Zig’s Place Chat Room Saturday AM 8-8-20

Zig’s Place Chat Room Saturday AM 8-8-20

Zig  RamblerNash : LOL....Finally got you to show up at a chat I was in....great....hope Sam comes soon as well....I have lots to do as far as inviting and promoting....I am very good at both, not to brag....please continue to tell your friends (and enemies...lol) about this new room....Emphasize NO MODS and NO BANNING ever.....see ya later...

Zig  We could use a couple of NEWSHOUNDS here  Please post news about Iraq,

Zig  LOL....I promise never to post about my weather or what I am having for breakfast, lunch, or dinner....or where I am going....or when I will be back....or what appointments I may have....

Xyz  The governments of Baghdad and Erbil are close to the joint agreement

07/08/2020  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The governments of Baghdad and Erbil are close to reaching a joint agreement on the outstanding issues, especially the salaries and oil files.

According to media Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, that "due to the negotiating delegation to the Kurdistan Regional Government visited the capital Baghdad in the coming period for the completion of previous talks on the outstanding issues with the federal government , "

he added, " The federal government has submitted a proposal to the Kurdistan Regional Government provides for the payment of $ 300 One billion dinars for handing over half of the imports of the border crossings and internal imports to the federal government. "

He pointed out, "The negotiating delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit the capital, Baghdad, next week to discuss the new proposal with the federal government."

He continued, "It is expected that agreement on the new proposal will be concluded and its implementation for the current year only , and for the new year a new and comprehensive agreement will be signed on the financial files between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=113267

Xyz  Prime Minister's Office: Al-Kazemi will visit the United States next week

(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The office of the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, announced on Saturday that the latter will start a visit to the United States of America next week.

The office stated, in a statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of, that "the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, begins next week, an official visit to the United States of America, at the head of a government delegation, based on an official invitation."

The office added, "Al-Kazemi will meet US President Donald Trump, on the twentieth of this month."

He continued: "The visit will include discussing the files of bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States of America, issues of common interest, joint cooperation in the fields of security, energy, health, economy and investment, and ways to enhance them, in addition to the file to address the Corona pandemic, and bilateral cooperation to serve the common interests of the two countries."

Ali al-Rubaie https://alforatnews.com/news/الكاظمي-يزور-الولايات-المتحدة-الأمريكية-الأسبوع-المقبل

xyz  Former Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum said that Iraq would lose $ 21 billion due to its commitment to the OPEC Plus agreement for two years https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Feconomy-news.net%2Fcontent.php%3Fid%3D21327&sandbox=1

xyz  Parliamentary Finance: There is an agreement not to agree to borrowing


Baghdad / Iraq News Network - The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Saturday, that it is preparing a parliamentary economic reform paper. The committee's rapporteur, Ahmad Al-Saffar, said in a press interview: “The committee continues its weekly meetings,” indicating that “the committee is preparing a reform paper. Parliamentary.

”He added that“ the committee hopes to meet with the government to unify the two governmental and parliamentary economic papers in order to come up with one reform paper to save the country's economy and cross it to safety, ”pointing out that“ the committee requested hosting the Minister of Finance for the purpose of reviewing the government's financial plan and other measures. Al-Saffar called on the government to take measures by maximizing and controlling revenues, indicating that “there is an agreement not to approve borrowing.” The Parliamentary Finance Committee had confirmed the government's intention to present a paper of radical reforms during the coming period, noting that the Minister of Finance informed the committee That the government will present a fundamental reform paper that includes all economic and financial aspects.

xyz  Parliamentary Finance: The draft budget for 2021 will be ready during the current month


The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Saturday, that the draft budget for 2021 will be ready during the current month, indicating that the resources of the border crossings will be added and Kurdistan is required to hand over its ports.

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Hanin al-Qaddo, told Al-Akhbariya, "The government is preparing to complete the draft budget for the next fiscal year, this month."

"The government is required to send the draft law in October, provided that it includes the reform steps that the government undertook during the vote on the external and internal borrowing law," he added.

"The budget for next year will be different in several respects, as customs, borders and other resources will be added, as well as obligating the Kurdistan region to hand over the northern ports to the federal government," al-Qaddu noted.

