More Iraqi News and Highlights Friday PM 8-7-20

More Iraqi News and Highlights Friday PM 8-7-20

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 The Dollar Ends Its Week With Stability In Iraq

Time: 8/07/2020 10:53:59 Reading: 2,327 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Foreign currency markets in Iraq today recorded stability in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices are as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1242.5 dinars, or 124 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The price of foreign currencies, gold and crude oil, until the preparation of this news:

The euro The global price: 100 euros = 118,40 sterling dollars

The international price: 100 pounds = 131,28 Turkish lira

The global price: 100 dollars = 732.10 Turkish pounds

Price of an ounce of gold Globally = 2060.00 dollars

Per barrel of crude oil Brent = 45.06 dollars

Per barrel of US crude oil = 41.94 dollars.  LINK

Russia Is Moving To Resume Its Oil And Gas Business Inside Iraq

Energy Economy News _ Baghdad  The Russian ambassador to Iraq, Maxim Maksimov, stressed that Russian oil companies are working with effective steps towards resuming their work and entering the Iraqi oil and gas market.

Maxim Maksimov said that the Russian oil companies (Zarobijneft, Stroitranskaz, Tatneft, Susehnevgaz, Ariel Neftgaz Service) are working with effective steps towards resuming their work and entering the Iraqi oil and gas market.

He added that the company "Lukoil" is carrying out active geological exploration activities in the "Block-10" field, which is, according to preliminary estimates, one of the largest fields that have been explored in Iraq during the past twenty years.

He stressed that, despite the drop in oil prices and the invasion of the Corona Virus, companies such as (Gazprom - Neft), (Passionft) and (Rosneft) Russia continue to participate in the implementation of oil and gas production projects, and fulfill their contractual obligations.

He explained that Russian oil companies are also developing plans to develop partnership relations with a focus on long-term cooperation.

Number of views 45 Date added 08/07/2020

The Tourism Sector Incurs More Than 20 Million Dollars In Losses Due To The Corona Pandemic

Tourist hotel in Karbala  Money  and business  The Economy News - Karbala

Owners of hotels and restaurants in Karbala criticized the local government’s decision to close the province until the thirteenth of Muharram for fear of the spread of the Corona virus, while in the Kurdistan region, the tourism sector incurred losses of more than $ 20 million.

Many hotels and restaurants were forced to end the services of workers and reduce the salaries of those who are still working due to the financial crisis that hit them due to the Corona pandemic.

Muhammad Karim, the owner of a restaurant in Karbala, told Al-Eqtisad News that “all owners of hotels and restaurants were affected by the random decisions taken by the local government that caused the closure of hotels and restaurants.” He pointed out that the Kurdistan region is still continuing tourism while Karbala does not Take care of that.

On the other hand, Ali Al-Rubaie, the owner of a hotel in Karbala, said that our losses started since the outbreak of the demonstrations until now, stressing that the closure of hotels by the local government is not a wise decision.

Meanwhile, the Association of Hotels in the Holy Governorate of Karbala called for the city to be opened in conjunction with the imminent commemoration of the anniversary of the testimony of Imam Hussain bin Ali.

The head of the association, Muhammad Al-Hir, said that religious tourism is going through tragic conditions in Iraq, and more than 15,000 workers in Karbala have been affected except for the gainers who work in food and service stores, noting that the Association of Hotels held a meeting demanding the opening of the city with an urge to adhere to the conditions Health care, as is the local city of Kadhimiya, Kurdistan, Cairo, Beirut, and Turkey internationally.

In the Kurdistan region, the tourism expert, Luqman Khusraw, said that the decision to close roads in the Kurdistan region has led to losses of more than $ 20 million for hotels and restaurants in the region, noting that restaurants and hotels are threatened with bankruptcy, especially after layoffs.

Number of views 39 Date added 08/07/2020

Lebanon Wants To Buy Iraqi Oil At Subsidized Prices

Lebanese Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar  Energy   Economy News – Beirut  Lebanon announced its desire to buy Iraqi oil at subsidized prices in the coming days.

The Lebanese Energy Minister, Raymond Ghajar, said in a statement to Al-Iraqiya News channel, which was viewed by Al-Iqtisad News, that "Iraq provided goodwill to help the Lebanese people before the disaster that occurred in Beirut recently."

He added that "Lebanon is working to develop relations with Iraq and wants to buy quantities of oil at good and appropriate prices with facilities that suit the Lebanese financial situation."

For three months, Iraq provided 300,000 barrels of gas oil free of charge to Lebanon to operate power stations damaged by the Beirut port bombing.

