IQD CALLS Early Thursday 3-12-20

IQD CALLS Early Thursday 3-12-20

Wilder  LOCAL NC governor declares state of emergency as state deals with coronavirus

Wilder   Donald Trump Hasn’t Been Tested for Coronavirus Despite Possible Exposure, Says White House

xyz   Hospitals Prep For 96 Million Infections & 480K Deaths

Wilder   Trump had contact with congressmen Collins and Gaetz before they self-quarantined over coronavirus concerns.

Wilder   xyz this could get real ugky. Financial woes for families.

Wilder   New word. UGKY

Wilder   Bad news. 7 miles away from me. Miami University moving classes online amid COVID-19 outbreak


Xyz   Mini RV: company is reportedly paying volunteers around $4,500 to be infected with the new coronavirus, COVID-19.

xyz   Bernie Sanders calls long lines at Michigan polling stations an "outrage," suggests Dems are engaging in voter suppression

xyz   Study: Corona may be more widespread by air conditioning

Jimmy Lee   Wilder exactly...spooky

Wilder   xyz i would think heating systems as well with the return air system.

TWWIII   Not posted yet??? Here is an article & pix of Iranian gov officials that have Corona Virus Pix of the ones died already: :

Whitelions   Reducing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate - determinants and alternatives -........... I translated the pdf on this article it's on our blog

Whitelions   it'sput out by the CBI

Whitelions   Zig tell kap no because the key word in the article is FORMER minister thats like Obama telling Trump what he should do its not going to happen .

Doug_W   NOW is the time to invest in silver its DOWN to $16.20 that is -0.71

Doug_W    that is my opinion anyhow~~

jimmy Lee    trading halted for 15 mins.

Doug_W   Jimmy Lee Silver:$16.08 -0.83

Matt    Dow Jones Industrial Average INDEXDJX: .DJI  21,856.91 −1,696.31 (7.20%)


Doug_W   this is ALL do to "panic" knee jerk reactions instead of common sense

Jimmy Lee   Doug_W iam going to try to buy gold and silver today

Matt   Market Watch: Trading halted after S&P 500 dropped 7% | 3/12/2020

Doug_W   no gold 4 me too expensive and very hard to trade IF our economy faild Silver can be easily

Doug_W Silver:$15.96 -0.95

Doug_W   GOLD is down -51.86

Doug_W   every com0odity except purell is way down

Clay   purell lol

Clay   morons

Clay   hand sanitizer is used to prevent bacteria not viruses

KRnMS   Restraint ,restraint, Blah, blah, blah surprised Trump hasn’t struck back on the Iranian militia

Doug_W   KRnMS give him time

KRnMS   that’s what I’m thinking too, Iraqis say they captured the launchers and some rockets, but no personnel

KRnMS   UN says restraint, restraint... but we know they must be killed,

KRnMS   hunt them, track them , destroy them and all their gear

KRnMS   you would think we could hit them immediately with our own rockets or artillery

Doug_W   the UN sounds like Obama's policy

KRnMS   well Obama would pay them to stop

Doug_W   billions LOL

KRnMS   the Iraqis say they will investigate and punish whoever did it

KRnMS   will be about as successful at that as forming a functional government that helps Iraq

KRnMS   Iraqs are spineless cowards, traitors to their own country

Dave   Doug_W ...,.whats with siLver?

Doug_W   ALL comodities and metals are WAY down   Silver:$15.94 -0.97

Dave   should being going up...usually happens when everything else crashes

Dave   ?

Doug_W    "should be"

Dave   Our Banks cutting interest rates yet again...2x in a month

Dave   get a mortgage for less than 2.5%

Doug_W   great deal

Dave   you guys just cut the interest rates too...?

Clay   Dave hey buddy

Doug_W   Dave Silver:$15.91-1.00

Dave    Clay Buyn Silver?

Clay   already getting cancellations because of the carona virus

Clay   no silver for me

Doug_W   panic

Clay   I know thats why

Dave    Clay wash your hands and buy TP

Dave   `1 case on the Island....schools shutting down

Doug_W   the world is shutting down

Clay   Dave lol

Clay   funny... why is everyone buying up TP

Dave   confused...swine flu a few yrs ago was much worse

Clay   Dave I know

Clay   the media has people scared

Dave   WHO CDC aint helping

Clay    my son and daughter's colleges closed till Easter

Clay   no they r not

Clay   Johns Hopkins is one of the major hospitals trying for a cure

Dave    Cure?

Clay   all students were sent me so they have room for isolation units

Clay   crazy  its only gonna hurt small businesses

Dave   getting a hazmat suit for work

Dave   or more TP?

Clay   lol

Dave   people are nor asking which is worse Swine Flu or this Bird Flu?

Clay   nope

Clay   this isnt even close

Dave   either way lol

Clay   yep just hope it doesnt start really killing business

Dave   the World........

Dave   dont wanna pay out on all those 401s?

Clay   lol

Clay   conspiracy

Clay   China wanted to get rid of all its elderly... they cant work plus they are the last generation that tasted freedom

Dave   Makes one think.......the world may be flat after all


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday PM 3-12-2020


Tidbits from TNT Thursday Afternoon 3-12-2020