Iraqi News Wednesday AM 11-18-20

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 11-18-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The White Paper ... On The Experts' Table

Wednesday 18th November 2020   45  Baghdad: Shukran Al-Fatlawi  The Iraqi Economic Council held an economic symposium to discuss the White Paper presented by the government under the auspices of the Parliamentary Finance Committee and the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee and in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of Finance Dr. Ali Allawi, the President of the National Investment Commission Mrs. Soha Al-Najjar, the President of the Iraqi Trade Bank Mr. Salem Chalabi, and an advisor The Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Al-Hakim, and a large group of economic organizations and unions.

Chairman of the Economic Council Ibrahim Al-Masoudi Al-Baghdadi welcomed the attendees and said: "The topic of the symposium dealt with the importance of the White Paper and its preparation, and ways to advance the national economy, drawing on the opinions of economists and specialists on it from the attendees, in order to find the necessary solutions to change the paths of the national economy towards a better stage commensurate with Iraq's economic capabilities."

Employee productivity

As for the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ali Allaweef, he said: “In the first cabinet meetings, we agreed to form a committee to deal with the financial crisis consisting of five people. The committee began working on the white paper in cooperation with five other Iraqi experts. The core of the White Paper Preparation Committee was 10 people, and then it expanded to include 40 people.

After the historical narration of the reasons for the deterioration of the economic situation, we started by analyzing the causes of the problem of low productivity of the Iraqi employee and indicating cases of continuous decline in the Iraqi economy until the state became lacking in control of its finances, and we reached in the result the approval of more than 450 measures that must be taken to achieve the goals and treatments of the white paper, As well as there are annexes that will be issued for the white paper. "

Software policy

In turn, a member of the Iraqi Economic Council, Ghadeer Al-Attar, suggested adopting the program policy for the ministries, and the achievement of each institution is reviewed monthly and quarterly. Thus, the Council of Ministers evaluates the ministries ’work in an accurate manner, which contributes to rationalizing government spending and achieves the goals that have set the programs.

Cars through ZSCO for the production of cars such as Volvo and Isuzu, as well as production of sedans. Al-Attar pointed to "the severe damage caused by the introduction of damaged cars to the safety of citizens and the need to encourage the manufacture of new cars because of their positive impact on the national economy and their operation for thousands of workers. A detailed study on the subject will be submitted to the Minister of Finance for review."

Implement reforms

Advisor to the Prime Minister Muhammad al-Hakim stated that "the philosophical framework of the white paper includes a time space estimated at five years, and in our estimation, the White Paper is a road map for Iraq's economic problems and is not a radical solution to all problems and obstacles in the Iraqi economy, and that there must be a real will and consensus to implement reforms and measures." Mentioned in the paper.   LINK

The sub-committee of the Economic and Investment Committee hosts the head of the Baghdad Investment Commission and the director of the One Stop Shop

11/18/2020 On Tuesday 17/11/2020, the sub-committee in the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, headed by Representative Riad Al-Tamimi, hosted the head of the Baghdad Investment Commission and the director of the single window in the National Investment Commission.

During the meeting, staggered investment projects were discussed, stressing the need to set a time limit for resolving the issue, threatening lagging investors with strict measures that amount to withdrawing investment licenses if necessary, indicating that the next phase will witness the scrutiny of all lagging investment project files.

Al-Tamimi added that many of those who obtained investment licenses in the previous period did not proceed with their projects despite the passage of a long period since they got their hands on investment lands, citing flimsy arguments far from reality.

Stressing that his committee is studying all the delayed projects and the real reasons behind not having them completed so far.   House of Representatives  Media  Department 11/17/2020  LINK

The Council of Ministers holds a regular session headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and issues several decisions

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazimi, chaired today, Tuesday, a regular session of the Council of Ministers, during which discussions were held on the latest developments in the country, and the topics included in the agenda were discussed.

During the session, the developments of the work of the Committee to Promote Governmental Measures, in the fields of prevention and health control and awareness, were discussed, as well as the governmental procedures followed in the field of limiting the spread of the Coronavirus.

