Judy, Pimpy, Lynette and more Friday PM 6-5-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Fri. 5 June 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

(Excerpt) Judy Note: On Tues. night 2 June President Trump signed an agreement with Chairman Xi and President Putin that committed the RV teams to get the release and all payouts out from Mon. 8 June on next week.

According to multiple sources our start in Tier 4b would be on Tues. 9 June. We in Tier 4b would only have six days to exchange / redeem so it was advised to make your appointment quickly and stay ready to go in next week.

On Sat. 6 June an announcement was expected about Mass Arrests including 3,000 of those believed connected to terrorists groups. The announcement could contain a possible nationwide shutdown stay-at-home order for two weeks.

We would have until Mon. 15 June to exchange/redeem at the Contract Rates. On Tues. 16 June the general public would be able to exchange at the new international rates.

GESARA/ NESARA and the gold/asset-backed US Note and Chinese Yuan announcements were also expected on that same Mon. 15 June.

A. Fri. 5 June 8:04 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. Multiple sources were now saying that release has been kicked to Sun. 7 June, including the Admiral going in some time Sun-Mon 7-8 June.

2. What has delayed us this past week was (1) quelling the riots and arresting instigators, (2) getting the last nine countries off of SWIFT and onto the Quantum Financial System, which will take until Sat. 6 June.

3. As much as we hate Tier 4b being pushed out, Trump, Xi and Putin have finally come to an agreement. Trump has signed the agreement committing the RV teams to get the release and all payouts released from Mon. 8 June on next week.

4. This was reported by Robert David Steele (CIA Whistleblower), whose White House Source said that Trump, Xi and Putin have just agreed on the GCR / RV release. It’s a done deal and a go for next Mon. 8 June to release all (google "#robertdavidsteele #NESARA Benjamin Fulford Unleashed! Gold Standard Currency Reset, Trump Announcement). See 1:44 min. and 3:45 min. marks.

5. Quelling the riots and arresting Antifa and Anti Christ criminal organizers has delayed our Tier 4b start several days over this past week. (Peaceful protests against white racism in this country was a just cause because of our country's poor record on how African Americans have been discriminated against, but was completely different than the violence of Antifa thugs who have killed not only police officers, but also peaceful Black protestors over the past week).

6. The now 200 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces in the cities of this nation have been joining ATF and DEA agents finding and arresting over 3,000 Antifa criminal organizers for whom there was proof that AG Barr and DOJ have demonstrating that Deep State Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris and Deep State Republicans like Romney, etc have actually directed and coordinated these criminal Antifa organizers to spread violence and looting in multiple cities and states.

7. Mr. Fleming's source said, "I heard Trump signed off on some high level arrests Tues. night 2 June to make the Chinese happy. All seems to be pushing forward now."

8. There were nine countries which were still disconnected from the Deep State SWIFT system and would be transitioned by Sat. 6 June to the QFS digital ledgering system. These countries included North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador and three other countries. This too, has delayed our start this past week.

9. The good news was that the Deep State's last stand to stop the RV through the Covid-19 Pandemic fears and through the riots has failed and the Global Currency Reset was now being released to start paying out on Mon. 8 June with our start in Tier 4b on Tues. 9 June according to multiple sources.

10. Contrary to some concerns that globalist NWO Deep State leaders like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Prince Charles and the IMF were controlling the GCR / RV release, this was not true. Trump, Xi and Putin were controlling the GCR release happening NOW and not in 2021.

11. Trump was not a NWO globalist and that the WEF was only riding the coat-tails of the Alliance, Trump, Putin and the Chinese pushing out the RV right now. The Deep State would never be in control of the GCR release, but only Trump, DoD and the Alliance.

12. Trump, DOJ and DoD would make public the arrest of the Obamagate Deep State criminals in due time when the DoD and Trump agreed it was the right time and the right way to do so in a way that avoided repeat of the Deep State directed Antifa riots that devastated our cities over the past two weeks.

13. There was a Military Plan being followed. QAnon, who represented the Military behind Trump, has been hinting at that Plan all along to bring down the Deep State Swamp.

14. The final ending was through the agreement of Trump, Xi and Putin. This was the last weekend. Keep prayers going up and prepare for our start next Tues. 9 June.

15. The tight window of our Tier 4b exchanges was pushing up against the IMF's continuing deadline of Mon. 15 June. We in Tier 4b would only have six days to exchange / redeem. So, make your appointment quickly and stay ready to go in next week.

Read Full Post Here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/06/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_5.html

Iraqi Dinar News update 06/05/20

Pimpy’s Investment chat:  Jun 5, 2020


The Strawberry Full Moon occurs tonight—here's how you can see it

We love a noteworthy celestial event, and tonight there’s an extra special reason to look up at the sky. The Full Strawberry Moon is set to appear this evening, and while it won’t be a pink moon that looks like a strawberry, it will be spectacularly clear full moon that you’ll definitely want to see.

What is the Strawberry Full Moon?

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Strawberry Moon is usually the last full moon of spring or the first full move of summer. It’s called the Strawberry Moon because Native Americans in the Algonquin tribes used to use the moon as an indication for the start of the strawberry season. It means the red, juicy fruits would be at their ripest. This moon is usually categorized as being “large and golden-hued” according to the Almanac, so you won’t want to miss it.

How can I view the Strawberry Full Moon?

This year’s strawberry moon will occur on Friday, June 5th at 3:12 p.m., but it won’t be visible until nightfall. According to space.com, observers in New York City will see the full moon at around 8:29 p.m. You can check timeanddate.com to see when it is the best viewing time for you, based on your location.

According to NASA, The moon will appear full for about three days around this time, ending early Sunday morning.


GOLD GLUT OR DEMAND: Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin

Streamed live on Jun 4, 2020

Some of today's questions: Stephen M: Since we will trash cash and go digital will we see the end of local banks?

Mathew T: In 1933 the law was passed making private ownership of gold bullion illegal and that that was an “overt” confiscation. How would a "covert" confiscation of my gold go into effect?

Sean M: Do you think UBI will occur by way of a 2nd wave of virus, thereby causing people to stay home again this fall and finances get so bad that people need $ so government votes in favor of UBI?

Albert S: Recently, the amount of gold stock at the COMEX has been exploding. Do you think this is a sign of glut or demand?

 Paul S: Those of us who have been following you all know where things are heading. But the one thing I cannot understand is that why are so many financial professionals not hitting the panic button with regards to the over-inflated stock market? Central banks may be buying gold, but how is it that so many "investment professionals" are not seeing the train coming?



MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Friday PM "The Theme is Activate" 6-5-2020


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-4-20