Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Evening 12-28-22

Iraqi News Highlights Wednesday Evening 12-28-22

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Governor Of The Central Bank Affirms The Bank's Keenness To Provide Foreign Currency To Citizens

Political | 05:07 - 12/28/2022 The Governor of the Central Bank affirms the bank's keenness to provide foreign currency to citizens

Central Bank: New Instructions Will Be Issued To A Number Of Banks Regarding The Price Of The Dollar

political| 01:37 - 12/28/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed, on Wednesday, that it had taken several measures since last week to stabilize the exchange rate of the dollar, while referring to the nomination of a number of banks to sell the dollar currency to citizens on official holidays.

The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Ihsan al-Yasiri, said in an interview with the official news agency, followed by Mawazine News, that "the central bank has taken several measures to provide foreign currency since last week, which resulted in a decrease in the exchange rate in the local market."

And he pointed out that “the bank will issue instructions to a number of banks that were chosen by it, to work on official holidays, which are tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in order to continue selling dollars to the public, which will work to meet the requirements of those who need foreign exchange for the purposes of travel, treatment and study.” , stressing that "the coming days will witness the presentation of the cash dollar currency in full."

Regarding the spread of information stating that banks refrain from disbursing citizens’ balances in dinars and repeating Lebanon’s experience, Al-Yasiri explained, “This information is completely incorrect, and the Iraqi dinar is abundantly available in banks and in the central bank’s coffers,” noting that “these are rumors spread by conflicting parties.” Ended 29/N33

Sudanese Advisor: The Launch Of Development Depends On Reducing The Cost Of Corruption And Dismantling Its Systems

Economie| 11:35 - 12/28/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, on Wednesday, identified two things to sustain the domestic product and reduce unemployment rates, while contingent on the start of development by reducing the cost of corruption and dismantling its systems.

Saleh said, "The sustainability of growth in the country's gross domestic product is linked to the ability to provide two things, the first: immediate investment in the country's infrastructure, specifically the water and electricity networks, roads, transportation and the digital sector,

and the second thing: launching the initiative for joint projects in financing and management between the state and the private sector in Areas that have the first priority, such as large agricultural production, related industries and others, and the development of various services, which requires the immediate implementation of the government program regarding the importance of development funds and the roles they play in sustaining financing sectoral economic development in a manner that achieves two important goals.

He pointed out that "the two goals for achieving economic prosperity are: reducing unemployment rates to their minimum natural fractions, and the other is achieving growth rates in the gross domestic product that exceed population growth rates in order to sustain prosperity and capital accumulation together, and in a way that maximizes continuous investment in the life cycle of economic development in our country."

And he continued, "The progress of economic development and advancement, which we aspire to, requires combating corruption and its roots, which still cost the development bill additional burdens by about 40% above the costs of regular investment projects, which are additional unreal costs borne by development projects, in addition to delaying their implementation and suppressing their paths."

In an interview with the official news agency, Salih affirmed, "The launch of development depends on reducing the cost of corruption and dismantling its systems as a necessary condition for the stability of building the foundations for the future that the government program brought." Ended 29/N33

The decline in the exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar

Economie| 10:16 - 12/28/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The exchange rates of the dollar witnessed, today, Wednesday, a decline in the local stock exchange.  Selling price: 156,300 dinars per 100 dollars  . Buying price: 156,200 dinars per 100 dollars.

Central Bank: Facilitating Procedures For Travelers To Obtain Foreign Currency

Wednesday 28 December 2022 17:33 | Economical Number of readings: 117  Baghdad / NINA / - The Central Bank of Iraq announced today, Wednesday, the facilitation of procedures for travelers to obtain foreign currency (dollar).

The bank said in a statement: "The facilitation of procedures was done by expanding the outlets for selling foreign currency (dollar) in cash by increasing the shares of bank outlets, and an increase in their shares will be initiated."

He explained: "The outlets of the banks will be expanded, and the central bank staff will follow up the performance to support the efforts of the banks in enabling customers to obtain foreign currency (the dollar) easily."

And he added: “The bank branches shown in the table will meet customers’ requests, starting from Thursday, corresponding to 12/29/2022, and during the upcoming official holidays (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and throughout the following working days.”/ End


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