Judy, Currency365 and Lynette Zang Wednesday Afternoon 7-28-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of Wed. 29 July 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: (Rumors) This morning Wed. 29 July Fleming’s Military Intel Contact advised not to look for anything to happen until at least mid-day today, though if the monies movement took longer because of audits and security issues with riots in major cities (to date the Department of Defense had cleaned up 21 of 26 cities plagued by riots),

Trump had ordered the RV teams to start Tier 4b by at least Fri. 31 July and not go into next week. If they did go into next week it would happen no later than Wed. 5 Aug. Zim would be redeemed, though was in the midst of negotiations.

On Tues. 21 July the currencies of North Korea, Iran, Lebanon and Venezuela converted from the old SWIFT global financial system to gold/asset-backed currencies in the completely transparent Cross-border International Payment System (CIPS).

That completion of 209 countries to the new global financial system automatically set off the fiat US dollar to go to a gold/ asset-backed US Note (USN) for payouts and exchanges. This gold-backed USN was now public knowledge, especially in banking circles, where all banks had pinged back, done.

A week later an RV team meeting ending at 11 pm EDT on Mon. 27 July authorized release of Tiers 1-4a funds. On Tues. 28 July at 12:45 am EDT those funds started moving in Zurich, Hong Kong, Reno and Miami through a protocol that included audits to make sure Deep State elements didn’t get RV/ GCR funds to use for their criminal activities.

Many were looking for resolution and deliveries to start with liquidity for Tier 4b on Wed. 29 July, though if the monies movement took longer because of the audits, Trump had ordered the RV teams to start Tier 4b by at least Fri. 31 July and no later than Wed. 5 Aug.

Ten days later after Sat. 15 Aug, Tier 4b could no longer exchange currencies at Contract Rates. The IMF had set that Sat. 15 Aug. as the public start date to exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates.

The next month to Tues. 15 Sept. were promised to be filled with historic legislation enactment that would return us to the original Constitution and implementation of NESARA. https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2016/11/20-answers-gesara-update-thursday.html https://youtu.be/HG0Q4_ZidNc

Judy Note: There were three international courts: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) World Court at the Hague, Netherlands established in 1920; the International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt) at the Hague, Netherlands established 1 July 2002 and the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels established in 2012. Because Fleming’s Military Intel Contact used interchangeable terms, it was unclear which court was handling the Chinese lawsuit.

***Must-Watch Videos***

July 18 2020 “The Timeline - Trump, Q, The Great Awakening”: https://youtu.be/Gzl7PRlLgk8 Join Mark Devlin, Charlie Freak and Colleen as they walk through the chronological journey of Donald Trump's major achievements since 2017 in replacing a failed system – most of which has gone unreported in the mainstream media.

International Lucifer Banking by an Insider: https://youtu.be/7-0cBuLnekM Dutch banker Ronald Bernard blows the whistle on world’s ... http://www.cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/... After refusing an invitation to a Child Sacrifice Rite international bank executive from the Netherlands Ronald Bernard was torture programmed to not reveal his colleagues’ activities. In 2017 he ended up in the ICU, where he experienced a near death experience and then became an advocate to expose an international Banking industry that worshipped Satan, until August of that same year when he was found dead in his Florida home.

July 27 2020 A Group of Doctors Address Covid-19 Misinformation at a Press Conference on Capitol Hill: The below video of a Doctors’ Press Conference at Capitol Hill on misinformation about Covid 19 has been taken down from the internet:


A. Wed. 29 July 7:47 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. Though the USA blew through the World Court deadline Tues. 28 July to get the Tier 4B notifications out.

2. Fleming’s Wealth Manager said he was "back on high alert now through the evening Tues. 28 July and Wed. 29 July. Don't look for anything until mid-day Wed. 29 July, but he was very excited, more than usual."

3. The US Department of Defense, Trump and Homeland Security made a decision that if any security issues prevent them from getting Tier 4B notifications out on Tues. that they would pay the interest penalty ordered by the World Court (a huge daily amount as it is a percentage of $3 trillion from Dubai 1).

4. Since there was a limited amount of penalty interest that the USA could pay, they were still pushing to get this RV release & Tier 4B out this week and not go into next week.

5. There were two security issues that were driving DoD, Trump and Homeland RV teams.

6. One was to get the remaining Antifa agitator leaders arrested in the last five cities still being rocked by violence, fires and rioting (federal law enforcement officers and local police arrested perps and quelled riots in 21 cities since the end of last week) so that Tier 4B redemptions could start.

7. The second was to finish the inner and outer core groups under the 250 Paymasters who were turning in to Homeland updated info about group participants to make sure no Deep State operatives get funds for nefarious purposes when the shotgun release happens any day in the next several days.

8. Like it or not, the DoD and Trump were putting these anti-cabal priorities first in timing the release and Tier 4B start over the next days.

9. He said he himself is praying and appreciates prayers, that Wed. 29 July would be the start for Tier 4B.

10. His info was that the ZIM would be included in Tier 4B exchanges / redemptions as it was being negotiated. Regular reports on US progress of those negotiations were being given by the to the World Court.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/07/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_29.html

Currency 365

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Jul 29, 2020

Questions: Steve S: Chances of lopping off zeros? What are the odds that we wake up one day and any greenbacks we are holding in hand are worth only a fraction of their value from the prior day?

Stephen P: Is there a functional difference between precious metals stored in a private vault and precious metals held in an allocated account? Don't they both assume a counterparty risk?

O Anton: should one look at platinum? Is it good, bad, indifferent? It is cheaper than gold at about 2:1, and it used to be at least 1:1 if not more.

Badmoon Rising: What the heck do you mean by dry powder?

LS: What’s a good sign we should sell our metals and buy real estate?



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