More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 8-26-20

More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 8-26-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Dollar Stabilizes For The Third Day In Iraq

Time: 08/26/2020 09:29:51 Read: 4,537 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, the foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded a stable exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The prices of selling and buying dollars in exchange companies and offices were as follows:

The selling price of one dollar was 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1222.5 dinars, or 122 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

Foreign exchange rates, gold and crude oil until the preparation of this news:

The euro The global price: 100 euros = 118.18 pounds

sterling The global price: 100 pounds = 131,30 dollars of

the Turkish lira Global price: 100 dollars = 740.14 Turkish lira

The price of an ounce of gold worldwide = $ 1917.80

The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil = $ 46.00

The price of a barrel of US crude oil = $ 43.33   LINK

Governor Of Nineveh: Beginning Of Rebuilding Destroyed Bank Buildings And 300 Demolished Homes In Old Mosul

Wednesday 26, August 2020 13:21 | EconomicalViews: 145  Governor of Nineveh: Beginning of rebuilding destroyed bank buildings and 300 demolished homes in Old Mosul Zz1431

Mosul ( NINA ) - The Governor of Nineveh, Najm Al-Jubouri, announced that it will start rebuilding the destroyed banks in addition to 300 damaged houses in Old Mosul.

In a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) , Al-Jubouri said, "The engineering teams, in cooperation with the two engineering companies Al-Saad and Al-Amal, have begun constructing (four) buildings belonging to banks in the old Mosul, in addition to (300) damaged houses.

" For damaged banks and houses, they were allocated from the Reconstruction Fund for Affected Areas, and it is hoped that it will be completed in early 2021.

Parliamentary Finance: The 2021 Budget Must Be Completed Before Next December

Wednesday 26, August 2020 10:31 | EconomicalViews: 265  Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Finance Committee stressed the importance of completing the 2021 budget before next December.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said in a press statement, "The House of Representatives, especially the Parliamentary Finance Committee, has demanded that the government, since assuming power, prepare and deliver the 2020 budget, but it refused, under the pretext of its preoccupation with preparing the 2021 budget."

He added, "The government is supposed to finish that and hand over the budget on the specified date, that is, on October 15th." / Ended 10

Economic To / NINA /: International Visits Must Be Invested Economically ... Otherwise, Failure Will Be Written For Any International Initiative To Support And Build The Private Sector

Wednesday 26, August 2020 09:05 | EconomicalViews: 329  Baghdad / NINA / A specialist in managing state institutions in crises - Harvard University, Engineer Ali Jabbar Al-Faraiji, stressed the importance of investing the prime minister's visit to Washington and managing economic files and keeping them away from the political nature of volatile quotas, otherwise failure and waste of any international or local initiative in supporting and building the private sector .

Al-Freiji said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA/ That "successive prime ministers exchanged visits to the White House successively, noting the same approach and the same offers for the results of the visits - encouraging the private sector and signing memoranda of understanding for energy contracts (electricity and oil), and the results on the ground were not encouraging or invested, as was written to them within the pages of the memorandums of understanding that were lost.

Its economic importance over time, stressing that "if Iraq (state administration) does not improve how to manage economic files and keep them away from the volatile political nature of quotas, and learn from the previous stages, failure will be the title of every movement and international agreements or a reform work strategy."

He explained that "the electricity contracts with the American GE GE to improve the performance and maintenance of the national network, which will contribute according to the reports of General Electric and the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity by adding 2 GW and maintaining and maintaining the main stations that produce 6 thousand megawatts, all of which are very important to face the recurring electricity crisis, as well as gas investment contracts."

Natural, which amounts to $ 8 billion with American companies such as Honeywell International, Baker Hughes, General Electric, Steller Energy and Chevron - it will be a leap in the Iraqi economy and stop the depletion and waste of this resource, which would be parallel to the annual oil revenues if invested in a sound technical and economic way.

He added, "The program to support and develop the lagging private sector in Iraq is no less economically important than the energy projects we mentioned, and it will be the start of an economic era that moves consciously - and this launch will be conditional on getting rid of the economic offices of some political parties, contract brokers and the so-called businessmen (deals and commission shops) Otherwise, failure and waste of any international or local initiative in support and building of the private sector, experiences, initiatives, loans, and their waste and theft scandals will fill the corridors of the Integrity Commission and the courts without deterrence.

He continued, "The most important pillar of the prime minister at this stage m is the re-engineering and composition of the tools managed by the prime minister's work team and the re-selection of his executive team, which could be the key to international cooperation and the investment of international initiatives of various orientations - these international initiatives that are diagnosed and refused to be the same.

