More Iraqi News Thursday PM 11-19-20

More Iraqi News Thursday PM 11-19-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Foreign Ministry: We Agreed With Washington To Reduce The Number Of Forces To 2,500 Soldiers

Thursday 19 November 2020  101  Baghdad: Abdul Rahman Ibrahim

Coinciding with the arrival of Iraq and the United States to an agreement to announce the withdrawal of 500 other American forces, bringing the total number of those forces present to 2,500 soldiers, seven missiles were fired yesterday at Baghdad, four of which fell in the Green Zone, and three outside, resulting in The death of a child and wounding of five civilians.

The issue of the girl’s death as a result of this bombing sparked international and local discontent, as the spokesman for the International Coalition, Wayne Maruto, commented in a tweet posted on social media, “We send our condolences to those affected by the Baghdad attack last night, and this is another example of the outlaw groups killing Brothers Iraqis and harm those who seek peace ».

Maruto added that "the international coalition continues to support the Iraqi government, at its request, in the pursuit of stability and security in Iraq."

The British ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hickey, described the missile attack as "an attempt to undermine the stability of Iraq, noting that these attacks by armed groups outside the law only terrify the Iraqis."

In turn, the Joint Operations Command threatened the launchers of the rockets, confirming in a statement that it had initiated procedures to diagnose the perpetrators in order to receive their fair penalty and that the girl’s martyrdom would not pass without prosecution and accountability.

And the joint added, "Some of the forces outside the law and the national consensus, and the vision of the religious authority, insist on obstructing the path of achieving sovereign achievements, and reaffirms their bet on shuffling the cards and fighting stability, to serve their narrow interests and goals far from the national interest."

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein held a meeting with the US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, and a number of military commanders from Iraq and the United States, to discuss the paragraphs of the strategic dialogue. Immediately after the meeting, Hussein stated in a press conference, “During the meeting, it was agreed upon the redeployment of US forces outside Iraq". Hussein added, "After the important contact between Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it was agreed to withdraw 500 military personnel, as the remaining number of soldiers will reach 2,500."

He pointed out that "the nature of the remaining forces will not be combat, and we have entered the fourth and final stage, which includes entering stage zero with the end of the fourth stage, and the combat operations that were caused by the entry of ISIS gangs into Iraq will end." On the targeting of the Green Zone, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said: It is "a blatant attack by criminal and terrorist groups on the Green Zone," considering that targeting "an attack on the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people, which inflicted civilian casualties."  LINK

Washington Calls On The Iraqi Government To Arrest And Hold Accountable The Perpetrators Of The Missile Attack That Targeted The Green Zone

The Baghdad Post Thursday, November 19, 2020 09:54 AM   The United States of America called on the Iraqi government to arrest and hold accountable the perpetrators of the missile attack that targeted the Green Zone yesterday.

The US embassy in Iraq said in a statement that "the United States government strongly condemns the missile attack that occurred yesterday in Baghdad, which resulted in the death of an Iraqi child and the injury of other Iraqi civilians."

The statement added, "Outlaws continue to destabilize Iraq, kill Iraqi citizens, and threaten Iraq's sovereignty." LINK 

Affected Areas Fund: We are working on obtaining {grants} for the Kuwait Conference

Thursday 19 November 2020   105   Baghdad: Morning   The Liberated Areas Reconstruction Fund is working to obtain the funds granted to Iraq at the Kuwait conference. Fund President Muhammad Hashem Al-Ani told “Awa”: “The funding is still below the level of ambition, and it does not fill all projects, so we are now working on two different sides, namely the investment budget. And grants and loans, "stressing that" the reconstruction of the liberated areas is still continuing and slow, due to the funding deficit. "

He added, "The works that these areas need are very large, especially since there is a large percentage of damage in some provinces, and therefore they need very high financing."

He pointed out to work on "preparing the full requirements for the purpose of restoring stability and the displaced to these areas, which is our primary goal in establishing this fund."   LINK

Source: Kurdistan Is Requesting American Mediation In Order To Agree To Baghdad To Send Money To The Region

Pratha News Agency169 2020-11-18  An informed political source revealed, on Wednesday, that the Kurdistan Regional Government had asked the United States to intervene with the federal government, for the purpose of mediating the issue of sending money to the region.

The source said that "yesterday, the Vice President of the Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, met with a group of ambassadors, missions and official consulates of the countries represented in Kurdistan, and they discussed a number of issues, the most important of which is the Federal Parliament's vote on the law on financing the fiscal deficit."

The source added, "Talabani asked a group of countries, led by the United States, to intervene with the federal government for the purpose of approving sending an amount of 320 billion dinars, until the end of this year, after which a comprehensive agreement will be signed under the 2021 budget."

The Government Deprives The Citizen Of His Share Of Oil

The hands of the emirate103 2020-11-19  Iyad the Emirate ||  ▪ The title is very clear and unambiguous.

The government of Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, a veteran jurist, "even if his graduation rate is modest from a private evening college."

The details of this topic are not complicated or long and do not require research and contemplation, and I will write them without complicated sentences or twists and turns ..

The National Oil Company law, which was presented by the previous parliament and was challenged, and was answered by the Federal Court’s appeal. It was recently amended by the government of Mr. Al-Kazemi at the expense of the citizen’s share of oil that was originally approved in law.

