Iraqi News Wednesday AM 9-2-20

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 9-2-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Speaker Of Parliament Receives The President Of The Kurdistan Region

02/09/2020 Today, Wednesday, the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, received the President of the Kurdistan Region, Mr. Nechirvan Barzani and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting discussed the political and security situations, developments in the health situation, and the impact it had on the economic situation in the country.

The meeting also discussed the agenda of the House of Representatives and the most important legislation needed during the coming period, including the House of Representatives election law, which the parliament had previously voted upon, resolving the issue of electoral districts, amending the Federal Supreme Court law, and other laws.

The meeting also stressed the importance of continuing discussions and resolving outstanding issues according to the constitution, working to give priority to the supreme national interest, and coordination in order to overcome crises and advance the country's reality.

The Media Office  of the Speaker of Parliament, September 2, 2020

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Presides Over A Regular Cabinet Session

2020 9-1  Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held a regular session chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, during which a number of issues were discussed, in addition to the topics included in the session's agenda.

At the beginning of the session, Mr. Al-Kazemi touched on the government's basic duties in serving the citizen and controlling order, and indicated that there are parties who live on chaos, but the government is determined to work by force of law to restore the prestige of the state and raise the morale of the security services that have suffered some break in the last period.

His Excellency indicated that the government has plans to implement operations that would restore the prestige of the state and enforce the law, in order to achieve security and stability throughout the country.

Mr. Al-Kazemi reiterated his emphasis on all ministers by listening to the legitimate demands of the demonstrators and taking quick measures regarding them, while clearing public opinion with the difficult challenges facing the country at the current stage, and the government efforts made to confront them.

The Prime Minister stressed that bureaucratic practices and red tape should not be allowed to obstruct the government's plans, referring to the important decisions issued by the Council of Ministers relating to the implementation of various projects that serve citizens, and directed the concerned ministers to follow them on an ongoing basis and to submit reports on the progress of work and the rates of achievement in them.

The Minister of Health and Environment reviewed the latest developments in the Corona pandemic in Iraq, and the government efforts to provide integrated medical services to the injured, while awareness campaigns continue to adhere to preventive measures to avoid infection with Corona virus, and he urged citizens to adhere to them.

The Minister of Electricity also made a presentation on the electric power system, the level of production and distribution lines, and the ministry’s efforts to improve the level of electric energy services provided to citizens, while reviewing the most important problems and obstacles facing the work of the ministry and procedures to overcome them.

The Council of Ministers discussed the topics on the agenda, and issued a number of decisions regarding them:

First / Excluding the appointment of doctors from the Cabinet Resolution (92 for the year 2020), by amending the paragraph contained in the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee that was composed of the Cabinet Resolution (73 of 2020). .

Second / Approval of the following:

1- Transferring the contract for contract and wage employees in the Ministry of Electricity from the investment budget to the operational budget.

2- The dues referred to in paragraph (1) above from the electricity wages owed by the ministries and departments of the state financed centrally for the previous years shall be disbursed at a rate of 1/12 of the actual disbursement for the year 2019, according to the accompanying list of linking the Ministry of Electricity letter number: 28316 dated 31 / 8/2020, which represents salaries for part of the year / 2019 until 6/30/2020.

3- The Ministry of Finance allocates the amount of debts owed by ministries and state departments to the central government category, at a rate of 1/12 of the actual disbursement for the year 2019, for the purpose of covering the entire salary dues for contracts, according to the lists that will be sent to the Ministry of Finance in succession.

Third / The Council of Ministers approved:

1 - The Iraqi Trade Bank opens a confirmed and postponed documentary letter of credit for a period of (12) months for the full amount of the two contracts (75,518,675 euros for cooling systems) and (382,215,000 euros to install 9-Wasit gas units), and through Submit a guarantor from the Ministry of Finance.

2- Update paragraphs (1) and (2) of Cabinet Resolution No. (32) for the year 2020 in order to include the terms and conditions agreed upon according to what was stated in the Ministry of Electricity letter No. 28265 dated 8/31/2020, for the purpose of signing the loan and compensation agreement Letter of guarantee of documentary credit upon maturity.

3- Agreeing to authorize the Minister of Finance to have the power to sign according to the conditions mentioned in the Ministry of Finance letter 4664 of 9/1/2020.

Fourth / Approval of the recommendations of the consultative meeting concerned with setting controls on the import of motorcycles, taking into account the opinion of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, confirmed by the memorandum of the Legal Department of the number: MD / Q / 2/1/173 LQ, dated 10 / 8/2020.

Fifth: Approval of the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy (25 of 2020) regarding the approval of the Ministry of Oil to proceed with the procedures for signing the Agreement Facility and Subordiation Deed, notified of linking the Ministry of Oil’s book number F / 270, dated 16 / 8/2020.

Sixth: Approval of the Ministerial Council for Energy's recommendation (24 of 2020) regarding approval of what was stated in paragraphs (5 and 6) of the appendix to the contract concluded between the South Gas Company and (BH-GE), regarding the Nasiriyah and Al Gharraf gas fields project.