Personalities, minds and the approach that caused the decline in reality in Iraq and that it is in control of the stages of the programs and strategies of the international initiatives that the Prime Minister seeks to sign and bring into implementation ./ End 8

Parliamentary Finance: The Government Violated The Borrowing Law

Tuesday 25, August 2020 20:23 | EconomicalViews: 365  Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the government violated the borrowing law and did not present an economic reform program.

According to a letter addressed by the head of the committee, Haitham al-Jubouri to the Prime Minister’s office, “Article seven of the domestic and foreign borrowing law to finance the fiscal deficit for the year 2020 No. 5 of 2020 stipulates that (The Cabinet must present a program for economic reform to the House of Representatives within A period not exceeding (60) days from the date of approval of this law), and because the date of voting was on (6/24/2020), the aforementioned period passed without the government providing that program, and this is a clear violation of the text of the law.

Al-Kazemi: The Challenges Are Great .. We Have An Opportunity To Take The Country To The Right Path

 Political  Wednesday 26 August 2020 | 03:02 pm| Views: 136  Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi affirmed, on Wednesday, that the challenges facing the government are great and that we can take the country to the right path .

Al-Kazemi said during the cabinet session that "removing Iraq from the policy of axes is the approach that the current government is taking, and it is in the interest of our people ."

He explained that "balance and moderation and dependence on strengthening cooperation, especially in economic relations to ensure the interest of Iraq is what we seek in our relations with countries ."

Al-Kazemi stressed that "the ministers should meet with their counterparts in Egypt and Jordan, to strengthen inter-cooperation," noting that "the challenges are great, and we must succeed, and we have the opportunity to move the country on the right path ."

Parliamentary Services: 3 Main Reasons Prevent Investment In Iraq

15:03 - 26/08/2020  Information / Special ...A member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, Representative Manar Abdul Muttalib, confirmed, on Wednesday, that there are 3 main reasons preventing investment in Iraq .

Abdul-Muttalib said to "the information", that "3 main reasons prevent investment in Iraq in general, namely, bureaucracy, organizational and administrative complications, and security disturbances that occur from time to time and their implications for investor mistrust, in addition to the presence of local mafias that prevent any investment steps for multiple reasons."

And Abdul-Muttalib added, “ Iraq, despite its difficult circumstances, represents a fertile environment for investment in various fields and there is an international and regional desire to enter companies and investors, but the three reasons represent a stumbling block calling for the need to support the investment file and enable companies to enter because it represents a fundamental solution for many The lingering problems, especially the file of high unemployment and extreme poverty.

Iraq suffers from high unemployment rates, which prompted the government to go towards government appointment with great intensity, which created slack in public institutions.

A Deputy Calls For An End To The Differences Between Baghdad And Erbil And Reveals A Recent Visit Of A Kurdish Delegation To Baghdad Soon

Representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in Parliament, Almas Fadel   The MP for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives, Almas Fadel, confirmed that a high-ranking delegation from the Kurdistan region will soon arrive in Baghdad, to complete the dialogue on the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil.

In a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency, Fadel called for an end to the political differences between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government as soon as possible because the only one affected by the differences is the citizen, pointing out that the citizen remains the son of the country, whether he is in Erbil, Dohuk, Sulaymaniyah, or in Baghdad and the provinces The center and the south, "indicating that the stability of the Kurdistan Region means the stability of the country in general."

She explained, "The situation in the Kurdistan Region is greatly tense, so Baghdad and Erbil must take bold and correct positions that will end the dispute radically.

Parliament Hosts The Prime Minister In The First Sessions Of The New Legislative Term

A member of the House of Representatives from the Independent Bloc, Faleh Al-Ziyadi, said today, Wednesday, August 26, 2020, that "Parliament intends to host Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in the first sessions of the new legislative term."

Al-Ziyadi added, in a press statement, that "the end of next week will witness the resumption of parliament to hold its sessions regularly, and the sessions will be in the great hall to ensure the application of health protection and social distancing, to approve laws, revealing the existence of a proposal by most of the deputies to host Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in Parliament for a statement.

The results of his visit to Washington and what was agreed upon there, as well as a discussion of the security situation in the country, the demonstrations and the government's actions regarding them, and the security ministers, especially the Minister of Interior, will also be hosted to discuss the recent security breaches, the measures taken towards them and the way to deal with the demonstrators.

The deputy explained that "the parliament is enjoying a legislative recess at the present time, and an agreement was reached between the political blocs to resume the parliament sessions on September 3, 2020, to amend and approve the election laws and the Federal Court for their importance in conducting early elections in the country, in addition to the existence of a package of laws that need legislation." .

Al-Ziyadi affirmed, "Parliament's committees are currently working to monitor the work of ministries and to review and prepare draft laws that need legislation and speedy approval in the House of Representatives if its sessions are resumed," noting that "the epidemiological situation in the country is preventing the holding of Parliament sessions during the past period. Because there are injuries among the members and employees of the parliament, who are part of the Iraqi people.


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