Iraqi News Friday AM 8-28-20

Iraqi News Friday AM 8-28-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Representative, Ala Talabani, infected with Corona virus

Pratha News Agency140 2020-08-27  On Thursday, an informed source said that a member of the Iraqi parliament, Ala Talabani, had been infected with the new Corona virus.

The source said, that Talabani underwent laboratory tests, and the results showed that she was infected with the virus.

More than 50 members of parliament have been infected with the virus since its outbreak in the country, which led to the suspension of legislative work and the failure to hold sessions.

A member of Parliament from Diyala Governorate, Ghaida Kampash, died on the tenth of last July, due to infection with the new Corona virus.

A large number of officials, social and sports figures, including security leaders and high-ranking officers, were exposed to infection with the Coronavirus, while a number of them died of the virus.

Rasheed Bank Warns The Offices Of {Iraq Gate} Company

Time: 08/28/2020 15:02:37 Read: 1,534 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Rasheed Bank warned today, Friday, the offices of the Iraq Gate Company accredited for the payment of the dues of the Palm Master Card holders owned by the bank against collecting any cash when their dues are paid.

And that "the merchant's commission amounting to 0.006% according to the instructions of the Central Bank to be collected electronically and deposited in their accounts opened with the bank."

The bank added that "in the event of a complaint about collecting cash from the bank’s customers, legal measures will be taken against you and the office will be closed in cooperation with the Iraq Gate Company."  LINK

Integrity Reveals That 58 Billion Dinars Were Wasted In The Project To Establish Schools In Kirkuk

Time: 08/28/2020 14:04:58 Read: 1,625 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Federal Integrity Commission revealed that there were cases of waste of public money in the project of constructing schools using pre-fabricated construction in Kirkuk governorate, indicating that the value of the project amounted to nearly 58 billion dinars.

Speaking about the seizure process, the investigation department of the authority indicated that the Kirkuk investigation office team moved to the governorate office, and set the priorities for the construction project of (25) schools using pre-fabricated construction method referred to a foreign company at an amount of (57,894,000,000) billion dinars, explaining That the project implementation period was set at (24) months, in contravention of the provisions of Clause (Fourth) of Article (4) of the Instructions for the Implementation of Government Contracts No. (1 of 2008).

The department added that the investigations of the authority's investigation office in the governorate revealed that the executing company of the project had tampered with the basic designs, reduced the number of schools from (25) to (18) schools, and changed designs and spaces, contrary to the terms of contracts and without obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Planning, in addition to the comprehensive implementation of the Kirkuk governorate. The Italian company according to the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (347 of 2015) contrary to the requirements of the resolution that stated the necessity to address the stalled projects; As a result of the security situation and the financial crisis.

She explained that the company’s inclusion in the provisions of the aforementioned decision led to a waste of public money by exempting the company from late fines and exaggerating the cost of the project.

She confirmed that a fundamentalist seizure report had been organized for the operation that was carried out based on a judicial arrest warrant, and it was presented with the seizures to the judge of the investigation court specializing in integrity issues in the Kirkuk governorate. To take appropriate legal action.   LINK

The Dollar Ends Its Week In Iraq At A Stable Price

Time: 08/28/2020 13:12:56 Read: 2,041 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, the foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded a stable exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The prices of selling and buying dollars in exchange companies and offices were as follows:

The selling price of one dollar was 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1222.5 dinars, or 122 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

Foreign exchange rates, gold and crude oil until the preparation of this news:

The euro The global price: 100 euros = 118.70 pounds

The sterling The global price: 100 pounds = 132,60 dollars of

the Turkish lira Global price: 100 dollars = 734.10 Turkish lira

The price of an ounce of gold in the world = 1943.10 dollars,

The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil = 45.70 dollars,

The price of a barrel of US crude oil = 43.05 dollars.   LINK

The Minister Of Transport Tells Shocking Details About The Corruption Of Influential Mafias In Airlines And Ports

Transport Minister Nasser Hussein Al-Shibli

Dialogues  Economy News _ Baghdad  Transport Minister Nasser Hussein Al-Shibli revealed that the parties' agendas are present inside the ports. Therefore, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi provided special protections for the purpose of completing the security fence for them "due to the large number of corruption," and while he indicated that all political blocs focus on airlines, ports, and land transport, stressing that there are A fact-finding committee to investigate the "illegal" violations of the Naseem Al-Iraq Maritime Company at Khor Al-Zubair port.

