy.


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