After the Council of Ministers discussed what was included in its agenda, it issued the following decisions:

First / Approval of the minutes of the fourth meeting of the Higher Commission for the Census attached to the letter of the Ministry of Planning, issue No. TS / 3/246, dated 08/25/2020, taking into consideration the opinion of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, according to the following:

1- Abolishing the paragraph ( 1) From Cabinet Resolution (108 of 2019), setting a new date for conducting the General Population and Housing Census in accordance with the provisions of Article (9) of the Statistics Law (21 of 1972), with a statement issued by the Minister of Planning.

2- All ministries send their remarks regarding the population census forms within a maximum period of one month from the date of issuance of this decision.

Second / Approval of the draft bill for financing the election expenses of the Council of Representatives, and referring it to the Council of Representatives based on the provisions of Articles 61 / First and 80 / Second of the Constitution.

Third / Approval of writing off the debts owed by the Independent High Electoral Commission for the rental allowances for the period from 2008 until the end of the year / 2020, which are estimated at (7500000000) dinars, only seven billion and five hundred million dinars, provided that the above commission will carry out its tasks regarding Preparing warehouses and receiving electoral equipment and supplies, in preparation for the upcoming electoral event, based on the provisions of Article (46) of the amended Federal Financial Management Law (6 of 2019).

Fourth / The Ministry of Defense bears the difference resulting from the conversion of the currency from the dinar to the dollar, whose value is (406,131,88) dollars, from the sums in the surplus dollar currency, which are in the current account of the Ministry of Defense opened in the Iraqi Trade Bank (TBT) and from the amounts of investment contracts, on the That the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance take appropriate measures regarding the required accounting entries, to register in the records and mark the aforementioned amount, for the purpose of the Ministry of Defense to initiate the opening of the documentary credit required duly and legally, to ensure the installation of medical devices in a general hospital for the armed forces.

Fifth / With regard to my loan to finance projects of the Ministry of Electricity implemented by Siemens, it was decided:

1- The adoption of paragraph (3 / F) of Article 2, secondly, the deficit from the Federal Budget Law for the fiscal year / 2019, as a legal basis for borrowing the amounts indicated in the Ministry of Finance book of number 4664, dated 9/1/2020, to finance a project for implementing and completing 8 turbine units, equipping and supervising (32) other cooling units, and a project for installing, installing and operating (9) gas turbines for the Wasit gas power station, with a total amount of € 438,550,000.

2- Borrowing from the Iraqi Trade Bank, the amount of the advance payment for the two aforementioned projects, amounting to (68,660,051) euros, according to Article (1 / First) of the Law of Internal and External Borrowing (5 of 2020).

Sixth / 1- Financing the fifth phase maintenance projects (PUPOS) for the benefit of the American GE company for the year 2020, with an amount of (250,000,000) dollars, only two hundred and fifty million dollars, through the loan agreement with the concerned export guarantee institutions.

2- Authorizing the Ministry of Finance to borrow from the Iraqi Trade Bank an amount (15%) as an advance payment of the value of the project during the year 2020, which is $ 37,500,000, only thirty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars.

Seventh / - Approval of the minutes (15 and 16) and recommendations of the Diwani order (45 of 2018), accompanying the linking of the Ministry of Planning letter of No. 1/2/840, dated 11/2/2020, related to hospital projects, with Taking into consideration the remarks of the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers confirmed according to its memorandum of number M.D / S / 2/1/71/387 LQ, dated 11/15/2020.

- With the exception of Paragraph (5), where the consultant office of Khatib and Alami is assigned to provide advice on it, provided that the consultancy fee is paid by the Ministry of Oil.

Eighth / The desire of the Republic of Iraq to strengthen the role of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI), in order to obtain more advice, support, technical assistance and electoral observation, as part of its efforts to support Iraq in this field.

Ninth / Authorizing the Minister of Finance the power to negotiate and contract with UNCTAD to automate customs work in accordance with paragraph (third) affixed in the Ministry of Finance book, number (2020) on 11/17/2020, with an exception from the instructions for implementing government contracts No. (2) ) For the year 2014, and canceling previous decisions on the subject of automation, provided that the contract is executed via UNACTED without referring it to others.

