Iraqi News and Highlights Thursday AM 7-9-20

Iraqi News and Highlights Thursday AM 7-9-20

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After 3 parliamentary committees demanded the document ... Al-Kaabi recommends that the Cabinet’s decision to renew mobile phone licenses be stopped

07/09/2020  Today, Thursday 9 July 2020, First Deputy Speaker of the House Hassan Karim Al Kaabi recommended to the cabinet to stop its decision to renew mobile phone licenses due to poor service by the phone companies, problems related to its debts, and the high cost price for communications and the Internet.

The address of the First Deputy came after the official requests that were presented by the ladies and gentlemen deputies in the parliamentary committees, “Media and Communication, Integrity and Finance”. While he called on the Council of Ministers to present the request to the ministers, to reverse the decision to renew these companies and inform the parliament.

Information office of the First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament  7/9/2020   LINK

Iraqi capital invested abroad

Thursday 09 July 2020  110  Baghdad / Al-Sabah  Many temptations are offered by many countries to attract Iraqi businessmen in exchange for sums of money invested in those countries, and at that time the investor gets the passport of that country that gives him freedom of movement between most of the world, which carries with it negative effects on the economy of the country, as an environment can be created An occasion to work and invest in Iraq leads to a lack of preference for another working environment.

Member of the Baghdad Economic Forum, Jassem Al-Iraqi, warned that "Iraq has job opportunities that are not counted in all economic sectors without exception, and can accommodate the efforts of regional, local and international companies. It is imperative that we work hard towards improving the reality of the investment environment, and preserving Iraqi expertise and money inside the country." ».

Labor market

The Iraqi added that «the Iraqi capital is present in the Diaspora and is estimated at hundreds of billions that we can return to the local labor market, provided that we achieve the attractions of the Iraqi funds that achieve various economic benefits.

The CEO of (Blumina) Wasim Dawood said: “There is an interest by investors and businessmen to obtain the second nationality and the second passport or Permanent residency through investment, due to the new facilities and programs that have been put forward by the governments, and the company has experience in this field and we have kept abreast of various changes and trends in the Arab world and in the world in the field of second nationalities and permanent residency through investment. We seek to be present in every Arab market, so we started in Jordan and expanded to Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Palestine and more recently in Qatar. ”

Ease of procedures

He pointed out that "in general, the citizens of Iraq prefer to obtain the nationalities of the Caribbean countries belonging to the British Commonwealth, because of the ease of obtaining them, in countries such as Saint Kitts and Nevis of the British Commonwealth."

In turn, the economic affairs specialist Ahmed Al-Rikabi stressed the "need to protect Iraqi human resources with expertise in the field of their work, and we should not provide them free of charge to the different countries of the world and with capital that can achieve a major economic benefit for the country."

Protect our resources

He referred to «the need to diagnose the relevant authorities this matter and work to find solutions and protection Our human resources and capital are better than what was presented on a plate of other economies.

”He pointed out,“ It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Commonwealth countries offer temptations to the holder of the second nationality and their families, including traveling to more than 160 countries without a visa.

The investor is also a first-class citizen in and gets Residence in Britain for a period of 6 months per year, thereby obtaining the best health care and education services, as well as tax exemption on income and the possibility of opening external bank accounts and registering companies abroad and developing businesses, and here we should take advantage of these incentives and work to find greater temptations than that. These fortunes. ”

Iraqi applicants

You ask Rikabi for a reason

All Iraqi applicants obtain a Saint Kitts and Nevis passport with a 99 percent success rate

Without any cases of refusal and progress

This service is guaranteed by thousands of businessmen, doctors and investors in Iraq

And their family get a second passport?  LINK

Separate planning from implementation

Thursday 09 July 2020  98  Dr.. In the name of Brahimi  The problem of statistics and data is one of the main problems in Iraq, due to the lack of data or

Its inaccuracy causes another more serious problem is the inability to provide appropriate solutions in Various areas, and among the topics that have been widely debated among economists is the issue of the size of actual public investment spending during the past years, as It is estimated that it amounted to (300) billion Dollars for the period (2003 - 2019), and the question here is: What did you verify these sums? How can we address the apparent imbalance In which?

The review of the implementation of the investment budgets for the mentioned period shows that the investment spending suffered from two problems of low rates of implementation and fluctuation, in terms of the actual spending ratios to the planner in the public budgets, according to data issued by the Federal Ministry of Planning, where the average implementation rates reached about (60%) for the mentioned period ,

And the low implementation rates are mainly due to poor security conditions, as well as the causes related to mismanagement, red tape and corruption, bearing in mind Some people even question this percentage and see that the truth is less than

Much, if we leave statistics and data and rely on Analyzing the data we see, it can be said that investment spending is considered a chapter of corruption that is difficult to control in The mechanisms followed, and hence the   This issue needs real treatment to advance the reality of the Iraqi economy.

