Iraqi News Wednesday AM 12-2-20

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 12-2-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Regional Government Decides To Send A Delegation To Baghdad .. And Barzani: This Is What Al-Kazemi Promised Us

Time: 12/02/2020 15:39:30 Read: 1,573 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, Wednesday, the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Region held its regular session headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani.

Barzani's media office stated in a statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of it that "there is no party that cares about the lives and livelihood of citizens as much as the regional government, which has done everything in its power to secure the salaries of the Kurdistan region."

Barzani stressed, according to the statement: "The financial dues for the region are legitimate rights. To the people of Kurdistan, and we will never give them up, and we will continue our talks with the federal government in order to guarantee our constitutional rights. ”

The Prime Minister explained:“ These days we were in constant contact with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the Iraqi Council of Ministers, and we received a promise from them to solve the issue of salaries within The next few days, but if the region’s salaries do not arrive from Baghdad on time and for any reason, the Kurdistan Regional Government will fill the deficit by borrowing until the allocated salaries arrive from Baghdad, and then the borrowing amount will be repaid from the sums sent from Baghdad.

After discussion and discussion, the Prime Minister directed, on behalf of the Council of Ministers, to start disbursing the salaries of October, starting tomorrow, Thursday, December 3, with a funding rate of 79 percent, and the Cabinet decided to send a government delegation to Baghdad as soon as possible. In order to defend the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan region.

In the second paragraph of the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister presented a draft review and organization of the fees charged in exchange for the services provided, and called for the speedy sending of data on expenditures and revenues of all ministries to the Supreme Committee with the aim of reorganizing them.

In the last paragraph of the meeting, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Kwestan Muhammad, presented a project on disability and special needs allowances, and the Cabinet voted on it unanimously.   LINK

The Council Of Ministers Holds Its Regular Session Headed By Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi And Issues A Number Of Decisions

Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held its regular session chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, during which they discussed a number of issues and topics included in the agenda.

During the session, Mr. Al-Kazemi confirmed his directives to the ministers to mobilize all available resources and work, to serve the people of Dhi Qar in the health, service, agricultural and industrial aspects, as well as reconstruction and municipalities.

His Excellency touched on the ongoing preparations for the success of the parliamentary elections scheduled for the sixth of next June, and affirmed the government's determination and eagerness to move forward to hold the elections on time and ensure their success.

He also directed all ministries to overcome all obstacles facing the needs of the Electoral Commission, spare it bureaucracy and red tape, and support its efforts to make its work a success.

The Council listened to a briefing by the Minister of Health on the efforts of the concerned state agencies to confront the Corona pandemic, in which he referred to the escalation of the recovery rate to 87%, which was achieved by expanding the clinical capacity, providing treatments and serious work to improve health sector services A significant decline in the death rate, confirming that the Ministry of Health will secure the necessary funding to purchase the vaccine, as soon as the World Health Organization approves its effectiveness.

The Minister of Health also confirmed that the risks of the spread of the Corona virus are still severe, calling on citizens and all institutions to adhere to preventive measures, and not to be lenient in their implementation.

After the council considered the topics and files on its agenda, it took the following decisions:

First / Endorsement of the recommendations of the work team composed under the Diwani Order 32 of 2020 regarding completing the data of state employees, according to the following:

• Continuing to develop the process of issuing the employee number in the Central Bureau of Statistics at the Ministry of Planning, as well as the process of data collection and urging ministries and government agencies to provide the aforementioned agency with the required data, and work to establish a unified system for salaries that includes all spending units, and by means of which salaries are raised electronically to the salary platform In the Ministry of Planning, the financing book is issued electronically from the platform to the spending unit, and sent to the Ministry of Finance to launch the disbursement with a barcode in each book, or any other method.

Establishing a platform or application that works on smart phones, through which employees' data is collected after entering them by them and verified by their departments, and the national card data is approved when providing the employee as a first option, and working to provide it to all employees as a priority in issuing cards, and instructing the Ministry of Interior To provide that, and the committee is left with the alternative option in the event of a delay in issuing the card to an employee.

• To form a committee from the Prime Minister’s Office, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the ministries of (planning, industry and minerals, and communications), in addition to the Federal Office of Financial Supervision, to implement what has been proven above, and this committee will be headed by the Central Bureau of Statistics.

• Determine a body to follow up the work of the aforementioned team in the Ministry of Planning, and inform the Council of Ministers of the progress of its work.

• Ministries are required to send the names of their employees who have not been issued a job number to the Ministry of Interior.

Second: Authorizing the Industrial Bank to contract with whomever it deems appropriate in the banking field, provided that the numbers of contractors and their wages are determined based on a proposal from the bank’s board of directors and the approval of the Ministry of Finance, provided that the appointment to permanent staff is not required.

Third / The ministries of finance, oil and electricity provide a final solution to all urgent and medium-term vital projects, especially maintenance projects for GE and Siemens companies, in addition to providing financial support for the purchase of additives to ensure the use of liquid fuels instead of the shortage of gas fuels.

Fourth / Approval of the amendment of Paragraph (1) of Cabinet Resolution (92 of 2020), to become as follows:

The Ministry of Agriculture sells (700) thousand tons of fodder barley in the stores of the companies affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture in Nineveh Governorate, in the state it is in, to the Islamic Republic of Iran, at a price of $ 125 / ton, and the payment is in favor of the Ministry of Finance from an account The Iranian Gas Company at the Iraqi Trade Bank (TBI), to pay farmers marketed barley dues.

