More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Evening 6-1-2023


Zeeman:  the POS (Point of Sale)  starts today is a great step forward and now if they can get their act together on the budget then change the value of the dinar they can really grow and become the hub of the middle east as some say imo

Clare:  The Central Bank announces the entry into force of the Cabinet's decision regarding the use of electronic payment devices


The Central Bank announced, on Thursday, the entry into force of the Cabinet’s decision regarding the use of electronic payment devices (POS).

The bank confirmed, in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that “Cabinet Resolution No. (23044) for the year 2023 entered into force, represented by increasing the number of electronic payment devices (POS), which are used as of 6/1/2023 in government institutions.”

And the private sector to promote a culture of electronic payment and collection, and reduce the use of paper money in collection and commercial transactions.

The bank indicated that “it has been going on for years to provide this service in accordance with its powers, and in compliance with the decision of the esteemed Council of Ministers, as it has started since the beginning of this year to expand the scope of work, hold workshops and launch incentive initiatives to implement financial inclusion and enhance the use of electronic payment by citizens in ministries.”

And the bodies and state departments that work with collection and financial collection, such as the Ministry of Interior, Electricity and Oil, the Housing Fund, the Municipality of Baghdad, and the Ministry of Commerce. The citizen has the right to choose to pay in the way that makes it easier for him.

And he continued, "There are other government institutions and departments that will join the (POS) service during the next few days, in implementation of the aforementioned Cabinet decision."

The Central pointed out that "there is a great response from the private sector, commercial centers, licensed delivery companies, taxi companies licensed by the competent sectoral authorities, and some universities and private hospitals, by providing point-of-sale (POS) devices in their work."

The statement stated, “The bank has provided the necessary infrastructure and support for the launch of this project in its expanded form, and its continued development according to the best international technologies and specifications in service of the public interest, and facilitating procedures for electronic cash circulation through bank cards.”

The service to the bank holding the account of the billed government entity shall be after the completion of processing and settlement operations in payment systems of high reliability and security, affiliated to the Central Bank of Iraq, and in accordance with international best practices.   LINK


Clare:  The Supreme Committee for Reconstruction announces the launch of investment opportunities for five new cities


On Thursday, the Prime Minister's Office announced the approval of a declaration of investment opportunities for five new residential cities   .

06/01/2023   Baghdad

Today, Thursday, the political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed that major projects that Iraq has not seen in 50 years will be launched after the approval of the budget, while he indicated that the path of development will represent a qualitative transition for Iraq.

Al-Shammari said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "major projects that Iraq has not seen in 50 years will be launched as soon as the budget is approved."

He pointed out, "The southern governorates have suffered from grievances, in the past periods, and the time has come to do justice to them with major strategic projects," stressing, "Additional allocations for vital projects have been made for the holy cities of Karbala, Najaf, Kadhimiya, and Samarra."

Al-Shammari added, "Work is underway to prepare, through ad hoc committees, to draw the paths of the new highways linking Karbala and Najaf to the international highway without going through the city centers."

He continued, "The development path project is a qualitative transition for Iraq, as it will be a regional center for trade."  LINK

DeepWoods:  Advisor to the Prime Minister: Major projects will be launched after the approval of the budget    Baghdad

Today, Thursday, the political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed that major projects that Iraq has not seen in 50 years will be launched after the approval of the budget, while he indicated that the path of development will represent a qualitative transition for Iraq.

Imo…….And this is just a couple articles from today, out of the multitude of articles that have already come out, that make you understand this isn’t possible at 1310. I dare say not even 1:1. The amount of money they plan on spending can only be supported with a rate of ?:1.
You decide.

Sir:  IMO- You are right, this article tells the World that Iraq is back!  “Just do the math “
150 billion Dinar-divided by 1310 = $114.5 million dollar’s, divide that by the 5 cities to be built = $22.9 million dollar’s.   I know from being in the business most of my life that for $ 22.9 million may get you a small strip mall but that’s not a city!    The World is changing fast.. IMO 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Mnt Goat   ...the “project to delete the zeros” must be completed just prior to or at about the same time of any major rate change to what we want to see...What we want Iraq to do now is to get off the program rate and finally “liberate” the dinar back to pre-war normalization from the embargoes and the wars. ...This is when we go to the bank and not before. ...The next step in the plan is to reinstate to FOREX thus to “liberate” the dinar once again for the investors...  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Mnt Goat  We know what they are about to do and have to do it. Think about all the actions the CBI has taken just since January of 2023. WOW! summary- it is here and there is no turning back for Iraq now. They can ONLY go forward with the project to completion for the currency reform of the Iraqi dinar...I cannot over emphasize enough that this is a once in a lifetime event for most of us so make the best of it.     [post 2 of 2]

ECONOMY CRATERING... A "Snapback" Is Going To Occur In The Debt Market. BE READY FOR IT.

Greg Mannarino:  6-1-2023

ALERT! Global Monetary Tsunami is Here! Get Your SILVER Life Raft FULL OF SILVER!

 (Bix Weir) 6-1-2023

Anything can happen at ANY TIME so you have to be ready NOW!!


Fall Of American Empire & Descent Into A New Dark Ages


Mike Maloney and Lynette Zang Q&A Thursday 6-1-2023