More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Night 12-12-2020


Samson:  Sweden intends to convert its national currency into digital currency by 2022

12th December 2020

Sweden intends to consider the possibility of converting its national currency into a digital currency by 2022.

The Swedish Minister of Financial Markets and Consumer Rights, Per Bollund, said today, Saturday, that "the government expects to complete the review of the digital currency by the end of November of 2022." He added, "This initiative will be led by Anna Kinberg Batra, former chair of the Finance Committee of the Swedish Central Bank (Riksbank)."

The Swedish minister said, "The review of this project will reveal the feasibility of transferring the payment infrastructure in the country into a digital currency."

It is reported that Swedish Radio Commenting on the central bank report, that less than 10 percent of all payments are made with real money in Sweden. 

Sweden ranks first in the world in terms of cash withdrawal rate, and in circulation, cash represents only 1% of GDP. LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy you I'm curious to see what they're going to put in the budget in terms of a rate.  I know you are as well.  Nonetheless don't be upset or don't be overly excited when you see the rate.  I have a feeling it's going to go up in increments.  Keep an eye on it...




The Arab Parliament, in its plenary session held today, Saturday 12/12/2020 in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, issued a decision regarding developments in Iraq, especially in the political and security aspects, and the efforts made to impose security and stability and confront external attacks and interference.

In its decision, the Arab Parliament affirmed its support for the efforts made by the Iraqi government to restore security and stability, collect weapons and place them exclusively in the hands of the state and its security services, and enable it to impose the rule of law as well as the need to provide full protection for peaceful demonstrators, and in this context praising the announcement of the Iraqi Prime Minister on 28 November 2020, the judge to form a high-level committee from the central government entitled “Emergency Crisis Team” to protect peaceful demonstrators, state institutions, and private property, to block the way for terrorist and extremist organizations that exploit loopholes and crises to implement their goals of threatening societal peace and security in Iraq.

The resolution welcomed the existing dialogue between the central Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to resolve the outstanding issues in line with the constitution and the law, and to achieve justice in the distribution of wealth among the brotherly Iraqi people, indicating that the risks and threats posed by ISIS in Iraq and its repeated terrorist operations and targeting the Iraqi armed forces The Iraqi civilian facilities and Iraqi citizens, and the organization’s maintenance of sleeper cells in different regions of Iraq, enable it to launch terrorist attacks between different periods, which require Arab countries to support the efforts of the Iraqi government in fighting the organization and eliminating its remnants.

The resolution stressed the solidarity of the Arab Parliament and its complete stand with the Republic of Iraq and its support in achieving its security and stability, preserving its national unity and non-interference in its internal affairs, and its support in all measures it takes to address the repeated external attacks on Iraqi lands, and to preserve the sovereignty, security and stability of Iraq.

The decision of the Arab Parliament called on the Arab countries to develop and intensify their official and popular relations with the Republic of Iraq at all levels, in order to enhance its Arab incubator, and to protect its stability and national security, which is an integral part of Arab national security, expressing its welcome to the agreement of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, on 11/18/2020 On the reopening of the Arar border crossing for trade exchange between the two countries, and to appreciate this positive step for its great role in strengthening economic and popular relations between the two brotherly countries.   link

Rick Ackerman - Second Great Depression Starts in 2021

Greg Hunter:  Dec 12, 2020

Analyst, professional trader and financial writer Rick Ackerman likes gold and silver too, but not because he sees explosive price rises. He likes precious metals because they are solid core investments. They work well in inflation or deflation. They are rugged and will work no matter what comes.

Ackerman thinks what is coming will be far worse than the Great Depression, “I call it the ‘Second Great Depression.’ . . . What are we going to have? A zombie apocalypse? . . . . I use the example of somebody riding to the soup kitchen on an $8,000 graphite trail bike. . . .

We are going to find out how many of the jobs are completely unnecessary, like 95% of people who work for government. That’s coming. . . . It’s coming sooner or later, and we are going to have a time or day of reckoning . . . .

How long can this con go on? . . . . We are in a very unstable position and, financially speaking, we have stimulus not stimulating anymore in a meaningful way.”


The Atlantis Report "Fed to Increase QE" Saturday 12-12-2020


Teach Your Kids About Money with the Bank of Mom and Dad