Max Keiser, Lynette Zang and Jim Willie Thursday Morning 1-9-2020

Keiser Report: Vietnam for a ‘Decent Standard of Living’ (E1486)

Jan 9, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the irony of US veterans of the Vietnam War retiring to Vietnam, where they can afford a better standard of living, including healthcare.

They also discuss the ‘three truths’ that the Democrats need to accept about 2016 in order to win in 2020. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Mitch Feierstein of about the euphoria in the markets.

They discuss gold, what Japan’s economy can tell us about the US zombie future and what his predictions are for the 2020 election.

What Happens Next? Oil, Gold, Stocks, Bonds…By Lynette Zang

Streamed live 18 hours ago

The new decade begins with a BANG as the US sends in drones and kills Qasem Soleimani, a key Iranian military leader, after attacks against American civilian in Iraq. On this news, gold broke out to new seven-year highs, bonds, stocks and oil seemed to shrug off this geopolitical crisis.

Perhaps the flood of central bank liquidity helped support these severely overvalued markets. Overnight, Iran’s revenge began by striking the two Iraqi bases from which the US drones that killed Soleimani emanated.

But not wanting to unleash US military retaliation, no one was hurt by these actions. Is this over? How much of the current market response is about complacency?

 If you look at the markets, including the oil market, you’d think so, but I’m not so sure. Ask yourself if you think this is done. Then ask yourself what is the most likely asset to protect your wealth if this is not over?

 If your wealth is held intangibly, it is at risk and not just because it’s nominal value could fall, but also because you could lose all access to it in a cyberattack.

One reason physical gold has been money for 5,000 years is because it is indestructible. But central bankers know that if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. Therefore, global central bankers have been accumulating and repatriating gold, the true safe-haven asset.

Jim Willie: The Federal Reserve Is Buying Everything In Sight (Part 1)

Jan 6, 2020

About minute 2:00:  JW:  We need to see a reset and I would love a debt jubilee!

After months of #repo transactions that failed to fix a crisis that #WallStreet claims does not exist, Jim Willie is reporting that the leverage in the system on Wall Street is now getting out of control. To the point where the Federal Reserve has simply started buying everything in sight.

Which is the result of an incredible amount of #leverage in the system between the #banks and #hedgefunds. That may hinge on the status of #DeutscheBank, and the #darkpools of money that have been flowing around the system.

So to find out what's actually going on, and what Wall Street and your #government will never tell you until it's too late, click to watch part one of the interview now!

(For part 2 of this interview go to -

 Jim Willie: The Real Story About Donald Trump, LBMA Rumblings (Part 2)

Jan 7, 2020

As Donald Trump enters the final year of his term, it remains a mystery as to what he truly believes. He talked about the #stockmarket being a bubble when he campaigned, yet now regularly calls for lower #interestrates and #quantitativeeasing. So what does he really believe?

 Fortunately in part 2 of my interview with #DrJimWillie, editor of #TheHatTrickLetter on #TheGoldenJackass, Jim shares what he’s hearing behind the scenes.

As well as his thoughts on the rumblings from the LBMA, where more analysts are starting to question if there’s an issue with the physical #gold supply.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 9, 2020


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday AM 1-9-2020