It is noteworthy that the current year 2020 passed without the House of Representatives approving the country's general financial budget, due to political differences, the most important of which was the lack of agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.

xyz  Iraq announces the files for Al-Kazemi's meeting with Trump in Washington

Shafaq News / The media office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi announced, on Saturday, the files that the latter will discuss with US President Donald Trump in Washington during his upcoming visit .

Al-Kazemi's office said in a statement received by Shafaq News, "The latter will start, next week, an official visit to the United States of America, at the head of a government delegation, based on an official invitation." He explained that he would meet US President Donald Trump on the twentieth of this month .

According to the statement, the visit will include "discussing the files of bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States of America, issues of common concern, joint cooperation in the fields of security, energy, health, economy and investment, and ways to enhance them," in addition to the file to address the Corona pandemic, and bilateral cooperation in a way that serves the common interests of the two countries .

And Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announced earlier that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will visit Washington to complete the strategic dialogue between Iraq and America .

The White House announced in a statement, issued Friday, that US President Donald Trump will receive Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi at the White House on August 20 this month .

He indicated that the two presidents will discuss the challenges resulting from the Corona virus epidemic, security, energy and economic issues .

For its part, Iraqi political sources indicated that Al-Kazemi will head to the United States of America at the head of a high-level ministerial delegation to resume the second round of Iraqi-American negotiations, whose first round began on the eleventh of June 2020.

Al-Kazemi assumed the presidency of the Iraqi government in May, succeeding Adel Abdul-Mahdi, who was ousted last year during mass anti-government protests in which hundreds of protest

xyz  Al-Kazemi assumed the presidency of the Iraqi government in May, succeeding Adel Abdul-Mahdi, who was ousted last year during mass anti-government protests in which hundreds of protesters were killed . LINK

Sambeaux  Where would you exchange the Zim?

Spectra  The Bank or airport  if the zim was exchangable that is? lol

Sambeaux  I heard they are exchanging now. Is that true?

Spectra  i no nothing of this?

Spectra  Then again i never felt the Zim will do anything at least the old Zim ...That piece of paper is Dead

Sambeaux  Thank you Spectra.. Me neither. Been in this stuff since 1982, Dinar holder since 2004...

Spectra  The you know.Exactly what i mean.Been in this at least since we went to Iraq to war.That was in the beggining when i got in too.

Xyz  Reason #1: RV RV RV

MP identifies six reasons that make Iraq "an investment-repelling environment"


The deputy of the Saeron Alliance, Riyadh Al-Masoudi, identified, on Saturday, six reasons that he said make Iraq an "investment-repellent environment," while indicating the existence of "suspicions of corruption" in the "cooperative protocol" between Baghdad and Beijing.

In an interview with Al-Sumaria News, Al-Masoudi said, "Iraq previously signed cooperation protocols with China at the time of Haider al-Abadi's government in 2015, and then they were expanded at the time of the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi when he went with a very large delegation to China," indicating that "the basis of the cooperative protocol." With China, it is launched through the formation of a sovereign fund to deposit money from selling Iraqi oil, and when the amount reaches a certain limit, Chinese companies begin to conclude agreements in order to proceed with the establishment of projects to be agreed upon within certain service sectors.

Al-Masoudi added, "The major countries, including China, do not have a desire to make investments in Iraq, and unfortunately the Iraqi environment is repellent to investment and is not attractive, due to internal political problems, existing corruption, deadly red tape, blackmail and pressure, and the lack of facilities at the border crossings." As well as the complexities of investment agencies. "

He pointed out that "the cooperative protocol with China also contained many suspicions of corruption, foremost among which was the establishment of projects by some ministries and governors of large sums, including schools that cost two billion dinars each."

Al-Masoudi stressed, "The cooperative protocol with China can be considered, in the event of implementation, a limited agreement, as it talked about 50 billion dollars for projects with a period

xyz  A government delegation will head to Baghdad soon to conclude an agreement with the federal government

Sulaymaniyah / NINA / A high-level government delegation will soon head to the capital, Baghdad, to conclude an agreement regarding the outstanding problems, to be valid until the end of this year.

And Kurdish media reported on an informed source as saying that the federal and regional governments are close to reaching an agreement to end the outstanding issues, including the oil files and the salaries of Kurdistan region employees, after the arrival of Baghdad's proposals to the regional government before Eid al-Adha.