The previous government has attempted to solve the problem through the Iraqi-Chinese agreement and the creation of an investment fund to be implemented under high-level government supervision, Especially for the companies executing it is a good move If it succeeds, the other solution that we propose here is In the formation of a body (body or any other designation) associated with the prime minister that works to refer and follow up investment projects within the general budget instead of ministries, i.e.

The ministries plan the investment projects that they need within their field, while the proposed body specializes in implementation procedures, thus separating the planning authority from the implementation agency; What we believe is important in facing corruption, and this proposal we put in front of the attention of the current government as it prepares its economic reform program, hoping that it will be useful and capable  Applicable.  LINK

Parliament Finance: A Consolidated Reform Paper to Promote the National Economy

Thursday 09 July 2020  100  Baghdad / Farah Al-Khaffaf  Nothing is louder than the sound of reforms these days after the government headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi announced a map of reforms under the name of the White Paper.

This paper, which will be organized in the law of economic and financial reform, has won popular and parliamentary praises, pending their completion and submission to start implementing them on the ground.

Bilateral meetings

With the start of preparing them, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed directions for holding meetings with the responsible executive bodies to ripen visions and ideas between the two authorities to come out with a unified paper that contributes to the advancement of the national economy.

In this regard, the committee’s rapporteur, Dr. Ahmed Al-Saffar, said in a special statement to “Al-Sabah”: “The solution lies in comprehensive restructuring and reform that includes all sources of oil and non-oil revenues, i.e. maximizing revenue on the one hand, and on the other hand, following up on public expenditures that do not achieve justice "In the distribution, it must be restructured."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi announced that his government prepared a white paper for the expected reforms that includes economic, financial and administrative reforms, plans and strategies to meet the challenges facing the country.

Uniform paper

Al-Saffar added, "The House of Representatives gave the government a 60-day period to present a comprehensive reform paper for revenues and expenditures in Iraq," noting that "the Finance Committee made several proposals in another paper, and we look forward to organizing meetings through a closed television circle with the government to discuss the two papers, and come up with solutions to restore Structuring and reforming the economic and financial system in Iraq within a unified paper.

Maximizing imports

The Parliamentary Committee had revealed a plan to maximize financial imports and activate the economic sector.

Member of the Committee, MP Hussein Al-Oqabi said: “The House of Representatives gave the government 60 days to present an integrated plan to tackle the economic issue. ».

Al-Aqabi added that «the strategic plan should focus on measures to enhance non-oil revenues and reduce the rate of dependence on oil revenues according to steady steps until we reach a normal rate similar to the countries of the region, which depend on oil revenues by 50% or less and have 50% of revenue other than Oil », indicating that« this plan must be defined by time ceilings, and be multi-domains, not only tax and other areas, but other economic areas ».

He explained in a statement to "conscious" that "the state spends approximately 10 to 15 percent of its revenues on the gas and oil derivatives sectors, as well as in the sectors of trade and agriculture", calling for "the provision of security and the authority of the state and the law to provide the appropriate environment to attract foreign investment in these sectors" , According to a time limit within a general and expanded map.

Finance Committee meeting

Meanwhile, member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee MP Majida Al-Tamimi announced her committee’s intention to discuss six axes, the most prominent of which is the amendment of the retirement law and the dues of holders of higher degrees.

In a statement, Al-Tamimi said that she «submitted a request to the Finance Committee to discuss six important axes, which have a direct impact on the lives of citizens to take decisive action on them». She added, “The six axes include, first: the second amendment to the Unified Retirement Law No. 9 of 2014 and the detailed report that I submitted, second: the dues of free lecturers, third: the dues of holders of higher degrees, fourth: the salaries of those transferred to other ministries, and fifth: the appointment of the first students Sixth: Adding other axes by the members of the Finance Committee.

Al-Tamimi indicated that «a proposal to amend the retirement law has been submitted to the Presidency of the House of Representatives and transferred to the Finance Committee during last June», stressing «the importance of continuing the work of parliamentary committees and the adoption of technology to continue to hold regular sessions and meetings to develop solutions to the problems suffered by citizens, especially Related to their livelihoods. ”

Al-Tamimi stressed «the necessity of spending financial dues in its timing and taking into account the difficult conditions that he is going through Citizen ».  LINK

Central Bank of Iraq announces the value of currency sales by Thursday's auction

Political| 03:42 - 09/07/2020  Baghdad - Mawazine News  , data showed the Central Bank of Iraq to carry out sales of foreign currency worth $ 148.7 million at the auction held, today, Thursday, compared to sales yesterday, Wednesday, of $ 177.39 million.

According to central bank data, today, the exchange rate was 1190 dinars per dollar, at the auction held with the participation of 22 banks.

The Central Bank of Iraq stated that the total auction sale amounted to 148.96 million dollars.

During an auction on Wednesday, data showed the Central Bank of Iraq implemented sales of foreign currency worth $ 177.39 million, compared to Tuesday's sales of $ 177.43 million.

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