It was decided that (10%) of the NOC's imports would go to four very important funds, related to:

Raise the company's capital.

And the reconstruction of oil-producing provinces.

And calculate the future of our most promising generations.

The most important of these funds is the allocation for "a share for every Iraqi citizen who receives it through a bank account annually."

10% was completely canceled, along with its four funds, by the federal government. No:

Funds for the reconstruction of oil-producing provinces.

Nor to raise the company's capital.  No concern for future generations.

There is no share for the "exhausted" citizen of the oil squandered between corruption and mismanagement

Opening A Branch Of Al-Rafidain Bank At The Arar Port

Banks  Economy News _ Baghdad   Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Thursday, the opening of a branch at the Arar border crossing to expand the trade exchange process between Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The bank’s media office said in a statement that “Al-Eqtisad News” received a copy of it, that “the Arar border branch was opened with the Saudi side in the presence of the Director General of Al-Rafidain Bank, the Minister of Interior, Othman Al-Ghanimi, the Deputy Commander of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, Chairman of the Border Ports Authority Omar Al-Waeli and the governors of Anbar Karbala, the leaders of the Anbar and Border Police and other officials. "

He added, "The opening of the branch will contribute greatly to revitalizing and revitalizing the economic and trade movement, developing the national economy, providing cash liquidity and increasing investment cooperation."

Number of observations 156 Date of addendum 11/19/2020

Ports: Imports Exceeded 95 Billion Dinars Within Two Months

Money  and business  Economy – Baghdad  The General Company for Ports of Iraq revealed, on Thursday, that financial imports during the months of October and the current second exceeded 95 billion dinars, while it is working on issuing new instructions to solve the problem of deferred payment by government companies.

The director of the company, Dr. Eng. Farhan Muheisen Al-Fartousi, said in a press interview, that the ports' imports reached during the last month to 50 billion dinars, while the current month ranges so far between 45-46 billion dinars, indicating that there is a problem represented by the deferred payment method by government companies, as They incurred large sums of approximately 85 billion dinars, and new instructions will be issued soon to reduce them and find solutions to them.

He added that work in the port depends on joint operations, as most countries of the world have resorted to the private sector because it enjoys wide commercial relations with maritime work, so whenever these relations are open, additional shipping lines can be allocated.

Al-Fartousi explained that recently the ports have been able to develop new shipping lines in Umm Qasr port, including the shipping line with the Sultanate of Oman, as the first voyage was at a rate of 100 containers per week, while the second one has now reached an average of 500 containers per week, indicating that the rate of arriving containers Monthly to Umm Qasr port ranges from 50 to 100 thousand containers.

He mentioned that there is an expansion process for three berths in Umm Qasr port by one of the companies, and the stages of its infrastructure have reached 95 percent, as well as the expansion of the storage and handling yards that are located in the same direction on the northern front of River No. 1, confirming the presence of other yards, but the reduction was reduced From random expansion four months ago in the northern and southern ports of Umm Qasr, and to work to have a frontage of one port and a private entrance to it, especially after the directives of the Prime Minister, who confirmed the existence of a tight security barrier for the two ports so that they become one port.

Number of observations 88 Date of addendum 11/19/2020

The Communications Commission Addresses The Mobile Companies To Pay The Debts ... And Threatens To Cut The Spectrum

Political  Thursday 19 November 2020 | 05:48 pm| Views: 25 

The Media and Communications Commission addressed the mobile phone companies in the country to pay the debts they owe to the state, otherwise it will stop the frequency spectrum .

The Iraqi judiciary has ruled Sunday revoke the renewal of licenses mobile phone companies in the country, a Zain Telecom, Asia Cell Telecom, Cork Telecom Telecom Ltd .

According to official letters, the Media and Communications Authority required the mobile phone companies to pay off their debts .

Otherwise, the authority said, it would switch off the frequency spectrum .

The Iraqi authorities had renewed the mobile phone license for a period of 5 years on July 9, with the companies paying 50 percent of their debts in favor of the state, but he faced parliamentary objections .

Iraqis, including MPs, complain about the poor services of the mobile phone companies and the high prices of their services.

The Ministry Of Justice Announces The Issuance Of The New Issue Of The Iraqi Newspaper Al-Waqa'yat (4604)

2020-11-19 01:56:00  The Ministry of Justice announced the issuance of the new issue of the Iraqi Gazette number (4604), which included a number of laws and regulations and declarations ratified by the Presidency of the Republic.

The Director General of the department / agency six Haifa thanked Mahmoud, said that the number included the issuance of Nursing Association Law No. (Cool for the year 2020.

she added the Director - General, said that the number of Nur also issued instructions (1) for the year 2020 to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the law regulating commercial agency No. (79) for the year 2017, in addition to the issuance of Announcements for the establishment of cooperative societies.

Issue (4604) Of The Iraqi Newspaper Al-Waqi’a Issued On 16/11/2020

2020-11-19 01:29:00

1- Nursing Syndicate Law No. (Cool of 2020.

2- Instructions No. (1) for the year 2020 to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the Commercial Agency Regulation Law No. (79) for the year 2017.

3- Announcements for establishing cooperative societies.  To download the issue, click here

Those wishing to acquire the Iraqi factsheet can refer to the Iraqi investigation department located in Salhiya / Haifa Street (Ministry of Justice building), and obtain the required number.


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