Iraqi News and Highlights Friday 7-31-20

Iraqi News and Highlights Early Friday 7-31-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

 Speaker of the Parliament congratulates the Iraqi people on the blessed Eid al-Adha

07/31/2020  I extend to our people congratulations on the arrival of the blessed Eid Al-Adha, asking the honorable Lord to make it Eid Faraj, recovery and reassurance, aware of the size of the difficult conditions that the citizen is going through and the challenges of the epidemic that prevented this joy from being completed. Citizens can no longer tolerate further deterioration, and everyone must endure Responsibility to fix the situation, as time will not remain open to Iraqi patience.  LINK

NATO Reveals A Meeting With Iraq Next Month

Time: 7/31/1920 13:50:02 Read: 2,067 times  {International: Al Furat News} The NATO Alliance is a review of the contexts of its work in Iraq.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it, that “the ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Brussels, Sadiq al-Rikabi, met at his office at the embassy headquarters, Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Operations Affairs John Menza, and the meeting discussed the latest developments in relations between Iraq and NATO, and he worked NATO Training Mission in Iraq.

The Ambassador al-Rikabi pointed out that "the importance of the role played by NATO to support Iraq logistically in its war against terrorism, and stressed the importance of respecting the sovereignty of Iraq and the decisions of its various institutions."

For his part, Menza explained that the alliance is working on preparing a periodic review of its work contexts in line with the priorities of Iraq, building its military capabilities, training its security forces in its various classes, and that it seeks to hold a virtual meeting via the television department with the relevant Iraqi authorities in the month of August.  LINK

Al-Kazemi: We face many challenges, and we look forward to establishing a state that rules justice

Time: 7/31/2020 12:21:40 Read: 2,626 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, confirmed that Iraq “faces many challenges.”

Al-Kazemi said in a tweet on Twitter: "Eid al-Adha is different from previous years, and we face many challenges and accumulations of past years.

However, we cannot help but overcome the adversity and crises, looking to establish a state that governs justice and equality."

He added, "Let the Eid give an opportunity for a better tomorrow, every year, my family and the children of my Iraqi people, a thousand good."   LINK

The Dollar Is Settling In Iraq Today

Time: 7/31/2020 10:08:38 Read: 3,237 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded, today, stability in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices are as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1242.5 dinars, or 124 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The price of foreign currencies, gold and crude oil - until the preparation of this news:

The euro The global price: 100 euros = 118.90 sterling dollars The global price: 100 pounds = 131.35

Turkish lira The global price: 100 dollars = 697.80 Turkish liras

The price of an ounce of gold Globally = 1973.00 dollars

Per barrel of crude oil Brent = 43.70 dollars

Per barrel of US crude oil = 40.35 dollars.  LINK

Parliamentary Integrity: An Upcoming Meeting With Al-Kazemi To Discuss Corruption Files

Friday 31, July 2020 16:26 | PoliticalViews: 34  Baghdad / Nina / The Parliamentary Integrity Committee revealed today, Friday, a close meeting with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to discuss the files of corruption.

Member of the Committee, Deputy Jawad Al-Saadi, said in a press statement today: "This meeting aims to discuss the government program presented to the House of Representatives, as well as discuss corruption files belonging to a number of ministries." Integrity Commission, and a few members of the Authority cannot open these files since 2003. "

Al-Saadi demanded that "the Integrity Committee turn a full circle of legal, administrative, and accountants, and all that the committee needs to uncover files, especially after canceling the offices of general inspectors."

"There are a lot of corruption files affiliated with the Ministry of Oil, Trade, mobile phone contracts, state real estate, and other files, including files referred to the Public Prosecution and Prosecution Authority, and from them, subcommittees formed by the committee were transferred to investigate these files." / End 9

The Minister Of Transport: We Are Racing Against Time To Complete The First Phase Of The Grand FAO Project And Start Operating It

Thursday 30, July 2020 19:50 | EconomicalViews: 161 Baghdad / Nina / Minister of Transport, Nasser Hussein Bandar Al-Shibli, confirmed that the ministry is racing against time to complete the first phase of the grand FAO project and start operating it.

The Ministry of Transport said in a statement that the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) received a copy of it that "Minister Nasser Hussein Bandar Al-Shibli chaired today an expanded meeting with representatives of the Korean Daewoo Company and in the presence of Director General of Ports Farhan Muhaisen Al-Fartousi, Director of Ports Planning and Director of the Port Authority Rahim Rashid, to discuss how to speed up the implementation of infrastructure works for the Grand Faw port. "

She added, "The Minister urged all parties concerned to exert maximum potential to complete these works and prepare the first stage of the project's infrastructure for operation as soon as possible."

Al-Shibli stressed that "the Iraqi ports are racing against the time for the purpose of achieving advanced completion rates in the Grand Faw project." Passing through the dry channel that will link the continents of Asia and Europe together across Iraqi territory. "

Al-Shibli stressed "to continue to work despite the difficult circumstances and the spread of the Corona pandemic and high temperatures."

