KTFA, SRU and Fulford Monday Morning 11-11-19


Samson:  International study: 4,200 protests in Iran in the last two years

11th November, 2019

The US Institute of Strategic and International Studies recently released a report on popular protests in Iran over the past two years, noting that the number and scope of these protests is the highest in Iran's history.

The Washington-based International Research Institute monitored 4,200 protests in Iran from December 2017 to October 2019 and compared them to current protests in Lebanon and Iraq to answer two questions about the origin of the protests. And to what extent it can be considered a "real threat" to the Iranian regime. The studies of this non-governmental institute are based on information gathered under the “Places Information Project, Events of Armed Conflict”.

According to a map of protests based on this information, almost all of Iran's provinces have seen protests by various groups, particularly labor groups. Hundreds of small public protests have been held every month since the winter of 2017, led by different groups, from shopkeepers to students and truck drivers in Iran. The Institute's study confirmed that the main causes of the protests were mostly living, environmental, cultural and political problems.

According to this analysis, "regardless of whether the protests in Iran are not new, the number and scope of the protests today is significant compared to previous years." "These protests are unlikely to threaten the survival of the regime, at least for the time being," the report said. The report adds that the Iranian protest movement, which has been motivated by mass protests in Iraq and Lebanon, is still "united, lacking the central command," and that "the security forces and intelligence of the regime strong."

The analysis showed that since 2009, there have been unprecedented protests, following the announcement of the outcome of the presidential elections, while law enforcement agencies are strengthening their forces, activating the Revolutionary Guard and the Basij as “deterrent forces”.

"Overall, the ongoing protests in Iran and other countries in the region, including Lebanon and Iraq, suggest that one of the key elements of the US conflict with Iran must be intellectual," the International Research Institute (IRI) wrote in its report.

In this regard, the Institute cited US media actions against the former Soviet Union and tools such as Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Voice of America, and the US News Agency, which played a vital role during the Cold War. Accordingly, the report states that "Iran's authoritarian political system and its efforts to control access to information, including state media, make it vulnerable to US and Western media campaigns," the report concluded.   LINK



Harambe: AP News: UN mission in Iraq proposes roadmap for ending upheaval (11/10/19)


Economic Collapse News - US CEO Departures Exceed 2008's Pace, Mass Layoffs, & Wealth Inequality

Nov 11, 2019

First we focus on the rising depatures of CEO's at US corporations. We actually just reached an all time record for a single month this is something we typically see in recessions. In fact the publisher of a recent study was shocked that this could be happening in a good economy...

Next we attempt to find a potential cause for the rise in wealth inequality we have seen in recent years. The truth is it is the feds policies that has lead to wealth inequality anyone not addressing this may not be seeing the economy clearly, or may not be honest.

We see Daimler is in the news for some mass layoffs among executives. This is something that hasn't happened since the great recession either. Global auto demand continues to fall it doesn't look to good for the near term for these struggling auto manufacturers.


Deliberate implosion of financial system being engineered to kick-start new financial system

November 11, 2019    By Benjamin Fulford

A bigger than Lehman Brothers collapse of the financial system is being engineered in order to make way for a new financial system, Asian secret society sources say.

Recent trends in financial markets, notably a stock market bubble of biblical proportions, back up this assertion. Any financial veteran will tell you that when financial markets fight against reality, reality always wins in the end. This means stock prices could fall by 90% or more.

However, in a sign the financial war is not yet over, European royals disagree, saying, “All of the world’s investment banks have begun to migrate away from the old system, so it is just a matter of time before it seamlessly or frictionlessly just morphs from the old to the new.”

This may work for payment systems, ATMs, and credit cards, etc., but not for the Western system of Babylonian debt slavery as a whole. This system has resulted in the top 1% owning 53.2% of all stocks and mutual funds, and if you add in the next 9%, the rich control 93.2%, leaving the remaining 90% with just 6.8%. Further proof that this is a system of debt slavery comes from the fact the bottom 90% of the people owe 72.4% of all the debt.


This stock market, controlled and owned by the super-rich and their high-level servants, has become fraudulent and parasitical and is actually sucking money out of the real economy. This makes a collapse mathematically inevitable.

Let’s take a look at some more numbers that prove this. From January to October of this year worldwide, $339 billion has been put into bonds and $208 billion has been taken out of stocks, and yet the stock market keeps hitting record highs. That’s because since 2009, institutional investors and households have taken $1.9 trillion out of the stock market while corporations, using private central bank funny money, have bought $3.6 trillion of their own shares.



Plus, according to the Wall Street Journal, 97% of listed companies are not using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in releasing their profits, meaning basically they are cooking their books.



Coca Cola is a good case study. To quote from The Daily Bell:

“If we just go back a few years to 2010, Coca Cola’s annual revenue was $35 billion. By 2018 the company’s annual revenue had fallen to less than $32 billion. In 2010, Coca Cola generated $5.06 in profit (earnings) per share. In 2018, just $1.50.

And Coca Cola’s total equity, i.e. the ‘net worth’ of the business, was $31 billion in 2010. By 2018, equity had fallen to $19 billion. So over the past eight years, Coca Cola has lost nearly 40% of its equity, sales are down, and per-share earnings have fallen by 70%. Clearly the company is in far worse shape today than it was eight years ago. Yet Coke’s share price has nearly DOUBLED in that period.”


To summarize, the families that own the Western (and Japanese) central banks are printing money and handing it to the corporations they also own, while sucking the lifeblood out of 90% of the population.


The financial system has become a giant black hole, which makes perverted sense since many of the ruling families worship the black sun.

One likely trigger will be the collapse of Deutsche Bank, which just announced a third quarter loss of 832 million Euros.


This chart of their stock price bears an uncanny resemblance to Lehman Brothers just before they collapsed.


A collapse of Deutsche Bank would pull down the European Central Bank and bankrupt the EU, the Asian sources say.

Needless to say, while it’s easy to spot a bubble, it’s harder to predict when it will burst. However, Asian secret society and White Dragon Society (WDS) sources believe a collapse is likely in 2020. This will be followed by a jubilee (a one-time write-off of all debt and redistribution of assets) and a huge campaign to fix the planet. This plan includes setting up a meritocratic future planning agency that anybody can apply to join.

Before that becomes possible, though, some serious battles remain to be fought. Right now, the main action is taking place in Saudi Arabia and Mexico, where the Khazarian mafia is fighting to preserve its oil and drug money pipelines.

Let’s start with the situation in Mexico, where according to Pentagon sources, U.S. President Donald Trump has “declared war on Mexican drug cartels, and indirectly the Democrats who are their secret supporters.” However, Mexican sources say recent events in Mexico such as the supposed murder of nine American women and children are just false flags.

The evidence leads to “Yunque, an extreme-right secret occult sect with trails of………

The Full report is only available for subscribed members until midnight on Thursday………



Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Nov. 11, 2019


Thoughts From DJ "Controlled Opposition" Late Sunday PM