Judy, Pimpy and Currency365 Saturday Afernoon 11-28-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sat. 28 Nov. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Today Sat. 28 Nov. with President Trump and family secure at Camp David, let the games begin:

Tier 3-4A and Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would receive liquidity and 800# notification either Sat. 28 Nov, or on Mon.-Tues. 30 Nov – 1 Dec. – dependent upon the Department of Defense security team’s new protocols developed to prevent Swamp Rat siphoning of RV funds for their nefarious criminal activities – as happened last week as the RV was being released.

After exchanges/redemption at special rates began they would go on for approximately ten days, at which time the general public would begin exchanging at the International Rates.

A. Schedule of Events:

NESARA launched Nov. 2 and would eventually take us out of Admiral Law and into Common and Constitutional Law – the laws of public consent.

Last week General Michael Flynn began leading the largest ever in the world 17 nation Military Operation in Europe. At the same time 1,000 planes were sighted in American skies, some headed to GITMO. It was rumored that Cabal Global and Political elites were being arrested.

According to Charlie Ward a lot of prominent people in Europe have been arrested including the entire British Government placed under House Arrest.

On Fri. afternoon 27 Nov. President Trump and his family were flown to Camp David, where they would remain. He was originally scheduled to have a rally in Georgia on Sat. 28 Nov. – which has now been cancelled.

Next week would be the start of revelation of big names on 109,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation, according to Charlie Ward.

A new US Presidential Election – whereby qualified citizens could be correctly identified and vote on their computers and phones – would take place on the new transparent Quantum Voting System on 3 March 2021.

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_28.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   I know a lot of people are talking about the rate change happening in the 2021 budget.  There's plenty of reason to think that.  That might be possible.  But stay grounded.  It's not about what they talk about it's what they do...yes, they do want a real rate...and I support that 110%...

Pimpy   Very interesting big moves happening that definitely will have an effect on the dinar IMO.  Article:  "Iraq is preparing a plan to join the World Trade Organization in early 2021"  ...this is great news...I really want to see this happen for them.  Getting them in the World Trade Organization will really help Iraq grow.  This effects both the currency and as well as shares on the ISX...I'm encouraged by what I see...this is looking good...


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