It is mentioned that the giant big FAO project is one of the important projects in the country, as it will contribute to revitalizing the Iraqi economic side and will be an important link in the transportation of goods and goods through Iraqi ports, as well as that would provide thousands of job opportunities and return to the state treasury with resources and big profits. /

American Newspaper: The Federal Reserve Supplies Iraq With "10 Billion Dollars" Annually From Oil Sales

Economy  Thursday 30 July 2020 | 07:56 pm| Views: 244  A New York Times report reveals that the Iraqi political class, with US sponsorship and responsibility, has been corrupted by controlling billions of dollars in oil imports through the Federal Reserve Fund. The report states that the aims of the corrupt political class are only self-enrichment, as this cross-sectarian gang has perfected fraud at all levels: routine misinformation of checkpoints, bank fraud, embezzlement of government salaries and corrupt deals and contracts.

The report considered the United States with regional countries that shattered the economy and dealt with corrupt traditional allies. The report revealed that the New York Federal Reserve supplies Iraq with at least $ 10 billion annually in hard currency from oil sales in the country. Much of that has been passed on to commercial banks in a long-hijacked money-laundering gang in Iraq.

The report pointed out that it is not easy to estimate the full cost of what was stolen from Iraq, as the deals are conducted in cash, documents are difficult to obtain and government statistics are often not reliable. However, available information indicates that Iraq may have illegally exhausted its national wealth abroad than any other country.

The report indicated that a senior Iraqi statesman with long experience in the finance field compiled a classified evaluation of the Atlantic Council, an American research center, based on talks with bankers, investigators, and contacts in a variety of foreign countries. He concluded that between $ 125 and $ 150 billion is owned by Iraqis abroad, most of them illegally acquired. And that other estimates amount to 300 billion dollars, where he estimated that about 10 billion dollars of the stolen money is invested in London real estate alone.

The full account extends beyond the financial bill to the damages to the culture and society of Iraq that were destroyed by this corruption. ” The report stated: One of the former ministers - a technician who spent decades abroad upon arrival in office - discovered that his ministry was buying vaccines with a contract of $ 92 million and had found another way to purchase the same vaccines for less than $ 15 million. He said: As soon as I did that, I faced a great deal of resistance, a fierce campaign against me, which forced me to resign after my family and I were threatened with death.

The report stressed that the political leaders who head this graft are well known and some of them are loyal American allies, as the Barzani and Talabani families in Kurdistan used their control over the contracts of that region and its central bank to become very wealthy. He added: The political leaders who head this graft are well known

Khazali And His Evaluation Of The Work Of The Current Government

Author: Ahad6 On 7/31/2020 - 1:43 PM 149   Al-Ahed News- Baghdad- special

The speech of the Secretary General of the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Sheikh Qais Al-Khazali, attracted unprecedented media attention, for many reasons, including that it was the first word of a public leader who spoke openly about the reality of the government, including that the word diagnosed major mistakes in the work of the current government, including that Khazali Or a leader who includes this government in the assessment list.

The points that Khazali touched on were not only the most important, but rather were the core of the suffering suffered by the Iraqi people, such as dealing with the Corona pandemic, the issue of border crossings, the electricity file, the suffering of the unemployed, the issue of demonstrations, and other important files, and renewing work Mobile phone companies.

What is striking about this word is that Khazali revealed a very dangerous thing, which is his disclosure of the political agreement that the session of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to hold early elections, and this matter reveals this agreement was "overthrown" it, and the government began dealing with very large files Do not fit into this task, such as the issue of extending the work of mobile operators.

Sheikh Khazali promised, "The renewal of the work of the mobile phone companies by the government puts many unanswered questions, as the government put itself in the circle of accusations of corruption after the work is renewed for companies, asking," Why did the government not activate the fourth license of a national company. "

He emphasized his dependence on "the Iraqi judiciary to stop the renewal of mobile phone contracts."

Another remarkable thing is the comparison of Sheikh Khazali between the work of the previous government headed by resigned Mr. Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and the work of the government of Mr. Al-Kazemi, and his opinion that the treatment of the government of Abdul-Mahdi was much better than the government’s handling of it, which is witnessing a near lack of electrical current , Which led to the intensification of protests in the country.

He said, "The government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi has succeeded in managing the electricity file and the current government should benefit from the experiences, but the current government has focused on border crossings and left the deteriorating reality of services."

Al-Khazali affirmed his standing with the legitimate demands of the protesters while maintaining the peaceful protests, warning that the third party will now penetrate the demonstrations through attacks and killings, but we call on the demonstrators to continue demanding their rights while maintaining the peaceful protests.

He called on the current government to "implement the agreement signed with German Siemens to get rid of the electricity file, and we will wait and watch what the government will take from a decision to end the electricity crisis, as the American Electric Company is trying to monopolize the electricity file in Iraq."

He added, "It would have been better for the government to allocate the time you wasted on the file outlets to treat electricity."

Sheikh Khazali promised, "The problem of the border crossing points is not security. Rather, there are financial and administrative corruption problems inside the outlets, as this file cannot be dealt with only by extending security influence and control."

