Master Money And Investing 101: Creating Ninja Wealth

Master Money And Investing 101: Creating Ninja Wealth

By Billy B | Invest, Money

I remember when I used to feel inadequate about money and investing.  I felt like I was floating in the middle of a dangerous ocean, with no wind in my sails, and I lost my direction home.

It was a helpless, scary feeling to know almost nothing about how to start investing, because I desperately wanted to master money, but I didn’t know where to start learning how to invest.

I always imagined life would be easier if I understood how to invest, and create money from money, but getting that knowledge felt so elusive. It felt like financial wisdom was reserved for a select club. Unless you were born into that club, or went to school for years to learn it, you’d forever be struggling money, while the few people who did understand money and investing would be passionately living their dream lives.

This story is about my road to learn how money and investing works. Once I began to learn, I stopped feeling lost and afraid.  I started to feel empowered.  Learning was the breeze that filled my sails.  Learning helped me cross my ocean of challenges, and find my dream life on the other side.   

This is how you start to learn to master money and investing:

It was three years ago when I realized something had to change with my limited understanding of money and investing.  I was sick of feeling lost.  I was in an Alpha Group with my wife (We’re now leaders), and our leader opened with a question to start the discussion.

“If you could have one super power, what would it be?” She asked,

A few ordinary answers flashed in my mind:  Jedi mind powers.  Ninja athletic skills.  Wings to fly through the universe at  the speed of light. Claws and strength like Wolverine. All really cool super powers.

But these answers felt too generic for me because I am a trail-blazer at heart.   I tried to think deeper trying to find a unique answer that hadn’t been said before.  My answer finally hit me.  It was like a lightning bolt exploded in my mind when it was my turn to answer.

I spit the flaming-hot answer out of my mouth, “I wish I understood the art of finance  better.” I said, “I wish I had financial wisdom as my super power, because I don’t understand it right now.”


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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