KTFA Members "News and Views" Monday 2-3-2020


Samson:  The central bank issues a set of recommendations for shares of traded banks

3rd February, 2020

Within the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in maintaining the stability of the economic process, His Excellency the Governor of this bank, Ali Mohsen Ismail, initiated a meeting with the Chairman of the Securities Commission and the Executive Director of the Iraq Stock Exchange and the Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banking Association, to discuss the mechanism for increasing the return on bank shares, and improving the circulation of those Shares, as well as increased transparency for banks to disclose performance and a host of other recommendations

The Central Bank of Iraq

information Office



Samson:  The central bank organizes the International Financial Reporting Standards Course in Erbil

3rd February, 2020
The Central Bank of Iraq / Erbil Branch organized a session (International Financial Reporting Standards relating to the banking sector) on the second Sunday of February 2020.

This course provides an accurate and detailed overview of all the requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standards in the banking sector that lasted for three days. A number of civil and governmental bank employees in Baghdad and the license in the Kurdistan Region participated in the course within the series of courses organized by the Center for Banking Studies in the Central Bank of Iraq.



Samson:  Allawi begins consultations today to form a government .. These are the most important risks he will face

3rd February, 2020

A politician close to Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi has revealed the most prominent risks that the latter will face in forming his government, which will begin today to form consultations.

The source said to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper that Al-Ikhbaria followed, "Today, Allawi begins consultations to form the government, with meetings with several political forces, aiming to present his government program and the mechanism for going to early elections within a period not exceeding the middle of next year, explaining that "Allawi met yesterday, Sunday, with analysts and researchers In an informal friendly session, during which they heard for several hours the voice of the street."

The same politician revealed that “the majority of the political blocs informed Allawi of her asceticism with their quotas from the ministries,” adding, “But this matter we heard in past governments, and nothing has been achieved. Usually, blackmail is through voting on passing the government, which for Allawi’s government will be the end This month or early next month at the latest."

And he continued that "the government until now may not exceed the number of its fifteen ministers, and Allawi is still trapped in the sectarian equilibrium complex, because the general atmosphere of the political blocs is like this."   LINK


Samson:  Deputy: Parliament is ready to hold an extraordinary session to vote on Allawi's booth

09:01 - 03/02/2020
Deputy of the al-Hikma stream, Asaad al-Murshidi, confirmed on Monday that Parliament is fully prepared for an extraordinary session to vote on the booth of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, pointing out that Parliament will vote on the booth even if 50% of it is chosen.

Al-Murshidi said in a statement to, "Information," that "Prime Minister Muhammad Allawi has a period of one month to form his cabinet for voting in Parliament."

He added that "Parliament has not yet decided the date for its session on voting for the Prime Minister, but Speaker of Parliament Muhammad Al-Halbousi announced his readiness to hold any special session to vote on the cabinet."

And that "Parliament will vote on the ministerial cabinet, even if Allawi has completed 50% of it, as there are no obstacles towards voting on the ministerial cabinet " if chosen by the new Prime Minister.”  LINK


Samson:  Al-Tamimi: Abdul-Mahdi will remain in the caretaker government until Allawi's cabin is resolved

09:00 - 03/02/2020
Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi said Monday that the caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi will remain in office until the cabinet cabinet of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi is resolved.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement to "Information", that "the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi is obligated, according to Article 76f. Second and fourth, to name the members of the ministry and prepare the ministerial curriculum, within a period of 30 days from the date of the assignment."

He added that "the new prime minister must present the names of his ministers and the ministerial curriculum to Parliament, and it must also obtain an absolute majority vote, that is, half of the attendance number plus one after the quorum is achieved."

Al-Tamimi said, “The caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi and his ministers continue their work until Muhammad Allawi, who is appointed and his ministers, takes the constitutional oath after taking a decision. Ministerial Cabinet.”    LINK

Samson:  Al-Shammari: The most important challenges facing Allawi are to gain the confidence of the demonstrators and to curb the ambition of the parties   LINK

Dogluvr:   I think we all agree how he can gain their confidence. 