He continued, "Automation is the only solution to control the work of the outlets and achieves a real treatment for the existing corruption, considering that" if there was a real will in addressing the issue of the outlets that should include addressing the outlets of the region. "

He stressed, "All previous and current governments have not been able to resolve the Kurdistan border outlets."

Sheikh Khazali revealed, "There are negotiations taking place by investors to buy electric energy from Kurdistan, and that the region requested financial amounts equal to three times the amounts of energy imports from Iran, but the electricity problem is only addressed by bringing in specialized international companies such as German Siemens" .

Contrary to what is rumored in the media, Khazali affirmed his standing with the demonstrators completely, and with their true demands, but at the same time he pointed out the existence of serious external agendas, who wanted to use the demonstrations to topple the government of Abdul-Mahdi, and end the crowd.

He said, “The external plans are trying to exploit the legitimate demands of the demonstrators and push things in certain directions, since since the beginning of the demonstrations there were trained and tired elements whose job is to fuel violence, and that the so-called third party has the function of inflicting the largest number of victims of the demonstrators and the security forces, and it is the most violent street against the factions that It fought ISIS by burning its headquarters. ”

He continued, "The third party is the American-Israeli-Emirati project with two political and security figures. One of the reasons for trying to topple the government of Abdul-Mahdi is the failure of the China Agreement and the German Siemens contract, and the second goal of the Emirati project is to topple the popular crowd."

Sheikh Khazali promised, "Representing the body of the martyr Abu Jaafar Al-Alaiwi and his brother has thwarted the Emirati-Emirati project in Iraq, as America was working to exploit the legitimate demands of the demonstrators to achieve its goals in Iraq, just as Trump is working to exploit the wealth and wealth of Iraq."

He stated, "There were Western Gulf funds spent on the demonstrations, but international and international positions in addition to the American ambassador disappeared despite the problems that exist now."

Also, Sheikh Khazali revived the Iraqi mentality by calling for changing the constitution, and its harsh criticism of the parliament system in Iraq, by calling on parliament to complete the election law legislation as soon as possible, as the government is required to provide the necessary funds to hold early elections, and the constitution and the parliamentary system must be changed to resolve the country's crises. .

"As long as the regime in Iraq is parliamentary, there will not be a fundamental and comprehensive change of our situation," he added.   He called for "careful handling by the operating theater formed around the disputed areas."   LINK

Oil Continues To Rise From The Lowest Level In 3 Weeks

15:23 - 07/31/2020  Information / follow-up ..Oil prices rose today, Friday, after touching the lowest level in three weeks in the previous session, in response to a record decline in US growth, as the Corona virus afflicts the largest economy and oil consumer in the world.

Brent crude rose 41 cents, or 1%, to $ 43.35 a barrel. And on Thursday, Brent closed down 1.9% after touching its lowest level since July 10th.

And US crude gained 43 cents, or 1.1%, to $ 40.35, after falling 3.3% in the previous session, rising from low levels not seen since the tenth of July.

Brent is on track for fourth-month gains, while US crude is heading for the third monthly gain, and the benchmarks rose from lows in April when most of the world was in isolation measures.

But increasing casualties again and spreading around the world underscore the constant threat of oil demand.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies intend to increase production from next Saturday, adding about 1.5 million barrels per day to global supplies.

Globally, gloomier economic expectations prevailed, as increased Corona virus infections risked renewed public isolation measures and threatened any recovery, according to a Reuters poll of more than 500 economists.

This was confirmed by news Thursday that the gross domestic product in the United States fell at an annual pace of 32.9%, the largest decline in output since records began in 1947.

In Germany, a record drop in output occurred, as Europe's largest economy contracted by 10.1% on a quarterly basis in the April-June quarter.

Data from the Ministry of Industry showed today that Japan's oil imports fell by more than 30% in June to about 1.9 million barrels per day, while sales of oil products fell 10% .. ended 25 Q

Washington: We Are Working To Keep Iraq Out Of A Dangerous Political Game

POSTED ON 2020-07-31 BY SOTALIRAQ  On Thursday, the US State Department accused Iran of using Iraq and other countries as a "stage of settling accounts", noting that the United States is working to keep Iraq away from a "dangerous political game."

"The United Nations recently issued a report on violations of Resolution 2231 by the Iranian regime, as the report concluded that the latter was behind the attacks against Saudi Arabia last year, and dangerous weapons were also exported to the Houthis from," regional ministry spokesman Geraldine Griffiths told Kurdish media. Before the Iranian regime. ”

She added, "The United States is now working to extend the arms embargo on the Iranian regime, as envoy Brian Hook is touring the region to discuss this file," explaining that "from the point of view of the United States, the American proposal is the best option for finding a diplomatic and peaceful solution to this problem." .

And she added that "the United States is concerned with establishing peace and security in Iraq, while the Iranian regime uses Iraq and other countries as a theater for settling scores and this does not benefit the Iraqis." It is working at the diplomatic level to urge the Iranian regime “to keep Iraq away from this dangerous political game.”

On her country's priority in the region, Griffiths stressed, "What matters to the United States is security, stability and peace in the Middle East, and it seeks to calm the conflict and find diplomatic solutions to problems."   LINK

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