Judy, KTFA, and Currency365 Sunday PM 12-6-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sun. 6 Dec. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: For the last weeks all Intel sources have been under gag order/blackouts as this RV was also a military/secret operation and diplomatic mission – all of which were expecting the Shotgun Release this next week.

This weekend Spec Op Force (SOF) units were finishing containing Antifa leaders in the remaining several hotspots across the nation.

Money has been moving into accounts, but the Shotgun Liquidity release has not yet started. Historical asset operations would commence from next week onward.

Delays in the start of the RV process/historical asset operations/compensation were not connected to the elections in United States, or an increase of C19 cases. All was solely related to semi-technical preparation, logistical matters, military missions and the finalization of USN currency release, freeing liquidity at the global level all money in all priority accounts and paymaster accounts ready to start down streaming to end recipient group and individual accounts globally. The readiness of such was being checked and cleaned up this past weekend.

The main locations for transaction meetings were getting set up. In the next few days it was anticipated to have the latest upgraded and detailed summary for all the steps and procedures.

According to Charlie Ward, POTUS started the process of a Restored Republic two months ago and on Nov. 2 2020 signed in NESARA with an Executive Order. Trump has until Mon 21 Dec. to finish the process. Tier 4B would finish exchanging the next day on Tues. 22 Dec, while the General Public would be able to exchange at the new international rates.

A. Sun. 6 Dec. 12:19 am EST Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. Our Military Intel Contact said to stay ready as a Bond End Buyer and multiple sources said it was really going to start this coming week.

2. POTUS and the White Hats in the Department of Defense (DoD) were in place to stop all the Swamp [D]eep State blocking of the RV release.

3. This weekend Spec Op Force (SOF) units were finishing containing Antifa leaders in the remaining several hotspots across the nation and all were expecting the shotgun release next week.

4. A Bond End-buyer involved at the top levels of overseas Bond Liquidity Release when the Shotgun Start happened and as Tier 4B 800# notifications went out:

5. “We work directly with those in charge of this entire operation and have most accurate and direct information on this subject. This is also why we all are under gag order/blackout for the last weeks (as this is also a military/secret operation and diplomatic mission).

6. “Money has been moving into accounts, but the Shotgun Liquidity release has not yet started.

7. “Historical asset operations are finally going to commence from next week onward.

8. “The Claim that the start would be delayed to January 2021 was completely false, just as was the information that things have started already was also incorrect.

9. “We can assure you that there is no intention for any delays. The world is in a very bad situation and the start of this would bring enormous assistance to people in every country.

10. “Delays in the start of the RV process/historical asset operations/compensation [have] not been connected to the elections in United States, or [the] increase of C19 cases (more intense lockdown) or any geo-political reasons.

11. “All this is solely related to semi-technical/preparation/logistical matters.

12. [Our guy added it’s also related to the military missions that this person alluded to above.]

13. “What has taken so much time was that every single step in the procedure, every aspect of the operation and every person involved in making this happen needs to be ready.

14. [Our guy clarified this means all money in all priority accounts and paymaster accounts ready to start down streaming to end recipient group and individual accounts globally, which state of readiness is being checked and cleaned up this weekend.]

15. “The USN currency release and freeing liquidity at the global level are also necessary steps which have been finalized.

16. [This matches our guy’s info, and he clarified that finalization and checking are being finished this weekend].

17. The main location(s) for the transaction meetings are getting set up. In the next few days (from Sat. 5 Dec.) we anticipate to have the latest upgraded and detailed summary for all the steps/procedures that we as an End Buyer will have. We will be getting in touch very soon in order to proceed further on your asset inventory.

18. “There will be lots of relevant details disclosed which wouldn't have been available from anyone before. We appreciate your patience and look forward to working with each of you in order for this once in a lifetime opportunity to happen.”