1 - Choosing the date of the independence of Iraq and the salvation of the British Mandate On October 3, 1932, a suitable and appropriate date to be celebrated annually, as a national day for Iraq.

2 - The legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers prepares a special draft law on (the National Day of the Republic of Iraq), which is separate and independent from the law on official holidays.

3 - Refer the draft law on the National Day of the Republic of Iraq to the Council of Representatives based on the provisions of Articles 61 / Clause First and 80 / Clause Two) of the Constitution.

In the context of the session also, the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, directed the following:

1 - The ministers of finance, trade and agriculture and the advisor to the prime minister, to find an urgent solution that guarantees the transfer of farmers' dues in exchange for the crops received by the ministries of commerce and agriculture during the year 2020.

2- Recommendations are raised To the Prime Minister within a week, including a mechanism to complete the payment of all dues before the end of 2020. 

Media Office of the Prime Minister  1-Sep-2020

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Receives The President Of The Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani

2020 Sept 2  The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, they discussed the important files that would enhance integration and cooperation between state institutions in both the federal government and the regional government, within the framework of principles and work drawn up by the constitution.

The national efforts to combat the Corona pandemic, as well as the continuous efforts and coordination to combat ISIS sleeper cells, and pursue the remnants of terrorism that has no place on the land of Iraq were also addressed, as the importance of the role that the Peshmerga Regional Guard plays as an integral part of the Iraqi security system was emphasized.

For his part, Nechirvan Barzani expressed his optimism about the steps taken to strengthen the mechanisms of joint action between the regional government and the federal government, and stressed that the Kurds are proud of their Iraq, and that they are determined to continue work for the sake of stability, security and sovereignty of Iraq.

Barzani also demonstrated the pride of the Kurdistan region in the role that Iraq began to represent at the regional and international levels, and in light of the mutual visits at the highest levels between Iraq and friendly countries, and the basic understandings in the interest of Iraq, security and regional stability.

Information Office of the Prime Minister  2 -Sept -2020

Iraq Wants Exemption From "Opec +" Agreement

Pratha News Agency105 2020-09-02  Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar revealed that there are efforts to exempt Iraq from the OPEC + production cut agreement for a period of 3 months.

This came according to what was reported by the Iraqi News Agency, "Conscious," today, Wednesday, from the Iraqi newspaper, Al-Sabah.

The Iraqi minister said that the country is seeking an exemption from the "OPEC +" agreement during the first quarter of 2021, noting that all OPEC ministers from the major producers have been approached in three consecutive meetings.

However, Abdul-Jabbar confirmed that Iraq will commit to the reduction during the next three months.

And the countries of the "OPEC +" group, including Iraq, had agreed last April to reduce production from last May until the end of April 2022 to support the oil markets that are facing a decline in demand due to the Corona pandemic.

With regard to the construction of the Basra-Aqaba crude export pipeline, he said that the ministry had begun to receive commercial and technical offers for the construction of the pipeline, whose capacity is estimated at one million barrels.

It is expected that in the first quarter of next year, the project will be fully referred, so that it can be implemented immediately.

He added that the pipeline will extend for a distance of 1700 km, and the implementation will be on the Iraqi side at the expense of the Ministry of Oil, while on the Jordanian side it will be in the form of investments.

The Border Crossing Authority Receives A Tempting Offer From The European Union Mission

Time: 09/02/2020 16:04:41 Read: 598 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Board of Border Ports received a tempting offer from the European Union Advisory Mission in Iraq.

In a statement, the Euphrates News Agency received a copy of it today, the commission stated that "the European Union delegation expressed its true desire to provide assistance to develop the performance of workers at border outlets by providing strategic advice at the highest levels, training and support in cooperation with partners from international organizations and bodies."

She indicated that "Major General Omar Adnan Al-Waeli, head of the Border Ports Authority, received in his office the European Union advisory mission in Iraq to discuss prospects for joint cooperation between the two sides, and the meeting was attended by the Director General of the Administrative and Financial Department at the Border Crossing Authority.

Al-Waeli explained during the meeting the importance of communication and joint cooperation between the commission and the European Union advisory mission in several areas, the most important of which is helping to develop human resources working at border crossings by placing them in specialized and advanced training courses that keep pace with scientific development to develop their technical and administrative skills and employ them to serve the strategy of work at border crossings.

Considering that maintaining border security is an utmost necessity, and we strive to create a state of complementarity in performance with joint cooperation between the two sides, and considers other partners such as customs and border guards as complementary links to border work.

The head of the commission added that the European Union mission is of great importance and can provide assistance in logistical support and advice provided that we establish effective communication channels to achieve periodic meetings between the two sides through which we define the needs of the body and submit in the form of a working paper to the higher authorities to obtain the legal and official cover for this cooperation, indicating that The Border Ports Authority is an active member and represents Iraq in all integrated border management activities.  LINK


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