Lynette Zang and Bix Weir Saturday 12-10-2022

Lynette Zang: Head of Banking at Bank of International Settlements says, "Buy Gold Now" - Here's Why

As good as Gold Australia:  12-10-2022

In this latest interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia interview the incomparable, Lynette Zang, Chief Marketing Analyst at ITM Trading, Phoenix AZ.

Last month, Peter Zollner, Head of the Banking Department at the Bank for International Settlements, spoke at the Global Precious Metals Conference of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), held in Lisbon, Portugal.

Peter did not leave a stone unturned, as he very articulately described the many benefits of holding gold.

Here are all the reasons that central banks own gold - we need to listen intently to learn from this and respond accordingly. The best information, from the highest authority - it's worth its weight in gold.

Russia, Turkey, India, Poland, China, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, and the Czech Republic are all buying gold.

We have half of the world's central banks buying massive quantities of gold and taking delivery at a faster rate than at anytime in history - and nobody is talking about it.

Why are they doing this - I think Peter Zollner provided the answer. Lynette Zang provides her answer as well.

All indicators suggest that we are heading toward a new gold standard.

How close may we be and what price may gold be revalued at with unfunded liabilities in the US at $175 trillion. Now more than ever, it's imperative that one owns gold!

ALERT! Warehoused Silver Disappears as The Deep State Cabal Gets EXPOSED!!

Bix Weir:  12-10-2022

Wow! We have NEVER been so close to the end of silver price suppression than we are right NOW! Yes, Silver is still trading less than 50% of all time highs in 1980 & 2011 but that's just FUEL FOR THE FIRE!! Also, the Deep State is being exposed and there is no place to hide!!


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