"Is the Gold Standard Real Money?" by Ron Giles 8-7-2020

Thank you Ron

"Is the Gold Standard Real Money?" by Ron Giles - 8.7.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 8:10 PM EDT on August 7, 2020

There is a lot of speculation going on right now about the USN (UST) becoming “gold-backed.” In my opinion, declaring the USN is now gold-backed is a great step in the right direction.

 Getting rid of the USD as we move toward NESARA/GESARA and "real money" is terrific. It is great that so much faith is being put in the USN as being on the Gold Standard. But is the Gold Standard the final step as a secure financial system is created worldwide? Read on.

The problem I have is that there is no proof-of-gold given for any of us to see that backs any currency in any nation of the world. Which one of the nations has a non-Deep State Government? Who really knows who has the gold and if so how much? And is a government just simply declaring that a nation's currency is now backed by gold, sufficient for the rest of the world to have faith in that currency?

I say NO. I’m looking for the untarnished purity of a financial system instead of the colors of gray that have created doubt for the value of a currency, like in the Central Banking System.

When the Deep State Cabal is still competing for relevancy in the governments of the world, how do we know if the truth is being told? Do we really have Gold in Fort Knox as a recent report said? Has it been audited to know how much is there? And if so, was it by someone as untrustworthy as the Fed to do the accounting?

Do we as Americans know how much the real debt is that we owe to the Fed without an audit?

How much longer do we have to just simply believe in the words of liars who have deceived us for over a hundred years? Is it appropriate for us to question those in authority to do the right thing, or should we insist that they are appropriately held accountable by using an independent accounting firm to do the audit? So many questions and so many holes in the old money bucket to believe that we are not being lied to again.

“Q” has said that Gold will bring down the FED.

That would be true for the Central Banking System on a worldwide basis as well. It is a statement that is filled with great expectations for the future, yet all we hear about is the Gold Standard is being applied to the currency of all nations. This is akin to saying the CB can be trusted to do the right thing for the people, and then they pull a quicky on us and create a debt system that has enslaved us. Should we trust them again? Do we have to trust them again?

We were on the Gold Standard when Nixon thought it wise to take us off because some investors were manipulating the gold markets as he supposed. The promised two weeks turned into 50 years. Funny how politicians from the past blame others for what they were doing themselves. Was Nixon one of the investors that were manipulating the gold markets? Aren't they still doing so now? Haven’t we had enough of that? HRC, "Trump will destroy everything we have created these last 4 years." Was she a prophet or what? Is the Gold Standard the answer?

Let’s be very clear, the Gold Standard is a step in the right direction, but it will have to yield to the process of gold backing that is used in the QFS to establish credibility and security in our new financial system. Stockpiles of gold in any country will not affect the value of their currency. It's foolish to believe in such a questionable, "Trust Me" thing.

In my opinion, one central source of Gold-Backing is necessary to establish the value of a currency, equally applied for each nation that will be involved in international commerce. This agreement has already been signed.

There has to be credibility in the process or it will not prove successful. Applying the old Gold Standard from the past, for each country requires, a massive amount of annual auditing to keep the credibility of value from one country’s currency to another, and still, we have to depend on someone else for that credibility.

Which Deep State Government should we trust? Who can you trust to do such a thing? If one country can go off the gold standard by the stroke of a pen, then where is the credibility in implementing a failed Gold Standard procedure from the past?

It is like putting faith in a broken crutch instead of a solid wheelchair to get around until we heal a broken leg. When the system can be broken in the past, why should we go there again? If we can’t learn lessons from the past, then where is the wisdom of reinstating it for our new financial system?

Now then, it is not left up to each country to do this auditing, the Alliance has created the QFS and singled sourced its stockpile of Gold to gold-back all currencies.

The gold is stored in large caverns with a library type system to locate a particular Kilo of Gold bullion. Periodic tracing of a gold certificate back to its source of value for a number of different increments of currency, requires very little effort and can be done on a moment's notice to provide accurate and conclusive evidence that the system has not been tampered with. Do not be confused with the term "Asset-backed currency," as being gold-back, it may be and then it may not be. The term is not specific enough to create value for the currency. The QFS uses "gold-backed," meaning specifically "Identified" pieces of gold for a specific increment of money. If the gold certificate does not point to an "identified" specific piece of gold, it is not "Gold- Backed.

The reality of the Quantum Financial System is that it establishes credibility and value for every nation’s currency that participates in the QFS. It is all gold-back from one central secured stockpile of gold with serial numbers identifying each Kilo of gold bullion.

Once this value is set and all currencies are on par value with any other currency, then the whole question of disparity between currencies; with one country saying theirs is more valuable than another because we have more gold; is put to rest and there is no justification for such an errant claim.

All currencies are gold-backed together from one source and its value is “frozen in” for all time. The question of value is forever settled for each and every currency, regardless of a country's stockpile of Gold.

With the possibility of one nation going off the gold standard and printing their own money, it leaves gaping holes in the credibility of the whole old system. This is the CB as it exists today. Are we not doing away with all of its manipulations and fraudulent activities? The answer is a resounding “YES.” The Gold Standard is part of that system, use it as a stepping stone to the better financial system.

The new QFS is replacing the Central Banking System with all of its extremely negative consequences.

Doing away with just one major problem of depending on the Gold Standard to create value in a nation’s currency means we are moving toward a safer and more secure financial system that works for everybody, not just the Global Elite. This QFS is something we can all get behind and use for our humanitarian work.

Yes, the Gold Standard is a step in the right direction as far as public optics are concerned, but the real value of the Gold Standard is found in it eventually yielding to the QFS way of establishing value for all currencies using an international standard of Gold Backing.

The pundits that are not forward-looking toward a new financial system using gold-backed QFS currencies are not on the leading edge of information. Hopefully, they will come up to speed as the QFS is fully implemented and they start espousing the great value of "real money" that exists therein.

Finally, establishing and using "accounts" in the QFS has not yet been implemented. While certain elements of the quantum computer have been interfacing with the Central Bank computers and the SWIFT transfer system for over two years now, the fulness has not been activated.

When the RV funds are released, this means the QFS has been fully activated and this will trigger the Global Currency Reset where all currencies are reset to the gold-backed currencies in the QFS.

This is when we can see that the fullness of the QFS has been implemented and the phasing out of the CB system will be in transition from limping to inactive. BTW, the blockchain concepts are integrated into the QFS but the Quantum Computer is a 5th-dimensional creation, blockchain is 3rd dimensional and is really inferior to the system the QFS uses. It’s really whiz-bang stuff going on in that computer. Yay, God, you did it again.

This information comes from my sources and is my personal understanding; I am not under an NDA.

Ron Giles
Reference; QFS parts one and two:

Part One: "The QFS, Part One" by Ron Giles - 8.2.20

Part Two: "The QFS, Part Two" by Ron Giles - 8.3.20



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