More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Night 1-16-2021


Don961:  Reducing Exchange Rates in Iraq: Timing and Implications   LINK

Solorat:  This sounds like a good thing In some of this. And in other it’s a little out of my understanding of this. Can someone clarify this it would be appreciated. I am just a alarm technician not a economic analysis.

David:  They say that the reduction was to Finance huge deficit in 2021, but also say the timing was inappropriate due to the corona virus and what have you..

Saying they cant adapt and continue it with the way it is due to the fragility of the Iraqi economy...really?! Let me spell it out for them....C H A N G E. T H E. R A T E.

Double edged sword....they're financially suffocating the citizens, and promising them relief at the same time...Broken promises do not lead to a stable future...K, said we either move forward or watch this whole thing collapse...huge...IMF is satisfied...tally is done...introduce the notes and wrap this up! All imo

ZOsmosis:  Do we think Iraq has had a specific date in mind all of these years to get this done or have they just been taking it a day at a time?  

David:  Imo, the date or the when is not as important as the rate...they can change it whenever they feel it is necessary.The date makes me no the rate is what's important! Imo

Samson:  The Iraqi Oil Minister expects the price of a barrel of oil to rise to $ 60

16th January, 2021

The Iraqi Oil Minister, Ihssan Abdul-Jabbar said on Saturday that the price of a barrel of oil could reach $ 60 in the second quarter of 2021.

"The average selling price of a barrel of Iraqi oil now exceeds $ 53," Abdul-Jabbar said in statements reported by government media today.

Iraq is under great pressure under the weight of the worst economic crisis it has witnessed since 2003 until now due to the low oil prices and the outbreak of the Corona virus.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  The latest information I have received today – and it was from very high up bank sources with our lead bank -  not HSBC by the way -  the lead bank on the east coast – and this is really good communication that’s pointing toward notifications for us most likely – although it’s possible Sunday – most likely Tuesday  with exchanges either Tuesday or Wednesday...



Tishwash:   Dozens are demonstrating in central Baghdad and heading to Parliament

The IQ NEWS correspondent reported, Saturday (January 16, 2021) that readers of the Ministry of Electricity metrics readers organized a demonstration and went to Parliament.

Our correspondent said, "Dozens of readers of the Ministry of Electricity metrics have organized a demonstration that started in the Alawi area, and went to the Parliament to demand their inclusion in the 2021 budget.

Dozens of employees of contracts and daily procedures demonstrate from time to time in a number of ministries to demand their confirmation on the permanent staff or the payment of their back salaries, in addition to several demands.

Yesterday, Friday (January 15, 2021), Minister of Electricity Majed Hantoush announced that the dues of contract employees and daily wage workers would be included in the 2021 budget and transferred from the investment budget to the operational one   link

Is America Becoming a Banana Republic? With Raging Inflation ,Dollar Crashing and Economic Chaos

The Atlantis Report:  Jan 16, 2021

The US luck seems to be running out. Crumbling infrastructure, mass homelessness, unaffordable health insurance, massive personal debt, very little disposable income, and real estate/stock bubble.

Twenty years after 911 the trends are clear. The US power declined slowly, but in the last four years, the ratio divided, and it is accelerating. We really don’t know what is going to happen in the next four years. The outlook doesn’t look good.

With millions of struggling Americans trying to pay their rent, put food on the table, or pay any other number of bills.Too many zombie companies dependent on the next stimulus bill to even keep the lights on.

As tremors continue to be felt across America, and in particular Washington DC, as it emerged that the storming of Congress appeared to have been planned for weeks. We have seen these events in many countries around the world – most recently in Hong Kong and Ukraine, cheered on by the United States – so how will the US administration deal with insurrection on their own soil?

With security ramped up for the presidential inauguration next week and with Trump facing a second impeachment. The Frankenstein financial/economic system they have created works fine - until it doesn’t and completely collapses overnight.

Since the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, this country has exemplified the fraudulent image of being a free nation with equal opportunity. Instead, it has practiced cronyism, nepotism, and outright fraud in its true practice of "it's who you know - not what you know" if anyone wants to promote their business by getting government contracts.

And you will not get any contract unless you pay through the back door to an offshore account to the individual responsible for awarding you the contract.

A real and true third world approach to doing business in the good ole USA. The US government did not care that the corporations, followed by almost every small business that could, deliberately betrayed and abandoned the American workers and left us with McJobs and part-time work only.

Anyone that cannot understand the damage that greedy corporations and politicians have done to the workers who built these corporations in the first place are part of the pathetic reasons workers are in the mess we are facing in 2021.

America's unyielding stupidity and arrogance have resulted in an irreversible slow death to America and our loyal lapdog countries!

While China has passed us way too far to catch up with, we have given up the fight to make it to the end because the crooks and the enemies from within are planting hurdles in our ways. So the end of America has arrived.



More Iraqi News Saturday PM 1-16-21


MilitiaMan and KTFA Members "A Taste Of Reality" 1-16-2021