Al-Shibli said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, that “Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi worked to provide special protections for the purpose of completing the security fence for the ports to prevent corruption and smuggling,” explaining, “We have formed a fact-finding committee to investigate the issue of (NA) company and its actions without legal basis. At Khor Al-Zubair port, I replaced the crew due to a dispute between two companies over a berth and the committee is currently working on that. "

He pointed out that "all political blocs focus on airlines, ports, and land transport, and we discovered that truckloads inside Iraq are three times the load inside Iran," adding that when the ministry entered into a discussion of investment contracts, it found that all contracts allow the investor to take 70 percent of the profits and the state This deceives air freight and taxi Baghdad and others. As for the ports, the state takes 15% and 75% for the investors, as if the ministry is accustomed to it!

Al-Shibli demanded that the Civil Aviation Authority be separated from the Ministry of Transport because it causes us problems to intersect the powers between us and it, and to make it subordinate to the Prime Minister as a supreme authority. We would like to show that as of 2018, the aviation authority is responsible for organizing travel, and the ministry has no right to intervene. "

He explained that "the Iraqi Airways fleet includes only 31 planes, and the Baghdad taxi contract expired last year, but the former minister extended it." .

And between Al-Shibli, when I took over the ministry, I found it as if it was a house of heirs and I did not find anything interconnected, so I worked to bring qualified employees only to control corruption and waste, and the employees became afraid as a result of follow-up and we removed the agents and reduced their powers and imposed an electronic automation system in airlines, especially in the financial aspects, and this system preserves public money Waste is prevented, and the prime minister is very interested in this issue, and imports have increased by a large percentage and have reached reasonable amounts. "

The minister concluded his speech by saying that "the ministry is making excellent steps in the issue of the suspended train. We agreed with the Minister of Planning a few days ago, Design is complete, and we referred the matter to a French company with the help of the Railways Authority and the Baghdad Municipality."

Number of observations 157 Date of addendum 08/28/2020

Iraq Continues To Reduce Its Oil Production To 2.63 Million Barrels Per Day ... Less Than 40,000 Compared To Last July

Reports  Economy News _ Baghdad  Shipping data and sector sources show that Iraq's oil exports have declined since the beginning of August, indicating that the second largest producer in OPEC continues to abide by its pledge to reduce supply under an agreement led by the organization.

Exports in southern Iraq fell to 2.63 million barrels per day, as of 25 August, according to average figures from "Petro-Logistics", which monitors tanker shipments, and "Refinitiv Icon" data.

That is 40 thousand barrels per day less than the official July figure for exports from the south, which is 2.67 million barrels per day.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, in what is known as the "OPEC +" group, began from the beginning of August to reduce an unprecedented reduction in supply in conjunction with the start of the recovery of demand from the repercussions of the Corona virus crisis, and to preserve oil prices, which witnessed a sharp deterioration with the lack of demand during the closures that were imposed. It has been announced around the world to curb the spread of Covid-19 disease.

But Iraq had not fully complied with the agreement in previous months.

Executive Director of "Petro-Logistics", Daniel Gerber, said in statements to Reuters, that "Iraq is about to achieve the strongest level of monthly commitment this year."

South exports have been estimated at 2.6 million barrels per day since the beginning of August, which is 100,000 barrels per day less than its evaluation of the July shipments.

"However, they have yet to apply more substantial discounts to make up for the oversupply they had in the previous months."

Iraq had said, on August 7, that it would cut production by an additional 400,000 barrels per day in both August and September, to compensate for the increase in its production in the previous three months.

Baghdad was, at times, the OPEC member least committed to previous "OPEC +" agreements.

The south is the main export outlet for Iraqi crude. Oil exports in northern Iraq decreased slightly, in August, to about 400 thousand barrels per day, according to tanker data and a source in the sector.

In all, Iraq's exports decreased by 80,000 barrels per day, as of August 25, based on an average of all estimates available so far.

In July, Iraq's commitment to cut was about 73 percent, according to the results of a Reuters survey.

By using Iraq’s highest share for August as part of OPEC + arrangements, in light of the reduction in the volume of production, the percentage of Baghdad’s commitment would have risen to 106 percent, according to Reuters calculations.

Number of observations 102 Date of addendum 08/28/2020

Oil: We Provide Oil Derivatives To Support National Factories

Energy  Economy News – Baghdad  On Friday, the Ministry of Oil confirmed that it is serious about supporting the national industry by providing derivatives to support factories.

Assistant General Director of the Oil Products Distribution Company, Hussein Talib, said in a statement reported by the official news agency "INA" and reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the company is in the process of equipping the national factories with products of black oil and gas oil," indicating that "the company will provide black oil by 50%."

