Iraqi News Tuesday AM 9-22-20

Iraqi News Tuesday AM 9-22-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Haddad Is Discussing With The Ministry Of Finance In The Kurdistan Region The Federal Budget Law For The Year 2020 And Financial Entitlements For The Region And All Governorates Of Iraq

The Vice President of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr. Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad, received today, Tuesday, 9/22/2020, in his official office in Baghdad, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Council, Dr. Sirwan Abdullah Sereni Mrs. Parveen Muhammad Nuri, Director General of the Budget at the Ministry of Finance of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the financial expert Abdullah Ramadan Maarouf, and during the meeting, which was attended by the financial advisor to the House of Representatives, Mr. Muhammad Jawad, a number of files and financial issues between Erbil and Baghdad and the federal budget law for the year 2020, which arrived Yesterday to the Presidency of the House of Representatives.

Al-Haddad, in the context of the conversation, stressed that the continuation of negotiations and the holding of meetings between official delegations coming from the region and officials in the federal government achieved a positive atmosphere between them, and relations began to improve at the security, economic, commercial and financial level, indicating the importance of strengthening the national spirit and direct cooperation between the two parties and taking into account the financial merits of the region Kurdistan and the rest of the governorates of Iraq in the federal budget law for the year 2020 to secure stability and implement service projects across the country.

This meeting was completed by an expanded meeting within the Finance Committee to discuss the draft budget law, which is limited to the remaining four months of (September, October, November, and December) of 2020, provided that the law is discussed in detail by the Finance and Legal Committees and the preparation of a report on the budget. In the upcoming meetings.  The Media Office of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Tuesday, September 22, 2020  LINK

Dr. Al-Haddad Chairs Part Of The Oil And Energy Committee Meeting To Discuss The National Oil Company Law And Calls For An Acceleration Of The Legislation Of The Oil And Gas Law

09/21/2020  Deputy Speaker of Parliament Dr. Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad chaired part of the Oil and Energy Committee meeting on Monday 23/8/2020, in the presence of Representative Haybat Al-Halbousi, Chairman of the Oil Committee, and the ladies and gentlemen of the committee members to discuss the legislation of a number of important laws related to the oil and gas sectors.

During the meeting, a number of issues were discussed, foremost of which is the draft law for the first amendment of the Iraqi National Oil Company law sent by the Council of Ministers based on the provisions of Articles 61 / First and 80 / Second Clause of the Constitution.

In the context of the conversation, Al-Haddad stressed the importance of laws related to energy, oil and natural resources, which need extensive discussions and hearings, and the need to benefit from the opinions and technical advice of the specialists.

His Excellency called on the Parliamentary Committees to redouble efforts and continue holding committee meetings to expedite the preparation of draft laws in accordance with constitutional contexts and the internal system, in line with the current stage and the needs of citizens to provide basic services and achieve stability throughout the country.

In turn, the head of the committee, Deputy Haybat Al-Halbousi, assured Mr. Vice President of Parliament that the committee is going ahead and is determined to legislate laws that fall within the specialization of the committee's work, indicating that the committee has opened the cabinet to send draft oil and energy laws, including the oil and gas law, in order to discuss it within the committee and resolve views Regarding it in order to vote on it within the committee and complete its legislation.

Also, during the meeting, the Kurdistan Region Council of Ministers' book on the law was discussed, in addition to the response issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to the region’s answers.

The Federal Court’s decision regarding vetoing articles in the National Oil Company’s law was discussed in order to amend them.

Al-Halbousi asked the ladies and gentlemen of the members to work continuously and jointly in holding continuous meetings to resolve the law due to its great importance on the country's economy and the development of the oil sector and oil installations, and thus increasing oil imports on which the budget depends by 90% of the country's total imports. House of Representatives  Media  Department   LINK

The House Of Representatives Votes On A Law, Ends Reading Of 5 Laws, And Sets A Date For Completing The Election Law

09/22/2020   The House of Representatives voted in its seventh session of the fourth parliamentary session of the third legislative year of the first legislative term, which was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohamed Al-Halbousi, Speaker of the House, today, Tuesday 9/22/2020, in the presence of 168 deputies, one law and finished reading and discussing the five laws.

at the outset of the meeting, Mr. Taleb President of the Council of all political forces and the legal Committee to make efforts for the completion of the electoral districts of the law of the House of representatives elections, calling on the consensus of all provincial representatives to reach a final formula meets the requirements of the The people simulate reality, directing that next Saturday's session will be devoted to completing the law.