The source added that a high-ranking government delegation will head to Baghdad in the coming days, expressing optimism that an agreement will be reached, on the salaries of employees, indicating that the agreement, if concluded, will be in effect until the end of this year. / End  http://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=848531

Scrappy   Whens the rate going to change I'm tired of waiting

Scrappy  most of the Guru's keep saying were close and the rate will change soon, but none can tell us what the true DELAYS are. What are we waiting for please share your thoughts.

Scrappy  I'm an internet guru. I've tried to help you guys, you don't do anything productive in here.I'm outahere!

Sam I Am  Same crowd as before?

Scrappy  Zig this is a waiste of your time, nothing constructive happens here. Your guys don't help each other with the investment.

Zig  Sam I Am : LOL....Hope not...

Zig  Scrappy : Jeez....only been open 2 days....Relax.....lol

xyz  Sam I Am Am Z not 'same crowd'

Zig  Sam I Am : Do you know anything about that guy "Abe" on PTR calls??.....says we are very close to a Reset.....says he has inside info.....ever listen to him??

Zig  A GCR

Sam I Am  nope

Scrappy  I'M a Guru, won't tell you which one.I'm trying tell help make it productive but know one cares about the real truth.WHY HASN'T THE RATE CHANGED AND WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?

Sam I Am  But I can tell you that no GCR is gonna happen

Zig  Scrappy : If you are a Guru please answer your own question.....

Scrappy  Sam your correct, only the Dinar is changing not others at this time.

Zig  Sam I Am : Nash was here briefly yesterday FYI

Sam I Am  Haven't talked to Nash in awhile probably since the pandemic

Zig  Kaperoni also dropped by for a minute....

Sam I Am  WOW, and I missed him

Scrappy  Zig I know the answers, i'm not going to just give them away, I had to work to find them.

xyz  Zig what about that spamming conspiracy theorist selling crap stuff? Not deleted?

John TB  If a person declares: "I am a guru", then the first question should be - are they really? A guru is self evident - not self proclaimed. Lead by example and teaching, not attacking and through control.

Scrappy  Zig you don't do anything constructive in here. Basically this is a BS lounge.

Scrappy  I shared a link yesterday as to what we've been waiting for this entire year, none of you were here to see it.

Scrappy  Tell me this..... why is Gold / Silver increasing and the US Dollar is decreasing. Do these events have anything to do with the Iraq rate change?

butterfly  Welcome to all that like it here or don't like it here.

John TB  Self control is godly, but control of others is not!

butterfly  So true John TB

Scrappy  Tell me this..... why is Gold / Silver increasing and the US Dollar is decreasing. Do these events have anything to do with the Iraq rate change?

Butterfly  If people don't like it here and are frustrated a simple conclusion is leave.

John TB  @Scrappy - please share your link again. then we can all discuss it... To answer - yes I believe it does.

Scrappy  John answer the question I just asked?

John TB  I did. did you read? "Yes - I believe it does".

Scrappy  How and why do these events have anything to do with the Iraq RI?\

Scrappy  See you guys only hang out with KRAPARONI who doesn't know ANYTHING.

Zig  Jeez....what did I get myself into??....LOL....@LeLe: you may now mention this chat anyplace....TY

butterfly  https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2020/08/07/baghdad-submits-to-the-region-a-proposal-on-outlets-and-they-are-close-to-a-comprehensive-agreement/ that is the link Scrappy posted yesterday. If you scroll up and continue to scroll up you can read all that what said when Zig opened this website.

John TB  Your the self proclaimed guru, you school me. I've only been in this 10 years... Supply & Demand, GCR equilibrium, SDR basket to name a few...

John TB  I do not hang with Kaperoni

butterfly  As I have said and will continue to say NO ONE knows if and when the dinar will make us millionaires/billionaires.

butterfly  We can speculate until the day we close our eyes for the last time.

John TB  @Scrappy: I am brand new here - less than an hour, and low and behold you and all your guru-ness... I look at ALL info, and then try too figure out the puzzle. And try to keep my sanity in the process! LOL!

