Judy, Charles Ward, Allister Macleod and more Saturday AM 3-6-2021

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 6 March 2021

Compiled Sat. 6 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Be aware that dates shown below could easily change as per an analysis of possible events by the Quantum Computer and dependent upon how those certain events played out.

Most Intel sources have signed Non Disclosure Agreements and gone silent, though our Military Intel Contact reported that this past week higher level bonds have been paying out into Tier 3-4A accounts.

The goal this weekend (6-7 March) was to finish paying out higher level bond redemptions into D1 and D2 accounts for the Shotgun Start down-streaming liquidity to T3-4A and T4B accounts.

Tier 4B could possibly start Fri-Sat 5, 6 March, but more likely sometime Mon-Tues 8, 9 March. Tier 3-4A group leaders, paymasters and attorneys remained at their assigned Redemption and Banking Centers for the Liquidity Shotgun Start.

Redemption Centers were given exchange schedules for Tier 4B to exchange/ redeem that could possibly start at some time beginning Fri. 5 March to Sun. 7 March and then go through Sun. 14 March.

The Emergency Broadcast System on Space Force’s new Starlink Satellite System was expected to activate and take over all media outlets across the globe any time by Sun. 7 March.

The EBS would send daily messages to all phones around the globe, ending on Sun. 14 March.

One Iraqi source said they were told Tier 4B would start on Mon. 8 March.


Fri. 5 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

D/eep State B/iden people and Congressional traitors tried to slip in a 50-65% wealth tax on our exchanges, but the Military Interim Government was able to remove the tax from the C19 legislation.

This was not holding up the Shortgun start and the Interim Military Govt had 866 military personnel working on getting the RV out.

RV teams have met twice a day to get the upper level Bond Redemption payouts completed from which funds would be down-streamed to Tier 1-4 and Tier 4B levels.

According to the highest Chase Bank sources, Tier 4B could possibly start Fri-Sat 5,6 March, but more likely Mon-Tues 8, 9 March.

This past week higher level bonds have been paying out into Tier 3-4A accounts.

The goal this weekend (6-7 March) was to finish paying out higher level bond redemptions into D1 and D2 accounts for the Shotgun Start downstreaming liquidity to T3-4A and T4B accounts.

MarkZ was told long ago that when the Bond Market hit a low level (such as it was hitting now) we would have an implosion and a reset.

The NESARA national federal debt packages has to START being paid out, (the same internationally for GESARA), when the Tier 5 general public started to exchange on Mon 15 March.

Therefore, we in Tier 4B have to be started very soon in order to make the deadline of finishing Tier 4B exchanges-redemptions by Mon. 15 March.

One reason that the Shotgun Start timing was moved from Tues-Wed, 2-3 March to this weekend into next Mon-Tue 8-9 March, is that on early Wed morning 3 March, D/eep State Iranian backed militias fired 10+ rockets into an Iraqi base housing US troops to scuttle the RV release https://nypost.com/2021/03/03/10-rockets-strike-iraqi-base-hosting-us-troops/?__s=abkaprc5edhgslpea11e

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_6.html

QFS with Nicholas Veniamin and Charles Ward

March 5, 2021

Some Snippets from call……….

NV: Charlie has news today about the Quantum Financial System and that March is a very big month.

CW: I now have in black and white all the details of the QFS and how it works and operates. I can’t comment just yet everything about it…but I have the info in black and white.

This weekend I will be talking with the chairman of the QFS to see what I can and cannot share with the public. They can use me as a mouthpiece to inform the public exactly what is going on with the QFS.

March is going to be March Madness or Mental March….and April is going to be so much fun.

You will start to see things on a very positive level as we transition out of darkness into light. We will be moving from a very controlled place and it’s so exciting. . We are moving away from the corrupt, evil systems of Great Britain, the USA and the European Union and all of the other countries of the world….

There is a lot going on right now. Its coming..there is no stopping it.

NV: When you say March and April are going to be big months – do you mean financially or arrests ?

CW: We are talking about the Quantum Financial System….We are talking about the Global Currency Reset and we are talking about the revaluations….we are talking about arrests and exposure.

 NV: What can you tell us what may happen?

CW: Moving away from the debt enslaved operating system …the old swift system with fiat currency…. And moving into a honest system while we take the power away from the evil and giving the power back to ourselves.  The biggest shock for many will be that the MSM and governments are all corrupt and they have all been in bed together. When they see the truth it will blow their socks off…..

We will be moving into a wonderful place without debt…..it will be an amazing place.  We are moving into a beautiful world.

CW: I will be back soon when I find out what I can and cannot say about the QFS…….


Alasdair Macleod: Bitcoin Will Die Along with Fiat Currencies

Palisades Gold Radio:  Mar 5, 2021

Alasdair explains how the Treasury plans to spend the 1.6 trillion in the general fund over the coming months and its effects.

The Fed is forcing the large banks to implement negative interest rates on deposits. He outlines backwardation and the implications for overnight loans with negative interest rates.

Alasdair doesn't see much chance of a sudden economic recovery, and the markets are beginning to understand inflation is coming. In an inflationary environment, investors want higher rates of returns on their money.

Rates are rising globally, and ironically, those in Europe are almost in positive territory. He feels the EU banks remain vulnerable and the entire banking system there is in zombie mode. This state can't continue much longer.

Historically gold is extremely cheap compared to the dollar, which demonstrates how broken the markets have become. However, you wouldn't think gold would be acting dead at the bottom of the swimming pool in this environment.

Gold can and often does rise along with bond yields. During the 1970s, gold moved up in multiples along with rising rates. Comex gold suppression is designed to keep regular investors uninterested in the shiny metal.

Silvers has had something of a run in the market, and very little remains in London and Switzerland. They are likely holding some metals back, but overall deliveries from the Comex are tight.

This is a wonderful opportunity to stack and keep in mind you can buy many things when no one else has physical gold and silver.

Alasdair believes that central banks have been leasing gold into the markets. A recent GLD prospectus detailed some reserves of the ETF being held at the Bank of England. The only way that could happen is if it was leased.

Central banks can intervene to smooth things over, but that results in multiple owners. Central banks don't have or store silver. London silver is mostly stored with ETF's and industrial users only take it from the vault as needed.

Bitcoin is a fascinating development, and it's educated an entire generation or more on fiat currency risk. He questions if Bitcoin should be regarded as money or just as a store of value. Due to its deflationary nature, it can't easily support a debt-based monetary system.

Talking Points From This Episode - Recovery, Dollar, & Bonds - Hyperinflationary Scenarios - Bonds, Dollar, & Gold - Bitcoin Vs. Money Time Stamp References: 0:00​ – Intro

 0:34​ - Treasury Plans & Neg. Rates

 8:24​ - Backwardation

9:45​ - Bonds Up Globally

13:58​ - Hyperinflationary Scenario

17:05​ - EU Banking Imploding

18:54​ - Gold Relative to Dollars

20:45​ - Gold and Yields

23:22​ - Silver in London

27:04​ - Gold/Silver is Money

28:08​ - Recent Market Activity

29:35​ - Leasing/Rehypothecation

34:03​ - Bitcoin

37:46​ - Currency and Growth

39:27​ - Using Fiat and Inflation

44:32​ - Wrap Up




Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday Late PM 3-5-21


News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 3-6-2021