Number of views 35 Date added 08/07/2020

Parliamentary Economy: Completing The Laws On Mineral Investment And The Participation Of The Private Sector

Friday 07 August 2020  73 Baghdad / Muhannad Abdul-Wahab  The Parliamentary Economy and Investment Committee revealed the maturity of the mineral investment laws and the participation of the private sector, noting that they are among the laws required by the stage, especially in supporting the economy and reviving the budget.

A member of the Parliamentary Economy and Investment Committee, Nada Shaker Jawdat, told Al-Sabah: “The most important laws that the committee prepared and awaiting the Parliament’s sessions for reading are the Mineral Investment Law and the Private Sector Participation Law, which are among the mature laws that the stage requires to support the national economy.

As a whole, as well as their role in boosting the country's general budget revenues. ” Jawdat stressed, "The mineral investment law includes opening the door for investment to the private sector for mineral resources in Iraqi lands, except oil, which are other doors for the advancement of the economy and have the forefront and important alternatives to dependence on oil revenues."

She indicated, “The law has faced objections and reservations by some representatives of political blocs on the grounds that the private sector will control mineral resources and may have external agendas exploiting these investments in other ends,” noting that “despite these objections, the committee has gone a long way in The maturity of this law ».

The member of the committee pointed out that "the law of participation between the public and private sectors allows it to participate in investments and the state can provide possible facilities but with conditions that include separation between strategic projects and other projects, including housing, health, education, roads and oil pipelines, and these are all strategic projects on the state Dominate it and do not guarantee the participation of the private sector in it. ”

The deputy stressed that "the private sector cannot be dominated by the public sector of the state and we need great care with this important law, which will contribute to supporting the agricultural, industrial and other important sectors", indicating that "the most important steps that the state is heading before adopting these laws are steps to reduce corruption And dismantling its networks.  LINK

Parliamentary Economy Announces Completion Of The Statutory Mineral Investment And Private Sector Participation

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  On Friday, the Parliamentary Commission on Economy and Investment revealed the maturity of the mineral investment laws and the participation of the private sector, while noting that they are among the laws required by the stage, especially in supporting the economy and reviving the budget.

Member of the Committee, Nada Shaker Jawdat, said that "the most important laws that the committee prepared and awaiting the parliament’s sessions to read it are the Mineral Investment Law and the Private Sector Participation Law, which are among the mature laws required by the stage to support the national economy entirely, as well as their role in enhancing budget revenues General of the country. "

Jawdat added, "The Mineral Investment Law includes opening the door for investment to the private sector for mineral resources in Iraqi lands, except oil, which are other doors for the advancement of the economy and have the forefront and important alternatives to dependence on oil revenues."

Number of views 40 Date added 08/07/2020

Global Finance: The Iraqi Per Capita Share Of The Gross Product Is Over $ 18,000

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  "Global Finance" magazine revealed that the Iraqi individual's share of the gross product is more than 18 thousand dollars during a statistic published in 2020.

According to the statistics that were published on its website and viewed by "Al-Iqtisad News", "The Iraqi per capita share of gross domestic product amounted to 18.025 thousand dollars, and thus ranks the 83rd out of 192 countries included in the statistics and the sixth Arab after each of Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman." .

She added, "Qatar ranked first globally with per capita GDP at 132.886 thousand dollars, Macau at 114.363 thousand dollars, then Luxembourg with 108.951 thousand dollars, while the Burundi list at 727 dollars.

Global Finance noted that if we consider GDP, we will conclude that the richest countries have the largest GDP, such as the United States, China, Japan, and Germany.

This does not give a clear picture of the state if its members are rich, but when distributing wealth to the population, specifically dividing the gross domestic product of a country by its population, we know the per capita share and this issue becomes clear.

Number of views 47 Date added 08/07/2020

Parliamentary Law Returns A Draft Prepared By The Presidency To Amend The Federal Court Law

Friday 07, August 2020 14:07 | PoliticalViews: 184  Baghdad / Nina / The Parliamentary Legal Committee announced: "The Presidency of the Republic sent a draft to the House of Representatives that includes amending the Federal Supreme Court Law, without having information about the existence of a draft law for the Federal Court sent from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers," stressing that it "decided unanimously, in Last May, the draft amendment of Law No. (30) of 2005 was returned to the sending authority.

The committee chairman, Repoir Hadi, said in a press statement: "The legal basis for the existence of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq is Law No. (30) for the year 2005, where the first article of it stipulated the establishment of a Federal Supreme Court, whose headquarters will be located in Baghdad, exercising its functions independently. There is no authority over it other than the law.