Scrappy  Per BIS - Basel III... Counbtries can back the value of their currency with PRECIOUS METALS & FOREIGN CURRENCY. The US Dollar is becoming asset backed, the Dinar is asset soon to back the USD.

Scrappy   Per BIS - Basel III... Countries can back the value of their currency with PRECIOUS METALS & FOREIGN CURRENCY. The US Dollar is becoming asset backed, the Dinar is asset soon to back the USD.

John TB  Old news. Your point. your guru-ness?

Zig  Scrappy : So you think a so-called "GCR" is coming??

Scrappy  John your not to bright. Transitioning the dollar to asset backed can only be timed with the RI because the Dinar is an asset to the USD. TIMING, TIMING TIMING

Scrappy  NEXT the dinar can only RI at the beginning of a new Fiscal period (Iraq's fiscal year doesn't start in January). So when is the next fiscal period the rate can change and explain how / why its a fiscal period.

Scrappy  Zig there is no such thing as a GCR, maybe a reset. At this time only the DInar is changing and some currencies becoming asset backed.  Why are you guy's so quiet?

butterfly  It is going to RV with GWB in the office. Now it is going to RV because DJT is in the office. The Central Bank of Iraq makes that determination. Am I wrong? Or Am I right? Did Kuwait revalue in the dark of the night? As a dealer told me several years ago, STOP listening to what is being said because if they change their value, the whole world will know.

Scrappy  Your wrong butterfly, Iraq doesn't decide or call the shots. DJT and his administration make the decisions.

butterfly  Thank you Scrappy you JUST told me everything about you. My case is closed.

Scrappy  John you may have already discussed it.. I'll promise your understanding is incorrect / inaccurate. You havent answered any of my questions... admits you don't know the real truth.

Scrappy  John answer this question: NEXT the dinar can only RI at the beginning of a new Fiscal period (Iraq's fiscal year doesn't start in January). So when is the next fiscal period the rate can change and explain how / why its a fiscal period.

The Trump administration initiated the USD to start becoming asset backed AT THE TIME, that should tell you the DJT is in charge!!!

butterfly  Scrappy here is a scenario for ya. What will your reply/answer/opinion be "if" by chance the value of the dinar happened the end of the month?

butterfly  Another question for ya Scrappy. If you are a guru (you said it not me) why are you here? Why don't you have your own forum/website? Just a simple question.

butterfly  There use to be someone just like Scrappy in another forum. Always came in with another name and proclaimed to be a guru. I'm sorry but all of this gives me a good laugh. At this point in our life, we need to laugh not be angry all the time. As I've stated over and over NO ONE knows if and when the value of the dinar will happen. We can speculate until there is no moon in the sky. Years upon years have been repeated about this and about that but here we are...............still waiting!

Zig   Welcome to ZIG'S PLACE! This Chat Room will have NO MODS and nobody will ever get BANNED...This is a two month experiment  I invite everyone in the Dinar Community to participate...Post news articles, rumors, etc...You may advertise other chats and forums here freely including links...Will I delete any posts??...

Well I do not like racist remarks, ethnic slurs nor death threats...also, please do not criticize another person's English...Hopefully we will have people here from other countries/cultures whose first language is not English...

I want everyone to feel comfortable being here so would appreciate that...I do not mind a little trouble as many of you know...lol...we in the US have an election approaching so I hope we have some lively debates and hope we have a balance between Trump and Biden supporters...On October 1st I will decide if I will keep this room open or close it...What will factor into that decision??...many things which I will not get into at this time...

However, I will never add MODS nor ever BAN anyone...I do not like MODS, having been one...lol...IMO MODS kill chat rooms...they are control freaks that can't leave their biases out of their decisions....okay, I hope you like the room and please invite others and spread the word....love to have some people in here from Iraq...so if you know anyone please invite them....or if you see anyone on Twitter from Iraq give them the link....okay, that's all for now.

Zig  This will take a long time to become very active...I will not be here much at the beginning as I have promoting to do, etc...I have a lot of experience doing this and know that patience is needed....Have a great day and please spread the word about this chat room....Emphasize NO MODS and NO BANNING....Thanks.....




News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 8-8-2020


"Is the Gold Standard Real Money?" by Ron Giles 8-7-2020