Max Keiser, PIR and X22 Spotlight Thursday PM 4-23-2020

Keiser Report | The Everything Bubble Turns (Almost) Everything Bailout | E1531

Apr 23, 2020

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at how the ‘everything bubble,’ which has ballooned since the Fed began printing money with reckless abandon after the last crash, has become the almost everything bailout as cronies and insiders receive trillions in credit from the Fed and bailout funds meant for ‘small businesses.’

In the second half, Max interviews entrepreneur and former commodities analyst, Josh Crumb, about the bizarre situation in the oil market and how our financial system has created this situation.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 23 20

Green across the screen…Basically at this time all markets look stable in the entire economic system, but how long will this last?

We are in the middle of a Global Black Swan Event that will continue on so do not be lolled into what you see today because tomorrow may bring something totally different.

We are looking at the total restructuring of the Global Economic system. This is what many people have been anticipating and looking for. It just may not be happening in the way you expected.

This Is The End Game, The [CB] System Is Coming To An End:  Bob Kudla

X22 Report Spotlight:  Apr 23, 2020


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