The Council voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Paris Agreement attached to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992 submitted by the Committee on Foreign Relations for Participation and Cooperation with States to confront the threat posed by climate change and to address the phenomenon of greenhouse gas emissions and reduce its effects in the framework of activating and improving the implementation of the United Nations Convention The 1992 United Framework for Climate Change and its Protocols.

The Board finished a report and discussion of the draft law of ratification of the Convention on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion on income and capital between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Hungarian Government and submitted by the Committees for Foreign Relations and Finance.

During the session, partly headed by Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Bashir Al-Haddad, the Council completed the reading of a report and discussion of the draft law on ratification of the agreement to accelerate cooperation in the economic field and energy affairs between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the Republic of South Korea submitted by the committees on foreign relations, oil, energy, economy and investment.

The Council completed the reading of the report and discussion of the draft law on ratification of the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration, submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee.

The council requested reading the report and discussion of the draft law on information crimes submitted by the committees of security, defense, higher education, legal, culture, tourism, human rights, services, reconstruction, communications and the media until it is studied and the proposals submitted regarding it mature.

In the same context, the House of Representatives ended the first reading of the proposal for the Law on the Protection of a Human Rights Officer submitted by the Legal Committee to pay attention to the work of the human rights employee, to reduce the risks that he is exposed to, and to give them the privileges that would spare them from any other work that is inconsistent with the work of their job, just like their colleagues from the judicial authority employees.

He postponed the first reading of the third amendment proposal to the Accountants and Auditors Association Law No. (185) for the year 1969 submitted by the Finance Committee.

The Council completed the first reading of the draft law on the National Day of the Republic of Iraq submitted by the Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Committee in order to define the national day of the Republic of Iraq and to educate generations about the importance of this date.   After that, it was decided to adjourn the session to Thursday 9/24/2020 Information Department, Parliament 9/22/2020  LINK

Due Diligence Procedures

The Central Bank of Iraq called on all licensed non-bank banks and financial institutions to take utmost caution and caution on financial movements that take place through ( bank accounts, electronic wallets, and electronic payment cards of all kinds ) for social media celebrities, as well as developing scenarios to discover money laundering operations for these institutions In proportion to these cases, in coordination with the Office of Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, if necessary.

He also urged the Central Bank to take strict due diligence measures on the financial movements of the owners of electronic stores ( owners of e-marketing sites and marketing through social media ).

The Central Bank of Iraq  Information Office  September 20, 2020

Issue (4596) Of The Iraqi Newspaper Al-Waqi’a Issued On 9/21/2020

2020-09-22 11:07:00

1- Republic Decree No. (29) of 2020.

2- Decisions issued by the Committee on Freezing Terrorist Funds No. (33) and (34) for the year 2020.

3- The internal regulations of the General Company for Air Navigation Services No. (2) for the year 2020.

4- Instructions No. (2) of 2020 granting risk allowances to members of youth rehabilitation homes.

Those wishing to acquire the Iraqi factsheet can refer to the Iraqi investigation department located in Salhiya / Haifa Street (Ministry of Justice building), and obtain the required number.

Big Corruption Whales Await Their "Known" Fate

Tuesday 22nd September 2020  62  Baghdad - Al-Sabah: Omar Abdul Latif  The secret circles surrounding the heads and whales of large corruption are awaiting the next steps that the executive authority will take to strike corruption within the campaign that began days ago, and while a parliamentary source confirms to “Al-Sabah” that 98 percent of the work of the permanent committee on corruption crimes has not started yet, and will start in the stage. In the coming neighborhood, calls have escalated to include the campaign to hit the corrupt in other areas outside Baghdad, including Kirkuk and the Kurdistan region.

The government has stated in more than one statement that the arrest of some personalities is only the beginning of the work of the permanent committee to combat corruption and major crimes files that were formed under the leadership of the human rights chief, Ahmed Abu Ragheef, and these arrests constitute only 2 percent of the committee's work, amid expectations that the majority of the committee's work will be The next stage is directed at whales and large heads accused of corruption.

The House of Representatives as an entity that exercises the oversight role Filing dozens of corruption files to the Integrity Commission, which in turn transferred it to the Supreme Judicial Council to take measures against those convicted of these files. In his speech to Al-Sabah, Representative Raad Al-Maksousi expresses his optimism about the committee’s work during the next phase, which could lead to investigations with some personalities. Detainee to topple large heads for their involvement in those files.

