More News, Rumors and Opinions Late Monday Night 3-23-2020

Bix Weir

RED ALERT!! Exchange Stabilization Fund Runs OUT of Rigging Money!!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 23, 2020

Are you kidding?! The front page of the Wall Street Journal talks about the Exchange Stabilization Fund used to rig all markets...HAS RUN OUT OF MONEY?!

What kind of Mixed-Up, Bizarro World are we living in?!

All the Secrets are leaking Out!!!


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  I agree with Trump.  Once we get out of this coronavirus thing our economy is going to slingshot IMO...Trump thinks we're gonna be out of this by April.  Well one of the things you could do is change the rate of the Iraqi dinar.  We know people are holding it including countries everywhere.  You can give the appearance of a stimulated economy...

Frank26, two, three are the things we've dreamed about for years in order to raise the value of the currency.  Security.  Stability.  Stop the auctions and they're not using the American dollar...if I was Steven Spielberg I don't think I could have even come up with a greater scrip than this for a Hollywood movie.  1-2-3 and then go to the bank honey!

Jeff  ...we know that they're not gonna want people coming into the banks regarding the whole coronavirus especially with the lock-downs...we ultimately know that the Trump Administration is in charge and then we know that Iraq's economically is going to start suffering if the rate doesn't change.  There could be a solid chance that Iraq and Trump have met in the middle of this.  Maybe they agreed to change the rate IMO tentatively agreed to change the rate during the month of April.  Because April will start the new fiscal gives the US a chance to implement a lock-down process for say two to three weeks...there could be a good chance they've selected the first half to the middle of April to change the rate...


"The Storm is Upon us!" by Coach Jerry - 3.23.20

Entry Submitted by Coach Jerry at 11:34 AM EDT on March 23, 2020

Hello Good People,

The storm has begun!

National Guard troops deployed in Southern California. Verified. Curfew in place. Citizens sequestered.

Wartime movement. Speaking of war, do you find it interesting that our POTUS would order two military medical ships to dock at each US coast? (One in California, the other, in New York.)

The "on the surface" explanation by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), was for medical and resupply support. Indeed, even our main stream media has reported their arrival will bring much "needed" hospital beds.

However, the head of FEMA clearly stated in Sunday's news briefing, that no Coronavirus cases will be allowed on board these ships! Wow! I wonder why?

"Me thinks" (in my humble opinion) these ships will be used to transport nefarious human cargo, of the Cabal kind, perhaps to a certain section in Cuba?

Note: The beautiful irony? The two ships in play are interestingly named "Mercy" and "Comfort", respectively.

Also, check out the enclosed 4 min clip of an A' list actor's wife, who apparently, symbolically, is warning her followers that the "End Game" is near!

At the 3.5' mark, towards the end of her video, she mysteriously raises the Ender's Game book title into view, coupled with a kind of "they got us" look on her face.

My apologies to subject you to a 65 year old's attempt at gang'sta rap. Quite humorous.


Actor's Personal Implosion

Ender's Game

Thank you POTUS • Thank you FLOTUS

Thank you Q


Coach Jerry

PS: Does anyone know the time frame legally required to unseal a Federal Indictment and the actual time the physical arrest, if any, is permitted? Curious... IDK


What Happens If Oil Prices Go Negative?


About Gold Fringes and Missing Seals and Martial Law