Tenth / Approval of the draft retirement and social security law for workers, which was examined by the State Council and referred to the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of Articles (61 / First and 80 / Second) of the Constitution, taking into consideration the opinion of the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.  Information Office of the Prime Minister  1 8 -Nov -2020

Baghdad Trade demands a legal system that supports development

Wednesday 18th November 2020 38  Baghdad: Hussein Thaghb, the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce demanded a legal system that advances the national economy and supports the sustainable development process sought by the country, which represents the current sector the most important pillar of which, this came during the Chamber’s participation in the legal session for drafting legislation established by the Parliamentary Development Institute in the Iraqi Parliament, and reviewed the Iraqi laws in the Iraqi Parliament. 1920 - 2020, in the presence of the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hassan Al Kaabi, heads of parliamentary committees, and representatives of the judiciary, government and ministries.

International companies

The head of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Firas Rasul Al-Hamdan, is said: The advancement of the legal environment is extremely important to the development of the economic reality, as this is the hinge that guarantees the rights of global, regional and local companies that intend and aspire to work in the country, especially since everyone is eagerly looking at creating a new legal environment far About intersections. "

He drew attention to "the importance of changing the laws that regulate the reality of the national economy in all its joints, to create effective productive and service sectors."

Food Act

In turn, the advisor to the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce and Professor of Food at Al-Nahrain University, Dr. Zaid Thabet, presented specialized research on the importance of a unified food law to protect food systems and food inspection, as well as employing thousands of graduates who demonstrate to demand job opportunities, and that the executive authority cannot legislate laws and continue With the legislative oversight authority, and the priorities of the parliamentary session is to achieve a unified food law, and the Presidency of the House of Representatives has instructed to hold a lecture and a seminar for the Chamber’s advisor focusing on the food law.

Eyes of experts

As for the economic advisor to the head of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Maha Al-Obeidi, she emphasized, "the importance of looking at the challenges facing the economy and trade through the eyes of field experts who understand where the defect lies and then work on describing effective remedies to achieve development goals," pointing out that "the deputy speaker of parliament instructed to hold a workshop The Baghdad Chamber of Commerce in the House of Representatives in this regard. "

Electronic questionnaires

Whereas, the consultant engineer, Qahtan Adnan Abdul Amir, a member of the General Authority of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, stressed the need to conduct electronic questionnaires for the laws and hear opinions from the community and those affected, and then adopt it to address the old laws, and take the experiences of successful countries,

It broadcasts educational programs in the media periodically, introduces the experiences of developed countries with laws, and researches volunteer work through an electronic platform, stressed the need for implementation mechanisms and strict laws, and keeps pace with technological progress by establishing an advanced electronic center to protect People.   LINK

Ports and Financial Improvement

Wednesday 18th November 2020   41   Saad Al-Taie  Ports are one of the most important outlets for the countries of the world, as they are the artery that connects the country with other countries through maritime transport. And all countries that do not have these important advantages suffer from enormous difficulties that cannot be compensated by other types of transportation.

In our country, which has only one sea port, represented in Basra Governorate, which has a limited number of ports, the urgent need arises to develop the existing ports and work to expand them in a manner that meets Iraq's increasing economic needs, in line with economic, agricultural and industrial development and work to establish new ports It is able to accommodate the expansion of commercial traffic with the rest of the world, whether for export or import operations for various goods and products, in a way that enhances the status of the Iraqi economy and supports it in striving to be a pioneering economy in the region.

Hence, the competent authorities in our country must give the great port of Faw the importance it deserves and work to achieve it at the highest speed and in a manner that achieves the maximum possible benefits for the Iraqi economy, which will positively reflect in the future on the commercial movement of Iraq and achieve the maximum profits and returns from its completion, as well as the need to expand the ports The existing ones, increase their absorptive capacity, and organize their work according to the latest methods, methods and modern technologies, in order to make them fulfill the required role with the maximum desired results and in a manner that exceeds the results obtained in the past that precede the development processes.

The development of Iraqi ports and increasing their capacity will positively affect the overall Iraqi economy with very many benefits. Development of this vital and important sector is a fundamental pillar for the development of our national economy, as it greatly helps to facilitate the smooth process of exporting locally produced goods, commodities and raw materials abroad, and increasing the flow.

The process of receiving, unloading and shipping goods, commodities and products imported from various countries of the world. This will also ensure that the time period in the completion of these operations is shortened and the routine complications associated with them are reduced, in a way that reduces them to much less time than is currently available.