Fifth: Approval of Minutes No. (17) and the recommendations of the Diwani Order (45 of 2018) attached to the linking of the Ministry of Planning’s letter No. 1/2/931, dated 12/1/2020, relating to hospital projects.

Sixth / Approval of the following:

1- Authorizing the Minister of Finance, Mr. Ali Haider Abdul Amir Allawi, the power to sign an agreement to impose the financing of multiple annual maintenance projects (fourth phase), which is implemented by the American company, GE-E, for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, and with the guarantee of the British Export Guarantee Agency UKEF, based on the provisions of Article (2) From the Law of Domestic and External Borrowing for Financing the Fiscal Deficit for the year 2020 No. (5 of 2020), and Article (2 / second deficit / 3 / k) of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2019.

2- The financing conditions for the loan are confirmed in a book Ministry of Finance, No. DG / 5/7482, dated 11/23/2020.   Media Office of the Prime Minister  1- December- 2020

Parliamentary Integrity Announces The Transfer Of The File For Questioning Three Officials

Economy   Tuesday 1 December 2020 | 11:57 am| Views: 206   The Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives revealed, on Tuesday, that the file of questioning three officials had been referred, in addition to important questions regarding the oil file in Kurdistan.

"The rampant corruption in the country is one of the pillars of the current economic crisis, and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives must activate the oversight role in all formats, whether questioning, clarifying and hosting, as well as interrogation, which is the highest degree of control," said a member of the committee, Representative Alia Nassif, according to the official agency.

She added, "There are interrogations of three officials in addition to important questions to find out where the money from the exported oil goes from the Kurdistan region."

It is noteworthy that the Parliamentary Integrity Committee called earlier, the parliament to activate its oversight role, explaining that there is a major failure of the oversight role of the House of Representatives compared to the legislative side. She added that the council in the previous government had ten interrogations, without any minister being questioned.

TOBYBOY:   Maybe they should find out where the money from Iraq CBI goes instead of Kurstein. Of course we know where it goes Iran & Turkey. SO why don't they arrest them and close down the auctions this will stop the the biggest part of corruption. We know that most of the parties are involved in the CBI corruption. Someone must have the balls to stop this, we know the new prime minister was all talk. sounds like they need a major revolt like they started last year but this time carry it through

Representative Dr. Majda Al-Tamimi Reveals The Details Of The Election Financing Law

02/12/2020   A member of the Financial Committee Deputy Dr. revealed. Majida Al-Tamimi on Wednesday 2/12/2020, about the details of the election financing bill, while she said that the current financial crisis is caused by mismanagement and the failure to hold the corrupt accountable.

And Dr. said. Al-Tamimi said that the government has sent the election financing law to the House of Representatives to approve by voting an amount of 329 billion dinars, of which 133 billion and 300 million dinars are funded from the balance of the 2019 budget for the account of the Electoral Commission, and authorizes the Minister of Finance to borrow to finance the remaining amount of 195 billion and 700 million dinars.

And Dr. Al-Tamimi said that the Finance Committee believes that the government can include these amounts in the 2021 budget, and there is no need to go to a new third borrowing.

In the same context, Dr. indicated. Al-Tamimi said that the current financial and economic crisis is caused by mismanagement and the failure to hold the corrupt accountable.

Media   Department Parliament  2-December-2020   LINK

Independence Of Government Banks

Wednesday 02nd December 2020  50  Muhammad Sharif Abu Maysam is almost the idea of ​​separating the departments of government banks from the Ministry of Finance, which the Minister of Finance indicated, according to a news agency, to be a real test for the departments of these banks with the aim of breaking out of stereotypes in performance and activating their role in the development process, through the promotion of workers and the introduction Technologies and maximizing resources in line with local and international standards.

This idea, which will make the administrations of these financial institutions independent of the government, starting in the year 2021, comes in line with what was stated in the white paper, regarding restructuring the financial and banking system, and making the work of these banks in a commercial context, which will make competition the most intense with private banks, and it is granted The latter is an opportunity to take a greater space in the arena of financial exchanges and dealings, and this is what the paper indicated in the second axis: First - A regarding reducing the dominance of government banks over the banking sector.

The matter that necessitates and urgently requires activating the steps mentioned in this axis before the start of the independence decision, such as “addressing the level of capital of all government banks, and organizing the process of increasing their capital if necessary,” as the data indicate that the capital of Iraqi banks reached more than 15.3 by the year 2019.

A trillion dinars divided into 3.3 trillion dinars for government banks, while the capital of private banks amounted to about 12 trillion dinars, "and if the number of these banks is more than the number of government banks by about five times, mergers between them under the restructuring program can produce financial entities much stronger than some State banks that currently dominate about 70 percent of the banking business.

What is meant by the administrations of government banks, they have no choice but to work diligently on the axes of restructuring the capital, increasing the training and qualification of workers in line with the protection of the public and dealing with it well and giving great importance to the axes of advertising and marketing and striving towards increasing the collection rates of outstanding and outstanding debts, especially since the data of the year 2019 indicates that the cash credit provided by government banks amounted to about 34.2 trillion dinars and pledge credit amounted to 17.2 trillion dinars, while the cash credit provided by private banks does not exceed more than 7.8 trillion dinars and pledge credit is 8 trillion dinars.   LINK

A Parliamentary Question To The Minister Of Industry About Referring Profitable Government Factories To Private Investment

Wednesday 02, December 2020 17:17 | EconomicalViews: 31   Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the Governmental Program and Strategic Planning directed a parliamentary question to the Minister of Industry regarding referring profitable government factories to private investment companies, and it promised this to be a waste of public money. /


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