19. The war in which the [D]eep State Swamp has fought POTUS, as he was trying to get the RV shotgun start out, was demonstrated by Pelosi’s statement on Fri. 4 Dec. when she and Congressional Dem’s intentionally blocked Stimulus Bill funds for millions of working class Americans, suffering under the [D]eep State Scamdemic lockdowns (ongoing still today and through Christmas in certain states), because she (and the other swamp creatures both bribed Dem’s & bribed RINO Republicans) did not want Trump to get credit for it.

20. Their blocking the Stimulus Bill funds for seven months included [D]eep State Dem actions that repeatedly blocked the RV release funds too because both funds come out of Tier 1 accounts (just like [O]bama blocked the RV for the [D]eep State 24 times over eight years).

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/12/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_6.html


Samson:  An Iranian ship loaded with iron sank while en route to the ports of Umm Qasr

12/06/2020 18:27:39

The director of the Maritime Control and Guidance Department at the General Company for Ports of Iraq, Ramzi Esha, announced today, Sunday, that an Iranian ship loaded with iron has sunk in the Khor Abdullah shipping channel for technical reasons.

In a statement, Euphrates News Agency received a copy, Esha said, "The Iranian ship (Turan) was sunk while trying to pass it towards the ports of Umm Qasr, indicating that the accident site is far from the passage of ships near Poya (7) in the navigation channel.

Esha stressed that "the Khor Abdullah shipping channel is open to the passage of commercial ships, and the sinking of the Turan ship did not affect the flow of movement of the ships coming and going.

He pointed out that the ship’s crew was fully recovered, numbering (6), by the crews of the marine units of the General Company for Ports of Iraq, who were near the site of the accident.  LINK

David:  The IRONY, of a ship sinking loaded with IRON, and the ship that sank from IRAN...IMO (smile)


Samson:  Iraq is the fifth in the Arab world with gold reserves and the 38th in the world

6th December, 2020

The World Gold Council announced today, Sunday, that five Arab countries, including Iraq, possess 1,000 tons of gold in reserves with hard currency.

In its latest schedule for the month of December, and seen by Shafaq News Agency, the council said, "Five countries, including Iraq, possess 996.4 tons of gold as reserves with their hard currency," indicating that "Iraq came fifth out of these countries and ranked 38 globally out of 100 listed countries. By the table."

He added, "The first of these Arab countries with the most gold came in Saudi Arabia, with an amount of 323.1 tons, followed by Lebanon, with a value of 286.8 tons, and Algeria came in third place in the Arab world with a value of 173.6 tons, and then Libya came fourth with a value of 116.6 tons, and Iraq came fifth with a value of 96.3 tons.

He pointed out that "the United States of America is still ranked first in the table with the most possessing countries in the world with 8,133 tons, followed by Germany second with 3,362 tons, then Italy third with 2,451 tons, and then France came fourth with 2,436 tons, and fifth came Russia with an amount 2.298 tons. "

The council pointed out that "the quantities of gold purchases increased by 25 tons, bringing the countries total holdings of gold to 35,171 tons. Five central banks were almost completely responsible for this purchase, namely Uzbekistan (8 tons), Turkey (7 tons), the United Arab Emirates (6 tons) and Qatar." (2 tons) and India (2 tons). "

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is based in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.   LINK


Samson:  Washington affirms to Baghdad its commitment to cooperate for a "secure Iraq"

6th December, 2020

Today, Sunday, the US ambassador to Baghdad expressed his country's commitment to "strengthening partnership and deepening the relationship" for the sake of a "safe and stable Iraq."

The media office of the Speaker of Parliament said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi received, today, the US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Toller, explaining that “the meeting discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, strengthening cooperation in the security and economic fields, and discussing the file of the displaced, and the emphasis on continuing support to ensure safe return to their areas, in addition to a number of issues of common concern.

During the meeting, the US ambassador expressed, according to the statement, "the commitment of the United States of America to strengthening the partnership and deepening the relationship with the Iraqi people," stressing "the continuation of cooperation for a secure and stable Iraq."   LINK

Kadhimi Addresses Iraq Over Stolen Public Funds

Currency365: Dec 6, 2020



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