Therefore, it is very necessary to give the issue of developing Iraqi ports the importance it deserves, and to ensure the improvement of their performance in the future.

This is because this type of transportation guarantees strategic advantages for the state in a way that exceeds the advantages available in other types of transport. It is imperative to work on developing it in a way that suits the importance it represents and the superior position it enjoys compared to other types. In addition to the necessity to take into account the current global developments in the commercial fields in particular and the economy in general, and what they are heading towards in terms of increasing, deepening and expanding commercial exchange of various types of goods and products in order to reach free trade that achieves maximum economic gains for it.  LINK

The Deputy Speaker Determines Two Options For Parliament To Pass The Federal Court Act

Pratha News Agency95 2020-11-18  The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hassan Al-Kaabi, identified two options before Parliament to approve the Federal Court law, stressing the importance of its presence in the current period for holding early elections.

Al-Kaabi said in a statement that "Parliament has two options to approve the Federal Court law. The first is to amend the text of the third paragraph canceled by the Federal Court, or to proceed with the legislation."

He added, "Legislating the law will be very important, to restructure this institution, which is concerned with the participation of a large number of stakeholders in constitutional and legal affairs by its members."

He pointed out that "it was agreed by the government and the three presidencies to hold early elections, and there will be no elections unless there is a federal court," stressing "the importance of its presence in the current period more."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi receives a phone call from the US Secretary of State

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received a phone call from the Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mike Pompeo, on Tuesday evening, during which they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as the development of the situation in the region.

The contact also discussed the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields. They also discussed the future of cooperation between Iraq and the international coalition led by the United States of America, in light of the growing Iraqi capabilities in fighting terrorism.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister  1 7 - November 2020

The Secretary of State announces the meeting with the American ambassador and comments on the withdrawal of 500 soldiers

Editing date: 11/18/2020 15:32 • 62 times read  [Baghdad-Where]  Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announced, on Wednesday, the results of the meeting with the US ambassador yesterday, while noting that the withdrawal of the 500 American soldiers came in consultation between Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Hussein said in a press conference, "It was agreed during the meeting to redeploy American forces outside Iraq and we confirmed during the meeting that there will be timings for scheduling the withdrawal and after the announcement of the agreement, we saw that there are strategic dialogue steps that have been confirmed after reducing the number of American forces in Iraq from 5,200." Component to 3 thousand. "

He added, "After the important contact between Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it was agreed to withdraw 500 military personnel, as the remaining number of soldiers will reach 2,500."

He pointed out that "the nature of the remaining forces will not be combat, and we have entered the fourth and final stage, which includes entering phase zero with the end of the fourth stage, and the combat operations that were caused by the entry of ISIS into Iraq will end."

He explained, "The presence of the American forces and the International Alliance in Iraq came under an official claim from the Iraqi government," noting that "ISIS was defeated in Iraq, but there are cells in a number of regions."

With regard to future work with the coalition forces and the American side, Hussain said, "It will continue on the basis of joint work with the Iraqi forces and the Iraqi Operations Room is the one that decides in the field of intelligence sharing, air cover and support for Iraqi forces, training and equipping them," stressing "the continuation of the work of the coalition." NATO is in Iraq. "

Finance: Opening an Arar outlet will contribute to maximizing revenues and strengthening relations with Saudi Arabia

Time: 11/18/2020 14:52:01 Read: 1,508 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Finance announced today, Wednesday, the official opening of the Arar border crossing between the Iraqi and Saudi side, in the presence of an official delegation from both sides.

The media office said in a statement, the Euphrates News received a copy of it, that "in the presence of the Director of the General Authority for Customs Sadiq Howeidi Abbas, a representative of the Minister of Finance, the Arar border crossing was opened in front of the trade exchange between the two countries, as it is an important economic artery, which will contribute to maximizing state revenues. And strengthening relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. "

"The opening was attended by the representative of the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Othman Al-Ghanimi, headed by a government delegation and in the presence of the governor of Anbar, the governor of Karbala, the deputy commander of joint operations, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, Major General Omar Adnan Al-Waeli, head of the Border Ports Authority and Commander of Anbar Police."

He pointed out that "the Saudi side represented the Saudi ambassador to Iraq, the director of the Saudi ports, and a number of Saudi government officials.   LINK


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