Judy, Pimpy, Currency365 and more Wednesday Evening 11-11-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of Wed. 11 Nov. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Late Tues. evening 10 Nov. the Department of Defense green-lighted for everything to move forward. POTUS wanted the Call Centers and Redemption Center staff on call starting Thurs. 12 Nov., though it may take 4-5 days to get the RV and Tier 4B notification completely out.

Trump teams have submitted to the Supreme Court Quantum Blockchain evidence of a 80%+ Trump vote win, along with evidence of B|iden/Dem massive Ballot Fraud.

NESARA and GESARA freedom from debt laws could be one of the important announcements set to be come out on Wed. 11 Nov. through Sat. 14 Nov.

After announcement of NESARA a new election would have to be held within 120 days. In the meantime we would move from Maritime Law to Common Law and back to principles of the original Constitution

A. Wed. 11 Nov. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. In Tuesday’s 10 Nov. 11 am EST RV Team meeting POTUS and the teams were trying to get everyone coordinated for releasing liquidity on Wed. 11 Nov. (Veterans Day) and Thurs. 12 Nov. This was a key week for the release.

2. POTUS wanted the Call Centers and Redemption Center staff on call starting Thurs. 12 Nov.

3. He confirmed that it may take 4-5 days to get the RV out completely.

4. POTUS talked with Department of Defense about security concerns and all was green-lighted as far to move forward.

5. Thurs. 12 Nov may be like "Christmas Day" for us, but he had to be vague for security about the exact start time for Tier 4B because it could take "4-5 days" to get everything out in terms of liquidity and Tier 4B notifications.

6. He asked us to stay in readiness and pray over all.


B. Juan Osavin (JF Kennedy Jr.?) End Game Part 2 with V Guerrilla: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/juan-osavin-endgame-part-2-so-much.html?m=1

On Nov. 4 Charlie Ward reported:

-POTUS had won in a landslide with 80%+ of the vote.

-The Quantum Voting System was used alongside the old system.

-The “smart” paper that was used for the legitimate ballots all came from one supplier but was printed in different states. The paper itself has a Quantum Water Mark, which is a digital signature that has a serial number that can be tracked from a satellite. The Quantum computer operates at a Trillion Frames Per Second. The Quantum Computer counted the legitimate ballots and tossed out the false ballots and 100% of the false ballots were for [J]o*e [B]i*den. POTUS made a point to Tweet “Legal Votes.”

C. International Child Se[x] [Traffic]king:

Sa[t]anic Ritual Abuse of Ch[i]ldren: Ritual Abuse : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse Ritualistic abuse is an extreme form of psychological, physical, and se[x]ual maltreatment of ch[i]ldren, or the worship of Sa[t]an through se[x] orgies, human sac*rifice and the tortuous Mind Control of ch[i]ldren.

D. ***Keep It Quiet!!!*** On Thurs. evening 22 Oct. a new communications systems monitoring of Social Media posts, Emails, Text messages, Discord DMs, phone conversations, etc. became effective through the NSA and military Intel (DIA). After you digitally signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to obtain a exchange/ redemption appointment and then another NDA at your appointment, you would be legally obligated not to discuss or write anything about the Global Currency Reset (GCR), Redemption, Exchange, Revaluation (RV), Currency exchange rates, Dinar, Dong, ZIM, etc. and Quantum Financial System (QFS) for at least 90 days, or whatever time period was on your NDAs. To do so would break conditions of those NDAs and your monies would be frozen.

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_11.html

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   Article:   "Parliament holds a voting session on the borrowing law"  ...we're looking for two things after this...We're looking for parliament to come out and say that they have finished and completed voting on the Borrowing Law.  We need to see an article that's saying it's fully approved and done by parliament.  And then the second article is we're looking for the law to be passed off to the president.  We need him to sign it.  It needs to be a legal binding law...those are the steps we need to see with the law before you're going to see that rate change...the president most likely is not going to sign it until probably next week sometime...


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