More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 6-27-2020


Samson: Pompeo: We will place visa restrictions for Chinese officials

26th June 2020
Washington announced Friday that it has imposed restrictions on the visa of a number of Chinese officials due to violations of Hong Kong's autonomy.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the United States will place restrictions on the visas of an unspecified number of current and former officials associated with the Communist Party of China and "those responsible for depriving Hong Kong of its liberties."   LINK

Dan:  TRUMP Will want this feather in his cap just before November   IMO
I trust Iraq to follow through when dad kicks there glutious maximus.
I have also been wondering re: the timing is to let the current system FAIL
and raise something else up.
Do not trust the mafia banks at all …How many Will need bail out, or bail in.
The banks perspective is that your money is their money.
I try to look at the big picture Not just backwards Iraq.

Slade: are on point......its way bigger than this piddly country Iraq......heck....they could have done this long ago.......imo

Ryan1916:  For Trump to benefit and look great from this it'll have to be well before November. I'm watching this day by. This can go at any moment



Harambe:  Bloomberg: Zimbabwe Halts Stock Exchange, Mobile Money to Calm (Zim) Currency  (6/26/20)

Zimbabwe suspended all monetary transactions on mobile-phone platforms and halted trade on the local stock exchange in an effort to stabilize its currency.

The measures come two days after President Emmerson Mnangagwa warned his government will tackle “malpractices" that he said have undermined his government’s efforts to end an economic crisis. Inflation in the southern African nation is at 786%, its recently revived currency has collapsed and the World Bank estimates the economy will shrink as much as 10% this year.

The suspension of monetary transactions by companies including Econet Wireless Ltd. unit Ecocash will “facilitate intrusive investigations, leading to the arrest and prosecution of offenders," the Ministry of Information said in a statement Friday in the capital, Harare. Other companies affected by the regulations include state-controlled Telecel.

The government is in possession of “impeccable intelligence which constitutes a prima facie case whereby the phone-based mobile-money systems of Zimbabwe are conspiring, with the help of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, either deliberately or inadvertently, in illicit activities that are sabotaging the economy," the ministry said.

The measures will remain in place until mobile-money platforms have been “reformed to their original purpose and all the current phantom rates of exchange have converged into a genuine rate of exchange that is determined by market forces under the Foreign Currency Auction system," it said.

The Zimbabwe dollar has slumped to 57.35 per U.S dollar after a currency peg of 25:1 in place since March was abandoned.

Ecocash said in an emailed statement it would expect a directive of this nature and significance to be communicated by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. With more than 10 million registered users, it’s the country’s biggest mobile-money operator and it said clients should “remain calm and continue to do lawful transactions as usual."

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Chief Executive Officer Justin Bgoni said he had not been officially informed of the measures and could not comment. Telecel CEO Angeline Vere said she was unaware of the announcement.


Harambe:  Zimbabwean: Ecocash defies Zimbabwe order to suspend mobile money transactions​suspend-mobile-money-transactions/

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...I told you guys things were starting to go and move at neck-breaking pace.  Things are going really really good...We're that close IMO to the rate change happening for the Iraqi dinar...there's a push and I know I'm right about this...we see a lot of things happening at one time... 

Article:   " Al - Kazemi on the strategic dialogue with America:  It was confirmed for the first time the recognition of national sovereignty".  

Didn't I tell you what they needed to do?  Did I not say they have to restore their sovereignty and then we need their currency to be recognized internationally? ...I'm telling you what's gonna happen is when they get here into the United States you're gonna see it... 

You're gonna see a Rose Garden Podium speech with Al-Kazemi and Trump and Trump is gonna say to the international community it's time to restore the sovereignty of Iraq so that the Iraq people can start moving ahead and rebuilding their country and by doing so we need to remove the restrictions off of their currency and it will once again be recognized internationally which means banks like Wells Fargo, Chase banks and other banks that deal with currency will then be able to either sell or buy from from you the Iraqi dinar...we've been waiting for this...

Iraq's national sovereignty - that is the's about to happen.  It definitely looks like it's about to happen...


Iraqi Dinar News 06/27/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 27, 2020


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Special Saturday MarkZ Stream "Groups are Scrambling" 6-27-2020