News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Morning 3-6-2021


Samson:   Arrest warrants against the head and members of the former Najaf airport administration

5th March, 2021
The judge of integrity in Najaf issued arrest warrants against the previous administration of the governorate's international airport.

A judicial source told "Dijla", "The integrity judge in Najaf issues arrest warrants against the former chairman and members of the board of directors of Najaf International Airport, accusing them of corruption files."   LINK

Frank26    Article: "The International Monetary reveals the conditions or granting loans and confirms its support for the white paper and changing the exchange rate"  Do you see the power in what I'm showing you?  I hope you do...the white papers I've told you a billion and a one times contains the new exchange rate...

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Shybaby:  International Monetary Fund reveals loan terms, confirms support for white paper and exchange rate change

Baghdad- Nassar al-Hajj,

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revealed the terms of its loan grant, while commenting on the white paper, welcoming its medium-term reform plans and changing the exchange rate.

"Iraq has been a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1945, and like the IMF and other members, iraq is conducting an annual performance control process under Article IV of the IMF's founding agreement, which includes a general diagnosis of the state of the Iraqi economy," said Ghazi al-Shabekaat, head of the INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund(IMF) regional office, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

"Iraq also benefits from the fund's technical assistance and financial support when it needs them," he said, adding that there is currently no arrangement or financial agreement with Iraq. "The amount of loans granted to Iraq until the beginning of this year amounted to one billion and 180 million dollars," the imf said, adding that "the fund has provided financial support to Iraq, dedicated to supporting the economic program on various occasions."

"The Article IV talks, held recently, were a good opportunity to consult with the Iraqi authorities during these difficult and challenging circumstances," the IMF said.

The imf expressed its support for lowering the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, stressing "the critical importance of having a strong framework for the state's public finances to ensure its credibility and to meet the need to protect the vulnerable."



Tishwash:  Representative economic: the conditions are ready to adjust the exchange rate and the oil barrel in the budget

A member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Mazen Al-Faily, confirmed today, Friday, that the conditions are ready to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as well as the price of a . barrel of oil in the draft Federal Budget Law for 2021

In an interview with (Baghdad Today), Al-Faily said, "The conditions are in place to restore or reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the draft budget, but it is difficult to achieve this in light of the completion of the draft formulation, discussion and study in the Parliamentary Finance Committee, therefore we need to " .reformulate The project and this is not possible

He added that "there is a tendency to raise the price of a barrel of oil in the draft budget law, in view of the high prices in the global markets," stressing that "the current price contributed to the availability of large financial revenues ".for the state   link

Rapid Food Price Inflation Crushes Unprepared Nations, Janet Yellen Tells Nations Spend Baby Spend

Silver Report Uncut:  Mar 6, 2021

The troubling point is the inflation is becoming apparent for consumers as staples rise and it won't remain hidden. Food prices are on the rise and it's beginning to put pressure on poorer countries.

There are predictions of famines and that would be pretty much in line with how things are going. The rapid food price inflation is taking staples off the table entirely for many and it's likely to spark conflict and food migration.

The inflation is catching up and Janet Yellen's only response has been to tell governments the time has come to spend baby spend.




Judy, Charles Ward, Allister Macleod and more Saturday AM 3-6-2021


Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday AM 3-5-21