”He pointed out:“ The constitutional basis for continuing its duties is the provision of Article (130) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, which states that (the legislation in force shall remain in effect, unless canceled or amended according to the provisions of this constitution) ".

He explained: "This constitutional text granted legitimacy to the current Supreme Federal Court to continue its work, until a new law is issued in the House of Representatives by a majority of two-thirds of its members, according to Article (92) of the effective Iraqi constitution, which dealt with the mechanism of legislation, terms of reference and composition of the Federal Supreme Court and authoritative Its decisions, in Articles (92, 93, 94, 52 / II) of it.

He added: "The Federal Supreme Court is one of the main components of the federal judiciary, and this court is the highest judicial body in Iraq in terms of competencies, whether qualitative or spatial, and the Federal Supreme Court is also responsible for interpreting the provisions of the constitution, as well as for adjudicating disputes that arise Between the federal government and the governments of the regions or governorates that are not organized in a region, and also has the authority to endorse the final results of the general elections for membership of the House of Representatives, and in terms of spatial jurisdiction it extends to all Iraqi borders, including the Kurdistan region, and all governorates that are not organized in a region.

The Chairman of the Legal Committee affirmed that “the reason for the disruption of the Federal Court is due to a deficiency in the law of the Federal Supreme Court itself, which Article (5) of which stipulates that (the convening of the court is only valid in the presence of all its members),” noting that “the Federal Court Currently, she has a shortage in her number, after the old judge, Faruq Sami, was referred to retirement.

She became idle and could not convene without completing her number. The only way to appoint the members of the court was what was stipulated in Article (3) of Law No. (30) of 2005 referred to.

To him above, which the Supreme Federal Court ruled in accordance with its decision (38/2019) that it is unconstitutional, and then the appointment of the President and members of the Supreme Federal Court became outside the jurisdiction of the Supreme Judicial Council, and as a result we became legally in front of a vacuum or lack of a mechanism for appointing members of the Federal Supreme Court, We must tackle this legal vacuum. "

And, "The only constitutional way to address the deficiency is to legislate the Supreme Federal Court Law in accordance with the mechanism set out in the Iraqi constitution stipulated in Article (92) thereof, knowing that this article imposed the age of the Federal Supreme Court by a two-thirds majority of the members of the House of Representatives to ensure the approval of representatives of the components of the people Iraqi,

in order not to impose the majority opinion, and this is an exception to what is issued by the House of Representatives in other places of the constitution, which is by a simple or absolute majority of the number of members, and this specificity of the law comes a sense from the constitutional legislator of the importance and role of the Federal Supreme Court.

Hadi pointed out that "this mechanism for legislating the Federal Supreme Court Law does not only include the enactment of a new law, but it also includes the enactment of any amendment to the law in effect, as it should be by a two-thirds majority, especially since Article (130) of the constitution that spoke about the extension

The Constitutional laws of the former have stated that the amendment should come in accordance with the provisions of this constitution, and since Article (92) of the constitution required the approval of two-thirds of the members, it includes the new legislation and the amendment, "warning that" any attempt to amend the Federal Supreme Court Law No. (30) For the year 2005, without relying on the correct constitutional mechanisms it will be unconstitutional and contrary to the will of the people who voted on the constitution.

Hadi went on to recall, that members of the House of Representatives and the Legal Committee discussed the draft law of the Federal Supreme Court in detail, and it was read first reading, and an integrated report was prepared in this regard, and lengthy discussions were completed among the deputies, technical and legal procedures and all legislative contexts have been completed, and we have reached an advanced stage There are only three contentious points that need agreement between the political blocs.

He continued by saying, "The Presidency of the Republic sent a draft to the House of Representatives that includes amending the Federal Supreme Court Law, without having information about the existence of a draft of the Federal Supreme Court Law, sent from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

This is evidence of lack of coordination between the components of the executive authority, as it is It constitutes confusion and marginalization of the work of the State Council, contrary to what was stated in Article 101 of the Iraqi constitution, which states that (it is permissible by law, the establishment of the State Council is concerned with the functions of administrative judiciary, advisory, and drafting ........) and is contrary to the terms of reference referred to In State Council Law No. (71) of 2017,

 in addition to its violation of Article (92) of the Iraqi constitution that includes the mechanism for legislation of the Supreme Federal Court Law, noting that “The Legal Committee decided unanimously at its meeting held on 3/5/2020, to return a draft Amend Law No. (30) for the year 2005 to the sending authority. ”


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