Don961:  Deputy: The Prime Minister-designate began searching for his ministerial staff 45 days ago


The deputy of the "Al-Fateh" coalition, Mukhtar al-Musawi, revealed the two bodies that passed the designated Prime Minister, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, noting that the latter began 45 days ago to search for his ministerial staff after proposing his name as a candidate for prime minister

Mousawi said, in statements to Arab media, followed by Digital Media NRT, today, Monday, February 3, 2020, that Allawi's options regarding forming a government will be far from the dictates of political blocs and parties, noting that "a group of Turkmen MPs met candidate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi A week before he was assigned to form a government in the capital, Baghdad, there was talk of marginalizing the Turkmen in the government of Abdul-Mahdi

The MP added from Nineveh Governorate that "Allawi pledged in his meeting with the Turkmen component to nominate independent professional ministers away from parties, blocs and components," while he ruled out that "the candidate relies on forming a government to launch an electronic window to choose his ministers "

He continued, "The government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi will set the end of this year as the date for the early parliamentary elections, to implement the demands of the demonstrators "

Al-Moussawi pointed out that "Allawi expressed his willingness to implement the conditions set by a coalition of walkers and openness by removing American forces from Iraqi lands, and to implement the agreement with the Chinese side in exchange for granting him the right to choose the members of his cabinet cabinet away from quotas"

For its part, informed sources said that the candidate for prime minister, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, arrived in the capital Baghdad midweek before a 48-hour visit, during which he held talks with the President of the Republic, and leaders of blocs and political parties in preparation for his assignment to form the government before he was postponed to notice Another on time

The political parties had questioned earlier, the possibility of passing Allawi's government in the House of Representatives in light of the intersections and opposition adopted by the victory coalition and the rule of law against this nomination, expected that Mahdi will continue to run the daily caretaker government after the end of the constitutional (mandated) 30-day deadline

It is worth noting that after the announcement of the mandate by the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, the demonstrators in the Tahrir Square in central Baghdad denounced the Prime Minister-designate, and in Nasiriyah, dozens of protesters gathered in the al-Haboubi Square in the city center shouted, "Rejected Muhammad Allawi," and demonstrations that rejected him took place in other provinces    link

LEB:  Wow! Iraq may finally found someone who gets things done. I see this as great news and something Iraq needs desperately. He may know what the word “today” means.

TIM:  gm kona,   26 imo you hit the nail on the head again. you told us they had a prime minister selected and that they were hideing him until it was time to be revealed. this article imo stands by what you had said all along. looking for his cabinet 45 days ago just confirms……imo.

ChrisC;  If we all remember, months and months ago, Saleh met with Trump and at that point at least they were laying out a game plan.  They met again and then once more recently, so, I am sure they have his cabinet picked to the last person. 

 I would bet they had our new PM on a video conference and worked this all out with him.  Everyone that is paying ANY attention understands this is at a critical point for Iraq.  Iran has lost a major grip on Iraq, but they still have their hand in there.  The people have taken all they can stand and they can't stands no more, so they have to be calmed down. 

I think we will see his cabinet picked in record time and confirmed and the people will have their currency back and at that point, Iran will have to start withdrawing their hand or have it cut off.  They may give up their ambitions and vote on being a responsible neighbor or they may have to be eliminated. 

They are radical jihadist, so we will have to see what their move will be.  However, I don't see how they will stand up to the PM if he gets the people on his side.  He will have a force behind him bigger than any army, especially with the US willing to help put a boot in their backside.


Samson:  Deputy: Allawi will not continue to implement the Abdul Mahdi program and will bring parliament with a new vision

12:59 - 03/02/2020
The deputy of the Sadqoun Ahmad al-Kinani bloc confirmed that the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi will not continue implementing his predecessor Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s program and will come with a new vision program. He is likely to mix a part of his predecessor’s program on the economic level that relates to the Iraqi agreement. Chinese.

Al-Kanani said in a statement to "Information", that "it is evident that the whole government has a vision that differs from its predecessors, and that the continuation of the government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi until preparing for early elections does not mean at all to complete the government program for his predecessor, Adel Abdul-Mahdi."

He added that "Allawi will come to parliament with a government program that differs from the program of his predecessor, Adel Abdul Mahdi, and it may include him to continue implementing the Iraqi-Chinese agreement as it is an important economic framework agreement for Iraq."

For the "information", the parliament is ready to hold an extraordinary session to vote on the cabins of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, pointing out that parliament will vote on the booth even if 50% of it is chosen.   LINK



MarkZ Monday Update 2-3-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Feb. 3, 2020