More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 1-22-2021


MilitiaMan:  So they are apparently suggesting they need to expedite the deposits of chunky money into government banks. (See article below)Telling them they need it in the banks expeditiously. Means that it is prudent of practical now to do so. Put a move on it citizens.. lol ~ MM 

ex·pe·di·ent /ikˈspēdēənt/ Learn to pronounce

 adjective (of an action) convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral.

"either side could break the agreement if it were expedient to do so"

Solorat:  Imo that’s a little over my head MM. Can you say that in layman terms. Is that good or bad  

MilitiaMan:  They are in the process of gathering the large notes off the street. The more they get the better it may be for supporting the new rate with less categories to issue.. Smaller note count, means to me more value. It is important to support the value going into the new issue.. imo ~ MM

Samson:  At the end of this year, debt ratios will be more than 100 trillion

22nd January, 2021

The risks of a rise in the dollar against the dinar still looms large, as experts in economic affairs explained that at the end of this year, the debt ratios owed by the country will be more than a hundred trillion dinars.

The continued aggravation of the economic crisis, which was made more by the decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, in addition to the decline in global oil prices, and in the end the volume of the country's public debt has increased, which means shackling the national economy, according to experts in economic affairs, who favored the arrival of the internal debt Only to 100 trillion dinars at the end of this year, in addition to the external debt, which so far amounts to 27 billion dollars. set of solutions put forward by economists to get a country out of this economic crisis ... I summarized the private sector to support it, and also limit the import of goods from abroad, raise the value of taxes on them, and control border crossings that still suffer from smuggling.

And recently, the government called on citizens to deposit their own money, which is estimated at 62 trillion dinars, in government banks, but this matter is the most expedient for observers to respond to, because of the loss of confidence between the two parties.


Fleming Friday RV Update:

Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources, Bruce's sources, MarkZ's sources and others saying that the RV/GCR release is STILL HAPPENING NOW over the next several days and T4B should remain ready for the 1.4 million notification emails to go out from WF servers any day now over the next 5 days (still has to be vague for security) with the public T5 scheduled to start exchanging after the RV becomes public around next Wed 27 Jan.

He repeated that MarkZ’s military sources have the same info as of today Thu 21 Jan that he has that the RV release is STILL IN PLAY & WE ARE IN THE THICK OF IT RIGHT NOW

Thu 21 Jan; our guy said we are still a GO for T4B start between now through the weekend into next Mon-Tue 25-26 Jan

He agreed with Simon Parkes' update today Thu 21 Jan that the Deep State are trying hard to stop the RV/GCR transition to the QFS gold-backed system, as they have done historically--attempts to reset the US Dollar to the gold standard were why the Deep State murdered JFK in 1963, why Reagan was shot and almost murdered 31 March 1981 (there were several other assassination attempts against Reagan too he said), and why the Deep State on 9/11 killed 3,000+ innocent Americans in the Twin Towers NYC, in the planes that crashed, and via the missile that struck the Pentagon on 9/11 as executed by Pres. Bush Jr, VP Cheney, and Rumsfeld;

It’s the reason Trump survived 13+ assassination attempts over the past 4 years--the KEY he said IS THAT THE PEDO-SATANIST DEEP STATE PSYCHOPATHS HAVE MADE THREATS TO KILL PEOPLE THIS PAST WEEK in order to STOP & DELAY the RV/GCR NOW, as they have done DOZENS OF TIMES IN PAST MONTHS / YEARS! So he said PRAYERS ARE IMPORTANT to stop these satanist psychopaths!!(edited)

He said the X22 report and Marshall Report (like reports this past week by Juan O Savin, Simon Parkes, Dr. Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele, Gene Decode, et al) are accurate views, accd to his info, of what is happening now behind the scenes:     And   .(edited)

He is still being told that we will receive more clarity by next Sun 24 Jan on the Deep State removal and that the public timing of T5 exchanges in the RV/GCR release sequence is currently next Wed 27 Jan, with the shotgun liquidity release and T4B start happening before that;

So he said KEEP PRAYERS GOING, STAY READY FOR T4B notifications any time between now & Sat 23 Jan into next Tue 26 Jan, and as Trump, Gen Flynn, and other patriots have said, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Our guy is confirming Dr. Charlie Ward's sources and those of Simon Parkes, Juan O'Savin, and Robert David Steele, that the white hats behind the scenes are HIGHLY CONFIDENT AND VERY HAPPY THAT VICTORY IS ASSURED on both the RV/GCR release front and on the removal and arrests of the DC swamp govt front.


Streamed live 2 hours ago

Huge Tax Increases Coming For The Top Earners That Stay, "That's Not What You Should Worry About"

Silver Report Uncut:  Jan 20, 2021

Huge tax increase coming in for the top earners that stay according to recent proposals to increase the state tax rate on the highest income bracket or those earning over $5 million.

This will push the effective tax rate for top earners in NYC close to 14.7%, the highest in the nation.

I also saw this video that seems very similar to what the main stream of thought seems to be trending. It's interesting that His plan is exactly the same one being pushed by the global world leaders.

 Taxes will be going up and I would probably get your money out of the bank before they begin restricting what people can remove via capital controls.


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21


KTFA, Judy and Lynette Zang Friday 1-22-2021