Mike Maloney and Lynette Zang Q&A Thursday 6-1-2023

"Where I See the PRICE of Gold Going Depends On THIS...."

Mike Maloney:  6-1-2023

There’s a grand experiment happening in the global financial system – and most people have no idea it’s happening.

Mike sits down with Julia La Roche for a timely discussion about the big fiat currency problem.

In short, there has never been a time in world history where ALL currencies have been fiat currencies, like we see today.

History shows us that once a currency becomes fiat, it’s just a matter of time before it becomes worthless.

What is the future of the dollar if that happens? What would a global monetary shift look like? And what will that mean for the price of gold?

 Mike’s answer might surprise you. Check out Mike’s conversation with Julia for the full story.


Gold, T-Bills, Fraud and Bartering

Lynette Zang and Eric Griffen :  5-31-2023


 0:52 Question 1 Graded coins come in sealed plastic containers and the containers must be destroyed to actually touch the coin. I see these containers as a third party risk for a fake coin. The Chinese are copying everything these days. Isn't there an advantage to having a coin you can touch? I can touch my bullion. And when I bought it, I tested it for purity using resonance frequencies. Using the Android app bullion test.

4:40 Question 2 With the LIBOR scheduled to end by June 30th, 2023, will there be an impact on existing home mortgages? There is very likely to be an impact because the valuation of the SOFR, the interest rate on the SOFA is different than the interest rate on the LIBOR. 5:40 Question 3 How will de-dollarization affect other countries?

7:50 Question 4 I have been considering the possibility of purchasing T-bills maturing in a few months to one year as an alternative if the US defaults. Do these T-bills go with it?

13:20 Question 5 how do you safely barter with either silver or the gold collectibles without being vulnerable to theft or possible injury to your family?



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