Among the bodies that joined and represented in the work of the committee is the Iraqi National Intelligence Service. The efforts and capabilities of the agency can be harnessed in pursuing the corrupt and revealing their obscene wealth. The head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc Yonadam Kanna calls for accompanying the campaign launched by Al-Kazemi to implement the law (from where did you get this), In order to hold all officials and politicians accountable for the money they possess, as well as to include the campaign to include relatives of those responsible.

The opening of major corruption files by the competent committee can succeed in the event of work gradually by opening the middle files and succeeding in them, and then reaching the "major", but if this campaign is to succeed strongly, it must have "the support of the Iraqi people and the reference." Religious, ”according to the veteran Kurdish politician Mahmoud Othman.

News of the campaign against corruption in Baghdad prompted political figures to demand that Al-Kazemi open similar files in other governorates.

The head of the Turkmen Front, Arshad Al-Salihi, calls on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to send Major General Ahmed Abu Ragheef to Kirkuk governorate to question “the politicians who support their supporters to abuse their property. The state, as well as uncovering the stolen Kirkuk oil and products.

Badr Al-Ziyadi, a member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, called on the Kurdistan Regional Government to hand over all those against whom arrest warrants were issued and wanted to the federal government in light of cooperation with the latter, which has expanded recently.

Calls have also increased for the recent move to include the most corrupt, and MP for the Saeron Alliance, Amjad Al-Oqabi, says: “All the corrupt are at the table of the Diwani Order Committee, whose mission is to eliminate the corrupt after the completion of the evidence and all the requirements of the case and then issue an arrest against them.” This committee includes judges, investigators and the Counter-Terrorism Service, and it is an integrated department made up of an executive and judicial body.

As for the member of the Security and Defense Committee in the House of Representatives, Abdul Khaleq Al-Azzawi, he confirms that “Al-Kazemi received great support from many parliamentary figures and some political forces in order to complete this task, which is one of the thorny and complex files.very. «   LINK

In The Document .... The New Central Bank Governor Was Director Of Al-Mishkhab District In Najaf Governorate During The Time Of The Buried Tyrant Saddam Al-Tikriti

Ali Mohsen Radi302 2020-09-21  The Pratha News Agency obtained a document indicating that the new central bank director, Mustafa Ghaleb, Mkhaif al-Kitab, was the director of al-Mishkhab district in the province of Najaf during the time of the buried tyrant Saddam al-Tikriti

According to the document, Mukhayef was appointed for a period of six months under probation by ministerial order in 2002, and this order was signed by the fugitive criminal Mahmoud Dhiab Al-Ahmad, who was serving as Minister of Interior at that time.

The Chief Of Integrity Affirms Determination To Deter The Corrupt And Pledges To The Accused With These Guarantees

Time: 09/22/2020 16:06:53 Read: 897 times   {Baghdad: The Euphrates New} The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Alaa Jawad Hamid, stressed that the commission would go ahead with taking the legal deterrent measures to ensure the preservation of public money and subject the violators to the law, indicating at the same time the availability of guarantees for the accused, especially since the Commission’s investigators are subject to the supervision of judges.

Judge Alaa Jawad pointed out, during his meeting with the head of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Aqeel Al-Mousawi) and the accompanying delegation, according to the statement of the Integrity Commission, that "while the legal philosophy of the accused guarantees a fair trial, the investigative body’s procedures are sufficient to preserve public money and deter thieves."

Noting that “the work of the commission in its preventive side is embodied in cooperation with state institutions, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights, to correct and address errors and participate in developing solutions and prior prevention before falling into a misdemeanor or crime, expressing his willingness to conclude the commission with the commission a memorandum of cooperation that leads to uniting their efforts in combating Corruption, preserving public money, achieving citizen satisfaction and meeting his requirements, and adhering to international human rights guarantees.

For his part, the President of the High Commissioner for Human Rights affirmed that “the commission is seeking to consolidate cooperation with the commission, and include its reports submitted to international organizations to show the achievements of the Integrity Commission, noting the commission’s cooperation with the Commission to protect the citizen’s civil rights and personal reputation, and ward off corruption risks” which is more dangerous than Terrorism "over human rights".   LINK


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