MilitiaMan, PIR, C365 and more Friday Afternoon 10-23-2020


Cutebwoy:  Al-Kazemi: I dance with the snakes daily and look for a flute to control them

October 23, 2020


Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi warned against forcing him to achieve an “impossible” balance between the United States and Iran in Iraq, saying, “I dance daily with snakes, but I am looking for a pipe to control them,” according to the British newspaper, The Guardian. .

During his European tour this week, Al-Kazemi urged Europe to help his country’s debt-ridden economy.

Al-Kazemi assumed the premiership last May, after unprecedented protests against corruption.

“Since taking office, he has governed with a simple program to conduct early elections, improve security performance, and prevent the collapse of the oil-based economy,” the Guardian says, referring to his “slow” changes in the security and economic institutions.

In a press briefing after his meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Al-Kazemi pledged that elections in Iraq would take place on June 6, saying that “the election date is indisputable, and we are committed to it.”

Some accuse Al-Kazemi of moving with extreme caution, but he told reporters that patience is better than being drawn into bloody chaos and civil war, adding, “A thousand years of discussion is better than a moment of exchange of fire.”

According to the Guardian, Al-Kazemi is trying to walk a compromise between the United States and Iran, saying: “I am on a rope between two tall buildings. I am not required to walk on a rope, but to ride a bicycle on a rope. I dance daily with snakes, but I am looking for a flute to control snakes.” .

Al-Kazemi: I dance with the snakes daily and look for a flute to control them


Samson:  Britain will receive 5,000 artifacts to Iraq early next year, and Al-Kazemi reviews them

23rd October, 2020

On Friday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi visited the British Museum in the capital, London, on the sidelines of his current visit to Britain.

Al-Kazemi was informed of the artifacts that will be officially delivered to Iraq early next year , according to a statement issued by his media office.

The number of artifacts prepared for delivery to the Iraqi government is estimated at approximately five thousand pieces of clay digits, which is the largest process for returning antiquities at the present time. The Iraqi government will also receive an artifact from a Sumerian stone tablet that was smuggled, and Iraq recently managed to recover it. 

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi antiquities were looted, stolen and destroyed during the ISIS invasion of regions and cities estimated at two-thirds of the country's area in mid-2014.  LINK

MilitiaMan:  One has to think that they cut a deal. They didn't get those artifacts with out strings attached. There has to be a good reason and it is not at a cost with a program rate in mind.. No, the deals in investments, reconstruction, energy all come with a cost of a real international rate. The secondary markets require it. This sure looks of you do the right thing, we can get this back to you after you show the world the new rate.. Game on folks, game on.. imo ~ MM


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  Article:  "The White Paper for Economic Reforms: vision and key objectives"    Quote:  "The Iraqi government has formally adopted the White Paper for Economic Reforms prepared by the Crisis Cell for Financial and Fiscal Reform.  No matter how we slice this, they need an international exchange rate prior to launching. They European Bank of Reconstruction and Development is in the final stages for Iraq's ascension to the bank. It is with them and along with the Global Accounting Firms of Ernst & Young and Pricewater House - Cooper that are involved with the final requirements. To get to the final requirements tells us this White Paper has already been in play for many months and years already.  To meet with the EBRD and E & Y and PWHC is for to implement it internationally.

MilitiaMan    They mention...reviewing the Dollar/Dinar Exchange Rate and...they talk about new markets that include commodity markets and above all FOREX. The final requirements appear to have to do with those two key elements of where we are at with this stage of the White Papers. The rest will be over a 3-5 year period. There is an article telling us that the Director of the CBI as of recent, that an exchange rate is expected from 120 - 121 IQD to 100 USD. That fits with internationalism. So the final decisions most likely sorted... Very very very exciting and powerful times we are in. Lets see what the CBI says when they get home... The banks are open for accounts today and tomorrow, fwiw too. To have an exchange rate change as the CBI Director has said would require the NSCNs(LD’s) ... imo.   [post 2 of 2]


Patriot Intel Report

PIR 10 23 20

There is news we will soon see a new stimulus bill. I believe there are things being negotiated in this bill that are more important than we think

Did Kadhimi Make Deal With Iran & Iraq Politicians?

Currency365:  Oct 23, 2020

Kadhimi Doesn't Trust Gov't As Oct 25th Nears

Currency365:  Oct 23, 2020


Frank26, MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Friday PM 10-23-2020


Iraqi News Friday AM 10-23-20