Of the operational capacity of these plants, due to the scarcity of the product, and its more uses than the Ministry of Electricity.

He pointed out that "there are stocks of petroleum products in all warehouses, and there is no shortage of these products, especially gasoline and gas oil."

The Ministry of Industry and Minerals had announced earlier that it had set up a plan to develop the local industry to meet the needs of the local market in order to achieve self-sufficiency and move to export.

Number of observations 54 Date of addendum 08/28/2020

Alia Nassif Stresses The Need To Complete The Faw Port, Which Will Be A Passage For Chinese Goods To Europe

Friday 28, August 2020 12:04 | EconomicalViews: 222  Baghdad / NINA / A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Alia Nassif, called on the executive and legislative authorities to reject the rail link with Kuwait, stressing the need to complete the Faw port project, which will be a passage for Chinese goods to Europe.

She Nassif, in a press release, to previous warnings of the danger of railway link with Kuwait to what will be achieved from the large imports of Kuwait at the expense of Iraq , which is entitled to it as if it was the completion of the great port of Faw , which would eliminate the benefit of the port of Mubarak final. "

She added that" Kuwait She put all her weight on the idea of ​​the railway connection and is trying to persuade some important figures in the Iraqi state to agree to it because the success of the port of Mubarak depends on it, and if Iraq agrees to the link, we will suffice with seeing Kuwait get an amount (250-400) dollars for each container that lands in its port, and the containers Estimated in large numbers. "

She explained, "The construction of the large port of Al-Faw will fire a bullet of mercy on the Kuwaiti plan to suffocate Iraq as a navigator, and may end the conflict between the two parties completely and waste all the money spent by Kuwait on burying parts of Khor Abdullah and the construction of Mubarak Port, which will remain a suspended port," stressing the importance of The executive and legislative authorities should stand against the railway connection and deal firmly with any Iraqi official who agrees to merely discuss with the Kuwaiti side on this issue, with the necessity of completing the large port of Faw even if we have to complete it with deferred payment. ”/ End 5

The Central Bank Directs Banks To Seize The Money Of Yasser Abdul Sakheil Al-Maliki, The Former Governor Of Karbala, And Zuhair Al-Araji

Pratha News Agency353 2020-08-27  On Thursday (August 27, 2020), the Central Bank of Iraq issued a circular to all licensed banks requesting the seizure of the funds of 9 personalities, including MP Yasser Abdul Sakheil Al-Maliki, son-in-law of the President of the State of Law, Nuri Al-Maliki, Zuhair Al-Araji and Aqeel Al-Taraihi.

The book, which was circulated by the Central Bank to all licensed banks, stipulated a request to seize movable and immovable funds for 9 personalities, including MP Yasser Abd Sakhail, his brother Luqman, and the former governor of Karbala, Aqeel Al-Taraihi and Zuhair Al-Araji, a former member of Parliament.

Parliamentary Finance: Whether Or Not The Current Crisis Will Continue Depends On The Rise In Oil Prices

Author: AhadNA3 On 28/8/2020 - 11:45 AM 91  Ahed News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the elimination of the financial crisis that Iraq is experiencing depends on high oil prices, and real reforms, pointing out the importance of industry and trade in reviving the economic situation in Iraq and eliminating its crisis.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said, "The continuation of the financial crisis or not depends on the rise in oil prices during the next year in addition to health factors related to the Corona virus and its effects."

He added that "improving the financial situation in Iraq, and not relying on oil as a major source of financing, needs to revive industry and trade and the real reform of the economic situation."

He stressed that "next year's budget must be submitted by the government to Parliament next October, in order to be approved by the Presidency of the Republic before the new year."

Khashan: Al-Kazemi Must Present The Budget To Implement His Government Program

Author: AhadNA3 On 28/8/2020 - 10:23 AM 91  Ahed News – Baghdad  Independent MP Basem Khashan stressed the need to submit the budget in order to implement the government program, pointing out that Al-Kazemi does not have an economic vision for the leadership of Iraq.

Khashan said, "The government program needs funds for its implementation, at a time when the government must present the budget in order to fulfill its obligations and implement its program."

He added, "The budget law needs to study the revenues and incomes that the state obtains, and on the contrary, Al-Kazemi does not have the necessary experience for the economic advancement of Iraq."

And that "some groups are not conscious and do not have the ability to distinguish between correct and wrong decisions, so that Iraq needs a person who is aware and understanding who has a political and economic culture to manage and lead Iraq."


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