Max Keiser and The Nomad Economist Saturday 1-16-2021

Keiser Report | The Year that Changed Everything | E1646

Jan 16, 2021

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the bets Wall Street is making on the continuation of violence and domestic unrest.

In the second half, Max chats to Dave Collum about his annual year in review in which he reflects back on the year that was in terms of the economy and culture. They discuss 2020: The Year that Changed Everything

America is Sliding into Economic Depression in 2021

The Nomad Economist:  Premiered 74 minutes ago

Roughly four in five Americans said they believe the US is falling apart, according to a new Axios-Ipsos poll. But just wait till the gas goes way up, your taxes go way up,and everything else.

Already large companies that were moving back to the States have changed their mind. No confidence in Biden at all, especially when he wants to raise their taxes as well.

This country is headed for total collapse.

US citizens are now denied rights of: speech, publication, court-access, fair-elections, assembly, petition, and association.

 The US social cohesion, its economy, and the dollar's role as reserve currency are in fragile condition.

Squabbling and associated threat of violence distracts attention from now increasingly clear fundamental errors in the manner the collection of states is constituted and governed as a whole.

Loosening Federal powers such that the USA becomes a common market with freedom of movement within might lessen tensions or at least concentrate them within relatively small independent geographical areas.

What's truly tragic about the situation here in America is that neither political party is seriously out to improve the conditions of the commons.

Both parties are equally corrupt. Sold out to the very same corporate/plutocratic interests that over decades brought the nation to the sorry state it's in.

Therefore, vociferous partisanship is pure diversion. The last thing either party wants is to bring about real positive social and economic change.


The Narrative, “History Always Repeats Itself”, is a Patently Deceptive One


KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday 1-16-2021