Monday Night X22 Reports 5-18-2020

Economic Roundtable To Open The Country, Forces Are In Place - Episode 2177a

X22 Report:  May 18, 2020

The economy is now reversing, US homebuilder confidence is up, restaurant owners ready to open.

Trump had a roundtable meeting with restaurant owners and other business owners on how to open the country.

 The MSM/[CB] have failed, the economy is coming back.

The D's are pushing the next stimulus bill, but the stimulus bill has much more in there that has nothing to do with what the people need or want.

FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics - Episode 2177b

X22 Report:  May 18, 2020

The [DS]/MSM event has failed.

The [DS] weapons are being used against them. We have now learned that Trump has been taking HCQ.

Barr came out and said that as of today he has seen nothing to push criminal charges against Obama, keyword, today.

Criminal v Military, the more you know. Optics are important.


Delta, MilitiaMan and Mon. Night CC Replay for 5-18-2020


DJ, Frank26, Bix Weir and Lynette Zang Monday PM 5-18-2020