Lynette Zang, PIR and Pimpy Wednesday Afternoon 5-27-2020

Overnight Reset Government Cryptos Whole Life Policies:

 Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin:   May 27, 2020

Sean M: With regard to a reset, which seems like it should be close, do you think it’s an overnight occurrence? In other words, we wake up one morning and Gold is $10,000?

Azmi L: Do you think it makes sense to put money into my 401k up to the amount that my employer matches… its free money? What would you put the money into?

Sebastian: Why would governments want to back our future currencies with gold and thus lose the ability to print currencies and manipulate markets? Especially if they take us into a digital government crypto currency?

Ric B: With Covid19 threatening to destroy jobs and the economy I'm interested in understanding what proportion of our wealth we should hold in cash to survive the crisis before using our Gold and Silver.

Rene S: I heard you mention that Whole Life insurance policies will suffer with this economic collapse, can you elaborate how you think they will be affected?

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 05 27 20

As I have been saying we are looking for the next Stimulus bill that’s coming out soon in the US and there looks like there will not be a debate about it until June 1st.  The Senate is on vacation but there is work going on behind the scenes.

The Bill that the Democrats sent from the house was dead on arrival. I do believe that the people will be surprised at the stimulus bill that comes out.

In it will be things that will change the economic trajectory of the US and thus the world. I also believe it will be a cover for quite a few things.

Remember when we covered “Chinese Historic Bonds” a few weeks ago and we are seeing some major disclosures coming out about “Deep State Activities”.

President Trumps new Press Secretary is talking a lot about the activities of “The Deep State” .They are now on the offensive.   Durham is about to drop the “MOAB” It is about to happen.

We are in “The Perfect Storm” .  The perfect storm for economic and geopolitical changes is here.

Expect the Unexpected

NESARA / GESARA - Truth from Fiction Part 2 (Abolish the IRS and Taxes)

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  May 27, 2020

It is not far fetched …Trump is already doing this…..

Other videos in this series:

NESARA / GESARA - Truth vs Fiction (debt forgiveness)

NESARA GESARA - Summary (Truth vs Fiction)

How to pay for NESARA / GESARA


Nesara Part 5

Nesara Part Four

Nesara Part Three

Nesara Part Two

Nesara Part one 


KTFA Members "News and Veiws" Wednesday PM 5-27-2020


How Many Companies Are Worth Less Than Zero?